.pv_array_type <- function(array.type, asFactor = FALSE) {
# internal function
.tracking_types <- c("fh", "fl", "th", "tv", "tl", "td")
# "fh" # "Horizontal (h) fixed (f) arrays"
# "fl" # "Tilted (l) fixed (f) arrays"
# "th" # "Horizontal (h) single axis tracking (t) arrays"
# "tv" # "Vertical (v) single axis tracking (t) arrays"
# "tl" # "Tilted (l) single axis tracking (t) arrays" - testing
# "td" # "Dual (d) axis tracking (t) arrays"
if (length(array.type) == 1) {
if (grepl("ALL", array.type, ignore.case = T)) {array.type <- .tracking_types}
} else if (is.null(array.type)) {
array.type <- .tracking_types
if (asFactor) array.type <- factor(array.type, levels = .tracking_types, ordered = TRUE)
#' List tracking system types
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pv_array_types()
#' pv_array_types("fl")
pv_array_types <- function(array.type = "all", asFactor = FALSE) {
d <- data.frame(
array.type = .pv_array_type(array.type, asFactor = asFactor),
description = ""
d$description[d$array.type == "fh"] <- "Fixed (f) horizontal (h)"
d$description[d$array.type == "fl"] <- "Fixed (f) tilted (l)"
d$description[d$array.type == "th"] <- "Single axis horizontal (h) tracking (t)"
d$description[d$array.type == "tv"] <- "Single axis vertical (v) tracking (t)"
d$description[d$array.type == "tl"] <- "Single axis tilted (l) tracking (t)" # - testing
d$description[d$array.type == "td"] <- "Dual (d) axis tracking (t)"
#' Photovoltaic Solar Panel Orientation and Performance Models
#' @param x data.frame object with MERRA-2 subset
#' @param lat latitude of PV location (\mjseqn{-90 \leq lat \leq 90})
#' @param azimuth_Q solar azimuth angle for the PV location (\mjseqn{0 \leq azimuth < 360})
#' @param zenith solar zenith angle for the PV location (\mjseqn{0 \leq azimuth \leq 90})
#' @param array.type type of tracking ()
#' @param verbose
#' @param tilt.param
#' @param suffix
#' @details
#' \loadmathjax
#' \describe{
#' \item{Fixed PV Panel (\mjseqn{*.fl})}
#' {South-facing fixed solar PV with the tilted angle equal to the site's latitude.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item PV Tilted Angle (\mjseqn{array.tilt}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.tilt = latitude}
#' \item PV Azimuth Angle (\mjseqn{array.azimuth}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = 180}
#' }
#' \item{Horizontal Single-Axis PV Tracker (\mjseqn{*.th})}
#' {A horizontal single-axis PV tracker with its axis in align
#' with the meridian direction and parallel to the ground.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item PV tilted angle under the optimal rotation strategy (\mjseqn{array.tilt}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.tilt = \arctan{\big(\tan{(zenith)}\cos{(azimuth-array.azimuth)}\big)}}
#' \item PV Azimuth Angle (\mjseqn{array.azimuth}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = 90 \textrm{ if } azimuth < 180}
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = 270 \textrm{ if } azimuth \geq180}
#' }
#' \item{Vertical Single-Axis Tracker (\mjseqn{*.tv})}
#' {A vertical single-axis PV tracker with its axis normal to the ground.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item PV tilted angle under the optimal rotation strategy (\mjseqn{array.tilt}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.tilt = latitude}
#' \item PV Azimuth Angle (\mjseqn{array.azimuth}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = azimuth}
#' }
#' \item{Tilted Single-Axis Tracker (\mjseqn{*.tl})}
#' {A single-axis PV tracker with its axis parallel to the meridian direction and the axis tilted angle equal to the site’s latitude.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item PV tilted angle under the optimal rotation strategy (\mjseqn{array.tilt}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.tilt = \arctan{\big(\frac{\tan{(zenith)}}
#' {\cos{(array.azimuth-180)}}\big)}+\delta\pi}
#' where \mjseqn{\delta=0 \textrm{ when } 90 \leq array.azimuth \leq 270,
#' \textrm{ otherwise }\delta=1}
