
### Create the study object with all the design settign to send in to the Adaptive study

#' createStudy
#' @description Create an initial study object that represents the study state before it is executed.
#' @param nCohorts The number of cohorts.
#' @param cohortStartTimes A vector of start times for the different cohorts, in days of study time.
#' @param samplingDesign A list of vector with sampling times for each cohort.
#' @param nSubjects A vector of number of subjects in each cohort.
#' @param dropoutRates A vector of dropout rates (per day) for each of the cohorts.
#' @param randomizationProbabilities Initial randomization probabilities.
#' @param recruitmentAges A list of age ranges in which subjects are recruited to each cohort. Each list component should be a vector with the min and max age.
#' @param debugLevel The debug level. 4=Extreme output, #3=Print everything important, 2=Print events, 1=Sparse print, 0=Print nothing.
#' @param minAllocationProbabilities Minium allocation for each treatment, default 0.25 allocation for SoC and 0 for the other treatments.
#' @param treatments A list of treatments for each cohort.
#' @param effSizes A list of effect sizes for each treatment in each cohort, default effect size per 6 month.
#' @param newCohortLink A vector of dependencies between cohorts when evolving in age, default Cohort 1 will evolve similar to cohort 2, Cohort 2 will evolve similar to cohort 3, Cohort 3 will not evlove.
#' @param RecruitmentFunction A function defining the recruitment rate per time unit (default day).
#' @param studyStopTime The number of days the study will continue.
#' @param latestTimeForNewBirthCohorts The latest time for new birth cohorts to start (in days), default 0 = No new birth cohorts.
#' @param strCovariates A vector with the names of the covariates that should be used in the interim analysis.
#' @param currentDate The study start date, default = current system date.
#' @param impMethod Imputation method for missing covariates in the interim analyses. \code{pmm}=predictive mean matching and \code{median} = median imputation.
#' @param accumulatedData Should accumulated data be used for probability updates? Logical. Default is FALSE.
#' @param InitEvent Init event funciton
#' @param checkFutility If futility should be checked before or after taking minimum allocation into account. Default is 'before. Possible values are 'before' and 'after'.
#' @param minFutilityProb The probability below which a treatment is regarded as futile.
#' @param StudyIncrementEventFunction Study increment event function
#' @param StopEventFunction Stop event function
#' @param AddCohortEventFunction = Add cohort event function
#' @param DropoutEventFunction = Dropout event function
#' @param RecruitmentEventFunction = Recruitment event function
#' @param SimulateDataEventFunction = Simulate data event function
#' @param MoveCompletedSubjectsFunction = Move completed subjects function
#' @param AnalyzeDataEventFunction = Analyze data event function 
#' @param UpdateProbabilitiesEventFunction = UpdateProbabilitiesEvent,
#' @param AddNewBirthCohortEventFunction Add new birth cohort event function
#' @param probTemperationFunction Fucntion for modifying probabilities, e.g. to be less dramatic. The default is to have no probability temperation.
#' @return A FAIRsimulator \code{study} object ready to be executed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' }
createStudy <- function(nCohorts = 3, 
                        cohortStartTimes = c(2,1,0), 
                        samplingDesign = list(c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6)*30,c(0/30,3,6)*30,c(0/30,3,6)*30),
                        nSubjects = c(320,320,320),
                        dropoutRates = c(0.2/(6*30),0.2/(6*30),0.2/(6*30)),
                        randomizationProbabilities = list(c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25),c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25),c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25)),
                        minAllocationProbabilities = list(c(0.25,0,0,0),c(0.25,0,0,0),c(0.25,0,0,0)),
                        treatments =list(c("SoC-1","TRT-1","TRT-2","TRT-3"),c("SoC-2","TRT-4","TRT-5","TRT-6"),c("SoC-3","TRT-7","TRT-8","TRT-9")),
                        effSizes = list(c(0,0.05,0.1,0.25),c(0,0,0.05,0.25),c(0,0.05,0.25,0.3)),
                        newCohortLink = list(2,3,NULL),
                        recruitmentAges = list(c(0,1)*30,c(6,7)*30,c(12,13)*30),
                        currentDate = Sys.Date(),
                        minFutilityProb = 0.1,
                        checkFutility = c("before","after"),
                        impMethod = c("pmm", "median"),
                        accumulatedData = FALSE,
                        InitEventFunction           = InitEvent,
                        StudyIncrementEventFunction = StudyIncrementEvent,
                        StopEventFunction = StopEvent,
                        AddCohortEventFunction = AddCohortEvent,
                        DropoutEventFunction = DropoutEvent,
                        RecruitmentEventFunction = RecruitmentEvent,
                        SimulateDataEventFunction = SimulateDataEvent, 
                        MoveCompletedSubjectsFunction = MoveCompletedSubjects,
                        AnalyzeDataEventFunction = AnalyzeDataEvent, 
                        UpdateProbabilitiesEventFunction = UpdateProbabilitiesEvent,
                        updateProbabilitiesFunction = UpdateProbabilities,
                        AddNewBirthCohortEventFunction = AddNewBirthCohortEvent,
                        probTemperationFunction = probTemperation,
                        interimAnalyzesTimeFunction = InterimAnalyzesTime) {

