#' Solar position
#' @param x data.frame with MERRA-2 subset
#' @param UTC name (string) of the column in x with date and time in UTC format
#' @param yday optional name of column in x with the day of the year (consistent with UTC time), will be used if "UTC" is not provided
#' @param hour optional, the name of column with hour of the day (0 to 23, UTC time assumed)
#' @param lon longitude of the location
#' @param lat latitude of the location
#' @param verbose
#' @param integral_steps integer number of steps for calculation of solar_time, hour_angle, and zenith within an hour, and the logical variable; default is 2 (start and the end of every hour)
#' @param keep.all if TRUE, the interim variables declination, eq_time, solar_time, and hour_angle will be added to x and returned
#' @details
#' \loadmathjax
#' List or data.frame with estimated following solar geometry variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Solar declination (\mjseqn{\theta_d})
#' \mjsdeqn{\theta_d = \frac{23.45\pi}{180}\sin{\big(2\pi\frac{284+n}{365}\big)}}
#' \item Equation of time (\mjseqn{E_{qt}})
#' \mjsdeqn{
#' E_{qt} = \begin{cases}
#' -14.2\sin{\big(\frac{\pi(n+7)}{111}\big)}& & {1 \leq n \leq 106}\newline
#' 4.0\sin{\big(\frac{\pi(n-106)}{59}\big)}& & {107 \leq n \leq 166}\newline
#' -6.5\sin{\big(\frac{\pi(n-166)}{80}\big)}& & {167 \leq n \leq 246}\newline
#' 16.4\sin{\big(\frac{\pi(n-247)}{113}\big)}& & {247 \leq n \leq 365}
#' \end{cases}
#' }
#' \item Apparent solar time (\mjseqn{T_{solar}})
#' \mjsdeqn{T_{solar} = T_{UTC}+\frac{E_{qt}}{60}+longitude/15}
#' \item Hour angle (\mjseqn{\theta_{hr}})
#' \mjsdeqn{\theta_{hr} = \frac{T_{solar}-12}{12}\pi}
#' \item Zenith angle
#' \mjsdeqn{zenith = \arccos\big({\sin{(latitude)}\sin{(\theta_d)}+\cos{(latitude)}\cos{(\theta_d)}\cos{(\theta_{hr})}\big)}}
#' \item Azimuth angle
#' \mjsdeqn{
#' azimuth = \begin{cases}
#' \arcsin{(A)}& & {A \geq 0, B \geq 0}\newline
#' 180-\arcsin{(A)}& & {B < 0}\newline
#' 360+\arcsin{(A)}& & {A < 0, B \geq 0}
#' \end{cases}
#' }
#' where \cr
#' \mjseqn{n - \text{day of the year}} \cr
#' \mjseqn{A = \sin{(azimuth)} =
#' -\frac{\sin{(\theta_{hr})}\cos{(\theta_d)}}{\sin{(zenith)}}} \cr
#' \mjseqn{B = \cos{(azimuth)} = \frac{\sin{(\theta_d)}-
#' \sin{(latitude)}\cos{(zenith)}}{\cos{(latitude)}\sin{(zenith)}}}
#' }
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import mathjaxr
#' @examples
#' NA
solar_position <- function(x,
UTC = "UTC",
yday = "yday", hour = "hour",
lon = "lon", lat = "lat",
# azimuth = "azimuth",
integral_steps = 1,
keep.all = TRUE,
verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"), ...) {
# browser()
# integral_steps = 3
# Checks
if (is.null(x[[UTC]])) {
if (is.null(x[[yday]]) || is.null(x[[hour]])) {
stop("Either 'UTC' or both 'yday' & 'hour' should be defined")
} else {
if (!is.null(x[[yday]]) || !is.null(x[[hour]])) {
# stop("Only one of 'UTC' or ('yday' & 'hour') should be defined")
warning("Using 'UTC', ignoring 'yday' & 'hour'")
if (any(lubridate::tz(x[[UTC]]) != "UTC")) {
if (verbose) message(" Changing the timezone of 'UTC' to UTC\n")
x[["UTC"]] <- lubridate::with_tz(x[["UTC"]], tzone = "UTC")
if (verbose) cat(" The day of the year (yday) and the hour (hour) at UTC timezone\n")
x[[yday]] <- lubridate::yday(x[[UTC]])
x[[hour]] <- lubridate::hour(x[[UTC]])
if (any(x[[yday]] == 366)) {
if (verbose) cat(" Leap year adjustment (yday 366 -> 365)\n")
x[[yday]] <- yday365(x[[yday]])
# solar declination ####
# x$declination <- solar_declination(yday = x[[yday]], check_yday = FALSE)
if (verbose) cat(" Solar declination (declination)\n")
declination <- 23.45 * pi / 180 * sinpi(2 * (284 + x[[yday]]) / 365)