#' \item PV Azimuth Angle (\mjseqn{array.azimuth}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = 180(1+\sigma)+\Delta tilt}
#' where
#' \mjsdeqn{\sigma = \begin{cases}
#' 1& & {\Delta tilt < 0, azimuth \geq 180}\newline
#' 0& & {\Delta tilt \times (azimuth-180) \geq 0}\newline
#' -1& & {\Delta tilt > 0, azimuth < 180}
#' \end{cases}}
#' \mjsdeqn{\Delta tilt = \arctan{\frac{\sin{(zenith)}
#' \sin{(azimuth-180)}}{\cos{(\beta)}\sin{(latitude)}}}}
#' \mjsdeqn{\cos{(\beta)} = \cos{(zenith)}\cos{(latitude)}+
#' \sin{(zenith)}\sin{(latitude)}\cos{(azimuth-180)}}
#' }
#' \item{Dual-Axis Tracker (\mjseqn{*.td})}
#' {A dual-axis PV tracker.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item PV Tilted Angle under the Optimal Rotation Strategy (\mjseqn{array.tilt}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.tilt = zenith}
#' \item PV Azimuth Angle under the Optimal Rotation Strategy (\mjseqn{array.azimuth}, in degrees)
#' \mjsdeqn{array.azimuth = azimuth}
#' }
#' }
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import mathjaxr
#' @examples
#' NA
pv_array_position <- function(x,
array.type = "fl",
suffix = TRUE,
# lon = "lon",
lat = "lat",
azimuth_Q = "azimuth_Q", zenith = "zenith",
verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"),
tilt.param = tilt.param.default()
) {
# browser()
# c("fh", "fl", "th", "tl", "tv", "td")
array.type <- .pv_array_type(array.type)
if (verbose) cat(" PV-array position, array.type: ")
ii <- x[[zenith]] <= 90 & is.finite(x[[zenith]]) # sun over horizon
# south <- x[[lat]] < 0
for (i in array.type) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
y <- data.table(
array.tilt = as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(x))),
array.azimuth_Q = as.numeric(rep(NA, nrow(x)))
if (i == "fh") {
# fixed horizontal ####
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # Southern hemisphere facing North
# y$array.azimuth[x[[lat]] > 0] <- 180 # Northern hemisphere facing South
y$array.azimuth_Q <- 0 # facing equator
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # Southern hemisphere facing North
# y$array.azimuth[x[[lat]] > 0] <- 180 # Northern hemisphere facing South
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # facing equator
#>>>>>>> master
y$array.tilt <- 0
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.fh[1]] <- array.tilt.range.fh[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.fh[2]] <- array.tilt.range.fh[2]
} else if (i == "fl") {
# fixed tilted ####
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # Southern hemisphere facing North
# y$array.azimuth[x[[lat]] > 0] <- 180 # Northern hemisphere facing South
y$array.azimuth_Q <- 0 # facing equator
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # Southern hemisphere facing North
# y$array.azimuth[x[[lat]] > 0] <- 180 # Northern hemisphere facing South
# y$array.azimuth <- 0 # facing equator
#>>>>>>> master
y$array.tilt <- abs(x[[lat]])
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.fl[1]] <- array.tilt.range.fl[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.fl[2]] <- array.tilt.range.fl[2]
} else if (i == "th") {
# tracking horizontal ####
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
# y$array.azimuth <- 90 + as.numeric(x[[azimuth]] > 180) * 180
y$array.azimuth_Q <- -90 + as.numeric(x[[azimuth_Q]] >= 0) * 180
# y$array.azimuth <- 90 + as.numeric(x[[azimuth]] > 180) * 180
# y$array.azimuth <- -90 + as.numeric(x[[azimuth]] >= 0) * 180
#>>>>>>> master
# ii <- x[[zenith]] < 90
y$array.tilt[ii] <-
tan(x[[zenith]][ii] / 180 * pi) *
cosd(x[[azimuth_Q]][ii] - y$array.azimuth_Q[ii])
)) / pi * 180
y$array.tilt[!ii] <- 0
# y$array.tilt[y$zenith > array.tilt.range.th[3]] <- 0
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.th[1]] <- array.tilt.range.th[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.th[2]] <- array.tilt.range.th[2]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.th[4]] <- 0
} else if (i == "tl") {
# tracking tilted ####
# browser()
y$array.tilt <- abs(x[[lat]])
y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt == 0] <- 1e-10 # workaround for lat == 0 (equator)