  ## Create the study design setting list ##
  StudyDesignSettings                            <- list()
  StudyDesignSettings$CohortNumbers              <- nCohorts
  StudyDesignSettings$MaxNumberofSubjects        <- nSubjects
  StudyDesignSettings$CohortStartTimes           <- cohortStartTimes
  StudyDesignSettings$RandomizationProbabilities <- randomizationProbabilities #Initial randomization probabilities
  StudyDesignSettings$MinAllocationProbabilities <- minAllocationProbabilities #Minimum allocation probabilities for each treatment

  ## Setting for using accumulated data within same level
  StudyDesignSettings$AccumulatedData <- accumulatedData
  StudyDesignSettings$iNumPosteriorSamples       <- 10000 #The number of samples to calculate prob of beeing best
  StudyDesignSettings$Treatments <- treatments #The treatment
  StudyDesignSettings$EffSizes <- effSizes #The actual effect sizes
  #The age ranges for each cohort
  StudyDesignSettings$CohortAgeRange <- recruitmentAges
  #The sampling design for each pre-defined cohort
  StudyDesignSettings$SamplingDesigns <- samplingDesign
  #When a cohort is evolving to a new cohort, the information about randomization should be based on the cohort in the list, NULL= no evolving
  StudyDesignSettings$NewCohortLink <- newCohortLink 
  #If the last sample will be the baseline sample (subject cohorttime = 0) in the new cohort 
  StudyDesignSettings$MoveLastSampleToNewCohort <- TRUE 
  #The dropout rates
  StudyDesignSettings$CohortDropoutRate <- dropoutRates
  #The stop time of the study
  StudyDesignSettings$StudyStopTime <- studyStopTime
  #The latest time to start new birth cohorts, set to 0 if no new birth cohorts should be added
  #The covariates that should be stored on each subject, e.g. to be used in the lme analysis
  StudyDesignSettings$Covariates <- strCovariates  
  #The current ID number, i.e. global counter of ID number
  StudyDesignSettings$CurrentID  <- 1 
  # The minimum number of subjects per treatment for futility
  if(any(minFutilityProb > unlist(minAllocationProbabilities)[unlist(minAllocationProbabilities) != 0])) stop("Minimum futility probability is larger than one ore more minimum allocation probabilities.")
  StudyDesignSettings$MinimumFutilityProbability  <- minFutilityProb
  ## Determine when the futility is checked, before or after the probabilities are adjusted for minimum allocation prob
  StudyDesignSettings$CheckFutility  <- match.arg(checkFutility)
  # Set the imputation method
  StudyDesignSettings$ImpMethod  <- match.arg(impMethod)
  # Function to modify the unweighted ranndomization probabilities
  StudyDesignSettings$probTemperation <- probTemperationFunction
  # Function to specify the time for interim analysis
  StudyDesignSettings$InterimAnalyzesTime <- interimAnalyzesTimeFunction
  # Function to analyse the data
  StudyDesignSettings$UpdateProbabilities <- updateProbabilitiesFunction
  ## Create the study object ##
  StudyObj <- list()
  StudyObj$CurrentTime <- 0 #Let the study be time driven
  StudyObj$CurrentDate <- currentDate #The date that the study will start
  ## Add recruitmentrate function
  StudyObj$Recruitmentfunction <- Recruitmentfunction
  ## Add futility function
  StudyObj$Futilityfunction    <- Futilityfunction

  ## Define events
  StudyObj$InitEvent           <- InitEventFunction
  StudyObj$StudyIncrementEvent <- StudyIncrementEventFunction
  StudyObj$StopEvent           <- StopEventFunction
  ## Set the debug level
  StudyObj$DebugLevel <- debugLevel # 4=Extreme output, #3=Print everything important, 2=Print events, 1=Sparse print, 0=Print nothing
  ## Create the list of Events
  EventList <- list()
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- AddCohortEventFunction #Add the AddCohort event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- DropoutEventFunction #Dropout event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- RecruitmentEventFunction #Add the Recruitment event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- SimulateDataEventFunction #Add a Simulate data event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- MoveCompletedSubjectsFunction #Move completed subjects event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- AnalyzeDataEventFunction #Add a Analyze data event
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- UpdateProbabilitiesEventFunction #Update all probabilities, even for non directly connected cohorts
  EventList[[length(EventList)+1]] <- AddNewBirthCohortEventFunction #Add a new birth cohort
  StudyObj$EventList           <- EventList
  StudyObj$StudyDesignSettings <- StudyDesignSettings #Add the specific study design settings into the Study object
  class(StudyObj) <- "study"
eniclas/FAIRsimulator documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:12 a.m.