# Equation of time ####
# x$eq_time <- eq_time(yday = x[[yday]], check_yday = FALSE)
if (verbose) cat(" Equation of time (eq_time)\n")
eq_time <- rep(NA, length(x[[yday]]))
ii <- x[[yday]] <= 106
eq_time[ii] <- -14.2 * sinpi((x[[yday]][ii] + 7) / 111)
ii <- x[[yday]] > 106 & x[[yday]] <= 166
eq_time[ii] <- 4.0 * sinpi((x[[yday]][ii] - 106) / 59)
ii <- x[[yday]] > 166 & x[[yday]] <= 247
eq_time[ii] <- -6.5 * sinpi((x[[yday]][ii] - 166) / 80)
ii <- x[[yday]] > 247
eq_time[ii] <- 16.4 * sinpi((x[[yday]][ii] - 247) / 113)
# Integral over hour
if (integral_steps > 1) { # dh - weights (increment of every step)
dh <- rep(1/(integral_steps - 1), integral_steps)
h_i <- cumsum(c(0, dh[-integral_steps])) # hour steps
dh[1] <- dh[1]/2; dh[integral_steps] <- dh[integral_steps]/2
} else {
dh <- 1 # weight
h_i <- 0.5 # mid of hour
# browser()
solar_time <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = integral_steps)
hour_angle <- solar_time
zenith <- solar_time
sin.azimuth_N <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = 1)
cos.azimuth_N <- sin.azimuth_N
azimuth_N <- sin.azimuth_N
# Apparent solar time ####
if (verbose) cat(" Apparent solar time (solar_time) ")
for (i in 1:integral_steps) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
solar_time[,i] <- x[[hour]] + h_i[i] + eq_time / 60 + x[[lon]] / 15 # + 0.5
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# Hour angle ####
if (verbose) cat(" Hour angle (hour_angle) ")
for (i in 1:integral_steps) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
hour_angle[,i] <- pi * (solar_time[,i] - 12) / 12
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# Zenith angle ####
if (verbose) cat(" Zenith angle (zenith) ")
for (i in 1:integral_steps) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
zenith[,i] <- sinpi(x[[lat]] / 180) * sin(declination) +
cosd(x[[lat]]) * cos(declination) *
zenith[zenith[,i] > 1, i] <- 1
zenith[zenith[,i] < -1, i] <- -1
zenith[,i] <- acos(zenith[,i]) / pi * 180
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# browser()
if (verbose & integral_steps > 1) cat(" Direct beam hour (beam)\n")
x$beam <- rowSums(zenith < 90) == integral_steps
# Integrating...
if (verbose) cat(" Integrating\n")
# dh <- c(0L, 1L, 0L)
zenith <- zenith %*% dh
# zenith <- matrix(apply(zenith, 1, min, na.rm = T), ncol = 1)
solar_time <- solar_time %*% dh
hour_angle <- hour_angle %*% dh
# solar_time <- matrix(x[[hour]] + 0.5 + eq_time / 60 + x[[lon]] / 15, ncol = 1)
# hour_angle <- matrix(pi * (solar_time - 12) / 12, ncol = 1)
# if (verbose) cat("ok\n")
# Azimuth angle ####
# x$azimuth <- azimuth(yday = x[[yday]], lon = x[[lon]], lat = x[[lat]], )
if (verbose) cat(" Azimuth angle facing North (azimuth_N)")
# browser()
# for (i in 1:integral_steps) {
for (i in 1) {
# cat(i, " ", sep = "")
# A
sin.azimuth_N[,i] <- -sin(hour_angle[,i]) * cos(declination) /
sinpi(zenith[,i] / 180)
sin.azimuth_N[sin.azimuth_N[,i] < -1] <- -1
sin.azimuth_N[sin.azimuth_N[,i] > 1] <- 1
sin.azimuth_N[is.nan(sin.azimuth_N[,i]),i] <- 0 # temporary solution for poles
# B
cos.azimuth_N[,i] <-
(sin(declination) - sind(x[[lat]]) * cosd(zenith[,i])) /
(cosd(x[[lat]]) * sind(zenith[,i]))
cos.azimuth_N[cos.azimuth_N[,i] < -1] <- -1
cos.azimuth_N[cos.azimuth_N[,i] > 1] <- 1
cos.azimuth_N[is.nan(cos.azimuth_N[,i]),i] <- 0 # temporary solution for poles
# browser()
# azimuth[,i] <- rep_len(NA, length(sin.azimuth[,i]))
jj <- cos.azimuth_N[,i] >= 0
azimuth_N[!jj,i] <- 180 / pi * (pi - asin(sin.azimuth_N[!jj,i]))
ii <- jj & sin.azimuth_N[,i] >= 0
azimuth_N[ii,i] <- 180 / pi * asin(sin.azimuth_N[ii,i])
ii <- jj & sin.azimuth_N[,i] < 0
azimuth_N[ii,i] <- 180 / pi * (2 * pi + asin(sin.azimuth_N[ii,i]))
rm(sin.azimuth_N, cos.azimuth_N, ii, jj)