y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < tilt.param$tl$min] <- tilt.param$tl$min
y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > tilt.param$tl$max] <- tilt.param$tl$max
y$array.azimuth_Q <- 0 # facing equator
y[[zenith]] <- as.numeric(NA)
y[[azimuth_Q]] <- as.numeric(NA)
y[[zenith]][ii] <- x[[zenith]][ii]
y[[azimuth_Q]][ii] <- x[[azimuth_Q]][ii]
AOI.fl <- acos(
# round(
cosd(y[[zenith]][ii]) * cosd(y$array.tilt[ii]) +
sind(y[[zenith]][ii]) * sind(y$array.tilt[ii]) *
cosd(y[[azimuth_Q]][ii] - y$array.azimuth_Q[ii])
# , digits = 15)
delta.gamma <- atan(
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
# sind(y[[zenith]][ii]) * sind((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180)) /
sind(y[[zenith]][ii]) * sind((y[[azimuth_Q]][ii] - 0)) /
# sind(y[[zenith]][ii]) * sind((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 0)) /
# sind(y[[zenith]][ii]) * sind((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180)) /
#>>>>>>> master
(cos(AOI.fl) * sind(y$array.tilt[ii]))
) / pi * 180
# rm(array.azimuth,array.tilt,AOI.fx)
y$array.azimuth_Q[ii] <-
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
# (180 + delta.gamma + ((delta.gamma * (y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180)) < 0) *
# (2*((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180) >= 0) - 1) * 180) #* (zenith < 90)
(delta.gamma + ((delta.gamma * y[[azimuth_Q]][ii]) < 0) *
(2*(y[[azimuth_Q]][ii] >= 0) - 1) * 180) #* (zenith < 90)
# (180 + delta.gamma + ((delta.gamma * (y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180)) < 0) *
# (2*((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180) >= 0) - 1) * 180) #* (zenith < 90)
# (delta.gamma + ((delta.gamma * y[[azimuth]][ii]) < 0) *
# (2*(y[[azimuth]][ii] >= 0) - 1) * 180) #* (zenith < 90)
#>>>>>>> master
# rm(delta.gamma, AOI.fl)
# cbind(y, delta.gamma, AOI.fl)
# gc()
y$array.tilt[ii] <- (
#<<<<<<< tl_tracking
tand(y$array.tilt[ii]) / cosd(y$array.azimuth_Q[ii])) +
(cosd(y$array.azimuth_Q[ii]) < 0) * pi) / pi * 180
# tand(y[[zenith]][ii]) / cosd((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180))) +
# (cosd(y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180) < 0) * pi) / pi * 180
# tand(y[[zenith]][ii]) / cosd((y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180))) +
# (cosd(y[[azimuth]][ii] - 180) < 0) * pi) / pi * 180
# tand(y$array.tilt[ii]) / cosd(y$array.azimuth[ii])) +
# (cosd(y$array.azimuth[ii]) < 0) * pi) / pi * 180
#>>>>>>> master
y$array.tilt[!ii] <- 0
y[[zenith]] <- NULL; y[[azimuth_Q]] <- NULL
# # browser()
# # y$array.tilt <- as.numeric(0)
# # `iii` - handle cases when zenith > 90 & GHI > 0
# cospi.array.az <- rep(0., length(ii))
# cospi.array.az[ii] <- round(cospi((y$array.azimuth[ii] - 180) / 180), 5)
# iii <- ii & (abs(cospi.array.az) > 0)
# y$array.tilt[iii] <- (atan(tanpi(x[[zenith]][iii] / 180) /
# cospi.array.az[iii]) +
# (cospi.array.az[iii] < 0) * pi) / pi * 180
# # southern hemisphere adjustment
# tilt_180 <- y$array.tilt > 90 & !is.na(y$array.tilt)
# y$array.tilt[tilt_180] <- 180 - y$array.tilt[tilt_180]
# apply boundaries
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.tl[1]] <- array.tilt.range.tl[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.tl[2]] <- array.tilt.range.tl[2]
} else if (i == "tv") {
# tracking vertical (azimuth) ####
# browser()
y$array.tilt <- abs(x[[lat]])
y$array.azimuth_Q <- x[[azimuth_Q]]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.tv[1]] <- array.tilt.range.tv[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.tv[2]] <- array.tilt.range.tv[2]
} else if (i == "td") {
# tracking dual axes ####
y$array.tilt <- 0
y$array.tilt[ii] <- x[[zenith]][ii]
# y$array.tilt[x[[zenith]] > array.tilt.range.td[3]] <- 0
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < array.tilt.range.td[1]] <- array.tilt.range.td[1]
# y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > array.tilt.range.td[2]] <- array.tilt.range.td[2]
y$array.azimuth_Q <- x[[azimuth_Q]]
} else {
stop("Unknown array.type '", i, "'.")
