
Defines functions save_msg_attachments saveAttachment

Documented in saveAttachment save_msg_attachments

saveAttachment <- function(pattern, fname, writeIfExists = TRUE, adjustfn = TRUE) {

    mbox <- readLines(fname, n = -1)
    ilines <- grep(paste("filename=\"?.*", pattern, sep = ""),
                   mbox, ignore.case = TRUE)
    atts <- gsub(".*filename=\"?([^\"]*)\"?.*", "\\1", mbox[ilines])

    if (any(duplicated(atts)))
        warnings("The pattern matches several files with *identical* names.")

    if (!length(ilines))
        message("no matches found")

    il <- 0L
    for (iline in ilines) {
        il <- il + 1

        message("Saving file ", atts[il])

        lb <- 7L ## look back
        lf <- 10L ## look forward
        checkLines <- (iline - lb):(iline + lf)
        checkLines <- checkLines[checkLines < length(mbox) &
                                 checkLines > 0L]
        ## TODO: update lf and lb when at start or end of mbox file
        f7delim <- max(grep("^--", mbox[checkLines]))
        delim <- mbox[iline-lb-1L+f7delim]
        f7enc <- max(grep("Content-Transfer-Encoding", mbox[checkLines],
                      ignore.case = TRUE))

        do.decode <- TRUE
        if (!grepl("base64", mbox[iline-lb-1L+f7enc], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            warning("apparently not base64 encoded; file will be written 'as is'.")
            message("--> ", sQuote(mbox[iline-lb-1L+f7enc]))
            do.decode <- FALSE

        start <- iline + min(which(mbox[iline:(iline+lf)] == ""))
        end <- grep(delim, mbox, fixed = TRUE)
        end <- min(end[end > start]) - 1L

        outfile <- atts[il]
        if (adjustfn)
            outfile <- gsub(":", "-", outfile) ## on Windows
        f7file <- 0
        if (file.exists(outfile) && writeIfExists == FALSE) {
            warning("File ", outfile, " exists: nothing saved")
        while (file.exists(outfile)) {
            f7file <- f7file + 1
            tmp <- strsplit(atts[il], "\\.")[[1L]]
            fn <- tmp[1L]
            fext <- tmp[2L]
            outfile <- paste(fn, "-", f7file, ".", fext, sep = "")
            outfile <- gsub(":", "-", outfile)
        if (do.decode) {
            tf <- tempfile()
            writeLines(mbox[start:end], con = tf,
                       sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE)
            base64decode(file = tf, output = outfile)
        } else
            writeLines(mbox[start:end], con = outfile,
                       sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE)


save_msg_attachments <- function(msg.path = ".", pdf.path = ".") {

    if (as.numeric(R.Version()$major) < 4)
        stop("function requires R version >= 4.0.0")
    scr <- r"(
$msgpath = "mmmm"
$pdfpath = "pppp"
Add-Type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook"
Add-Type -assembly "System.Runtime.Interopservices"
try {
    $outlook = [Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application')
catch {
    try {
        $outlook = New-Object -comobject Outlook.Application
    catch {
        Write-Host "Outlook still open?"

Get-ChildItem $msgpath -Filter *.msg |
    ForEach-Object {
        $msg = $outlook.Session.OpenSharedItem($_.FullName)
        $msg.Attachments |
            ForEach-Object {
                write-host $_.SaveAsFile($pdfpath + "\" + $_.FileName)
    scr <- sub("mmmm", normalizePath(msg.path, winslash = "/"), scr, fixed = TRUE)
    scr <- sub("pppp", normalizePath(pdf.path, winslash = "/"), scr, fixed = TRUE)
    d <- tempdir()
    writeLines(scr, file.path(d, "run.ps1"))
    system(paste("powershell", file.path(d, "run.ps1")))
enricoschumann/mailtools documentation built on Oct. 27, 2023, 8:14 p.m.