# Full hour beam logical variable
# azimuth <- azimuth %*% dh
# if (verbose) cat("done\n")
# if (verbose) cat(" Integrating...")
if (keep.all) {
x$declination <- declination
x$eq_time <- eq_time
x$solar_time <- solar_time #%*% dh
x$hour_angle <- hour_angle #%*% dh
x$zenith <- zenith #%*% dh
x$azimuth_N <- azimuth_N #%*% dh
if (verbose) cat(", facing Equator (azimuth_Q)")
x <- azimuth_N2Q(x, lat = lat, lon = lon)
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# browser()
if (F) {
# x <- left_join(merra2_mar, select(locid, 1:3))
size <- energyRt::size
x <- merra2_mar %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_jan) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_feb) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_mar) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_apr) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_may) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_jun) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_jul) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_aug) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_sep) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_oct) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_nov) %>%
# bind_rows(merra2_dec) %>%
y <- solar_position(x)
# summary(y$zenith_avr)
# summary(y$beam)
# mathjaxr::preview_rd("solar_position", type = "pdf")
# y <- mutate(y, hour_angle_plus = pi * (12 - solar_time) / 12)
# summary(y$hour_angle_plus)
# y$zenith_plus <- acos(sinpi(y$lat / 180) * sin(y$declination) +
# cospi(y$lat / 180) * cos(y$declination) * cos(y$hour_angle_plus)) / pi * 180
# ii <- sample(1:nrow(y), size = 1e4)
# plot(y$zenith[ii], y$zenith_plus[ii])
# summary(y$zenith[ii] - y$zenith_plus[ii])
# Internal functions ####
yday365 <- function(yday) {
# leap year normalization
yday[yday == 366L] <- 365L
stopifnot(all(yday >= 1L))
stopifnot(all(yday <= 365L))
eq_time <- function(yday, check_yday = TRUE) {
if (check_yday) yday <- yday365(yday)
y <- rep(NA, length(yday))
ii <- yday <= 106
y[ii] <- -14.2 * sinpi((yday[ii] + 7) / 111)
ii <- yday > 106 & yday <= 166
y[ii] <- 4.0 * sinpi((yday[ii] - 106) / 59)
ii <- yday > 166 & yday <= 247
y[ii] <- -6.5 * sinpi((yday[ii] - 166) / 80)
ii <- yday > 247
y[ii] <- 16.4 * sinpi((yday[ii] - 247) / 113)
solar_time <- function(hour, E.qt, lon) {
# T.solar - the apparent solar time
hour + 0.5 + E.qt / 60 + lon / 15
hour_angle <- function(T.solar) {
# theta.hr - the hour angle in radians
return(pi * (T.solar - 12) / 12)
zenith <- function(lat, theta.d = NULL, theta.hr = NULL,
yday = NULL, # required for theta.d and theta.hr
lon = NULL, hour = NULL # required for theta.hr
) {
# solar zenith angle (in degrees, from 0 to 180 degree,
# with 0 when sun at zenith direction and 90 when sun at the horizon)
if (is.null(theta.d)) {
if (is.null(yday)) stop("Either 'theta.d' or 'yday' should be provided")
theta.d <- solar_declination(yday)
if (is.null(theta.hr)) {
if (any(is.null(yday), is.null(lon), is.null(hour))) {
stop("Either 'theta.hr' or all of 'yday', 'lon', 'hour' should be provided")
T.solar <- solar_time(hour = hour, E.qt = eq_time(yday), lon = lon)
theta.hr <- hour_angle(T.solar)
zenith <- acos(sind(lat) * sin(theta.d) +
cosd(lat) * cos(theta.d) * cos(theta.hr)) / pi * 180
azimuth_N <- function(yday, lon, lat, hour, check_yday = TRUE) {
# solar azimuth angle (in degrees, from 0 to 360 degree,
# with 0 degree at north and 90 degree at east)
# given in horizontal coordinate system
# checks
if (check_yday) yday <- yday365(yday)
E.qt <- eq_time(yday, check_yday = FALSE)
T.solar <- solar_time(hour, E.qt, lon)
theta.d <- solar_declination(yday, check_yday = FALSE)
theta.hr <- hour_angle(T.solar)
zenith <- zenith(lat, theta.d, theta.hr)
# A
sin.azimuth_N <- round(-sin(theta.hr) * cos(theta.d) /
sinpi(zenith / 180), digits = 12)
# B
cos.azimuth_N <- round(
(sin(theta.d) - sind(lat) * cosd(zenith)) /
(cosd(lat) * sind(zenith)),
digits = 12
azimuth_N <- 180 / pi * (
(sin.azimuth_N >= 0) * (cos.azimuth_N >= 0) * asin(sin.azimuth_N) +
(cos.azimuth_N < 0) * (pi - asin(sin.azimuth_N)) +
(sin.azimuth_N < 0) * (cos.azimuth_N >= 0) * (2 * pi + asin(sin.azimuth_N))
# rm(sin.azimuth_N,cos.azimuth_N)
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