if (tilt.param[[i]]$backtracking) {
y$array.tilt[x[[zenith]] > tilt.param[[i]]$shading] <- 0
y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt < tilt.param[[i]]$min] <- tilt.param[[i]]$min
y$array.tilt[y$array.tilt > tilt.param[[i]]$max] <- tilt.param[[i]]$max
# y -> x
array.tilt <- "array.tilt"; array.azimuth_Q <- "array.azimuth_Q"
if (suffix) {
array.tilt <- paste0(array.tilt, ".", i)
array.azimuth_Q <- paste0(array.azimuth_Q, ".", i)
names(y) <- c(array.tilt, array.azimuth_Q)
x[[array.tilt]] <- y$array.tilt
x[[array.azimuth_Q]] <- y$array.azimuth_Q
if (verbose) cat("\n")
#' Default tilt-parameters of tracking systems
#' @param x
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(tilt.param.default())
tilt.param.default <- function(x = NULL) {
fh = list(min = 0, max = 0, shading = 90, backtracking = FALSE),
fl = list(min = 0, max = 60, shading = 89, backtracking = FALSE),
th = list(min = 0, max = 60, shading = 89, backtracking = TRUE),
tl = list(min = 0, max = 60, shading = 89, backtracking = TRUE),
tv = list(min = 0, max = 60, shading = 89, backtracking = FALSE),
td = list(min = 0, max = 60, shading = 89, backtracking = TRUE)
#' Angle of Incidence (AOI)
#' @param x
#' @param azimuth_Q the solar zenith angle, degrees
#' @param array.type
#' @param suffix
#' @param na.val
#' @param zenith.max
#' @param verbose
#' @param zenith the solar azimuth angle, degrees
#' @param ...
#' @details
#' \loadmathjax
#' \mjsdeqn{AOI = \arccos\big({\cos{(zenith)}\cos{(array.tilt)}+
#' \sin{(zenith)}\sin{(array.tilt)}\cos{(azimuth-array.azimuth)}\big)}}
#' Though the equation returns AOI values with any given set of zenith, azimuth,
#' array.tilt, and array.azimuth, the AOI is meaningful only if
#' \mjseqn{0 \leq zenith \leq 90}, and \mjseqn{0 \leq AOI \leq 90}.
#' The former condition assures the sun is above the horizon and
#' the latter condition assures the sunlight beam is able to hit the panel
#' (Source: Stackhouse et al., 2018).
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' NA
angle_of_incidence <- function(x, array.type = "fh", suffix = TRUE,
azimuth_Q = "azimuth_Q", zenith = "zenith",
# beam = "beam",
na.val = NA,
zenith.max = 90, AOI.max = 90,
verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"),
...) {
# browser()
array.type <- .pv_array_type(array.type)
if (verbose) cat(" Angle of incidence (AOI), array.type: ")
if (!suffix & length(array.type) > 1) {
stop("Sufixes must be used for calculation of several types of array.")}
ii <- x[[zenith]] <= zenith.max & is.finite(x[[zenith]]) # additional filter
# if (!is.null(x[[beam]])) ii <- ii & x[[beam]]
# if (is.null(array.tilt))
array.tilt <- "array.tilt"
# if (is.null(array.azimuth))
array.azimuth_Q <- "array.azimuth_Q"
for (i in array.type) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
array.tilt.i <- paste0(array.tilt, ".", i)
array.azimuth_Q.i <- paste0(array.azimuth_Q, ".", i)
array.tilt.i <- ifelse(!is.null(x[[array.tilt.i]]),
array.tilt.i, array.tilt)
array.azimuth_Q.i <- ifelse(!is.null(x[[array.azimuth_Q.i]]),
array.azimuth_Q.i, array.azimuth_Q)
AOI <- rep(na.val, length(x[[azimuth_Q]]))
AOI[ii] <-
# acos(
# round(
cosd(x[[zenith]][ii]) * cosd(x[[array.tilt.i]][ii]) +
sind(x[[zenith]][ii]) * sind(x[[array.tilt.i]][ii]) *
cosd((x[[azimuth_Q]][ii] - x[[array.azimuth_Q.i]][ii]))
# digits = 12)
# )
AOI[ii][AOI[ii] > 1] <- 1
AOI[ii][AOI[ii] < -1] <- -1
AOI[ii] <- acos(AOI[ii])
AOI[AOI > deg2rad(AOI.max)] <- na.val
if (suffix) {
AOI.i <- paste0("AOI.", i)
} else {
AOI.i <- "AOI"
x[[AOI.i]] <- AOI
# AOI.i.d <- paste0(AOI.i, ".degree")
# browser()
# x[[AOI.i.d]] <- rad2deg(AOI)
if (verbose) cat("\n")
#' @rdname angle_of_incidence
#' @export
fAOI <- angle_of_incidence
if (F) {
x <- merra2_mar %>%
add_coord() %>%
filter(lon == 0, lat %in% c(-80, -45, -10, -.5, 0, .5, 10, 45, 80), hour(UTC) == 9) %>%
solar_position(keep.all = T)
x %>% pv_array_position(array.type = "all")
z0 <- pv_array_position(z)
z1 <- angle_of_incidence(z0)
#' Plane-Of-Array (POA) isotropic irradiance model
#' @param AOI Angle of Incidence, degrees
#' @param GHI Global Horizontal Irradiance (\mjseqn{W/m^2})
#' @param DNI Direct Normal Irradiance (\mjseqn{W/m^2})
#' @param DHI Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (\mjseqn{W/m^2})
#' @param albedo ground-reflected portion of the POA irradiance (\mjseqn{W/m^2})
#' @param array.tilt the PV tilt angle, degrees
#' @details
#' \loadmathjax
#' \mjsdeqn{I_{POA} = I_{POA,b} + I_{POA,d} + I_{POA,g}}
#' where:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \mjseqn{I_{POA} \textrm{ - the plane-of-array irradiance } (W/m^2)}
#' \item \mjseqn{I_{POA,b} \textrm{ - the beam irradiance that hits the array } (W/m^2)}
#' \mjsdeqn{I_{POA,b} = DNI\times\cos{(AOI)}}
#' \item \mjseqn{I_{POA,d} \textrm{ - the sky-diffuse portion of the POA irradiance } (W/m^2)}
#' \mjsdeqn{I_{POA,d} = DHI\times\frac{1+\cos{(array.tilt)}}{2}}
#' \item \mjseqn{I_{POA,g} \textrm{ - the ground-reflected portion of the POA irradiance } (W/m^2)}
#' \mjsdeqn{I_{POA,g} = GHI\times{albedo}\times\frac{1-\cos{(array.tilt)}}{2}}
#' }
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' NA
poa_irradiance <- function(x, array.type = "fl", suffix = TRUE,
AOI = "AOI", GHI = "SWGDN", DNI = "DNI",
array.tilt = "array.tilt",
zenith = "zenith",
tilt.param = tilt.param.default(),
keep.all = FALSE, verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose"),
...) {
# browser()
array.type <- .pv_array_type(array.type)
if (verbose) cat(" Plane of Array Irradiance (POA), array.type: ")
# ii <- x[[zenith]] <= zenith.max # sun above horizon
if (!suffix & length(array.type) > 1) {
stop("Sufixes must be used for calculation of several types of tracking.")}
# if (is.null(AOI)) AOI <- "AOI"
for (i in array.type) {
if (verbose) cat(i, " ", sep = "")
if (suffix) sfx <- paste0(".", i) else sfx <- ""
# direct beam
AOI.i <- paste0(AOI, sfx)
array.tilt.i <- paste0(array.tilt, sfx)
y <- data.table(Eb = x[[DNI]] * cos(x[[AOI.i]]))
if (!tilt.param[[i]]$backtracking) {
# no direct beam when sun is lower than "shading angle"
y$Eb[x[[zenith]] > tilt.param[[i]]$shading] <- 0
names(y) <- paste0("POAb", sfx)
# ground reflected
y[[paste0("POAg", sfx)]] <- x[[GHI]] * x[[ALBEDO]] *
(1 - cosd(x[[array.tilt.i]])) / 2
# The isotropic sky diffuse model
y[[paste0("POAd", sfx)]] <- x[[DHI]] *
(1 + cosd(x[[array.tilt.i]])) / 2
if (keep.all) {for (j in names(y)) {x[[j]] <- y[[j]]}}
x[[paste0("POA", sfx)]] <- rowSums(y, na.rm = T)
if (verbose) cat("\n")
#' @param x data.table with `merra2ools` subset, required variables: `UTC` (or `yday` and `hour`), `locid` (or `lon` and `lat`), `GHI` (`SWGDN`),
#' @param array.type
#' @param suffix
#' @param UTC
#' @param yday
#' @param hour
#' @param lon
#' @param lat
#' @param keep.all
#' @param verbose
#' @rdname poa_irradiance
#' @export
fPOA <- function(x, array.type = "all",
suffix = TRUE,
UTC = "UTC",
yday = "yday", hour = "hour",
lon = "lon", lat = "lat",
integral_steps = 1,
tilt.param = tilt.param.default(),
keep.all = FALSE, verbose = getOption("merra2.verbose")) {
# browser()
if (verbose) {
cat("nrow(x) = ", nrow(x),"\n")
if (is.null(x[["locid"]])) {
if (is.null(x[[lon]] || is.null(x[[lat]]))) {
stop("'x' should have either coordinates ('",
lon ,"' and '", lat, "') or 'locid' columns")
y <- x
} else {
if (!is.null(x[[lon]]) & !is.null(x[[lat]])) {
y <- x
} else {
if (verbose) cat("Adding 'locid' coordinates\n")
# y[[lon]] <- NULL; y[[lat]] <- NULL
# lid <- merra2ools::locid[,3]
# lid[[lon]] <- merra2ools::locid[["lon"]]
# lid[[lat]] <- merra2ools::locid[["lat"]]
# y$locid <- as.integer(y$locid)
# y <- dplyr::right_join(lid, y, by = "locid")
x <- add_coord(x)
y <- x
lon <- "lon"; lat <- "lat"
if (verbose) cat("Calculating:\n")
y <- solar_position(
x = y, UTC = UTC, yday = yday, hour = hour,
lon = lon, lat = lat, integral_steps = integral_steps,
keep.all = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
# browser()
y <- ghi_decomposition(x = y, yday = yday, keep.all = TRUE,
verbose = verbose)
y <- pv_array_position(x = y, array.type = array.type,
lat = lat, suffix = suffix,
verbose = verbose)
y <- angle_of_incidence(x = y, array.type = array.type,
suffix = suffix, verbose = verbose)
y <- poa_irradiance(x = y, array.type = array.type,
suffix = suffix, verbose = verbose,
keep.all = keep.all)
nms <- names(y)
nms <- nms[!(nms %in% names(x))]
if (!keep.all) nms <- nms[grepl("POA", nms)]
# for (i in nms) {
# x[[i]] <- y[[i]]
# }
# bind_cols()
x <- cbind(x, dplyr::select(y, dplyr::all_of(nms)))
#' Convert degrees to radians
#' @param x numeric vector, degrees
#' @return numeric vector, radians
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rad2deg(pi)
#' deg2rad(180)
#' deg2rad(rad2deg(pi))
#' cos(pi); cos(deg2rad(rad2deg(pi)))
deg2rad <- function(x) {x * pi / 180}
#' @param x
#' @rdname deg2rad
#' @export
rad2deg <- function(x) {x * 180 / pi}
cosd <- function(x, check = TRUE) {
x <- cos(x * pi / 180) # faster than cospi(x / 180) & same divergence from cos
if (check) { #
x[x > 1] <- 1
x[x < -1] <- -1
sind <- function(x, check = TRUE) {
x <- sin(x * pi / 180) # faster than sinpi(x / 180) & closer to sin
if (check) { #
x[x > 1] <- 1
x[x < -1] <- -1
tand <- function(x, Inf.eps = 1e-12, Inf.val = NaN) {
tanpi(x / 180) # same speed as tanpi(x / 180) & same divergence from tan
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