
Defines functions getGPMPRAD getGPMDATE getGPMBTK2 getGPMBTK1 getGPMREFM getGPMREFA getGPMRADM getGPMRADA getGPMLMAX getGPMLMIN getGPMLNBR getGPMLayerfromData getGPMMetaLayer getGPMSELV getGPMSAZM getGPMSZEN getGPMESUN getGPMESD getGPMRefMin getGPMRefMax getGPMRadMin getGPMRadMax getGPMBandInfo getGPMlcdeThermalCalib getGPMlcdeSolarCalib getGPMlcdeCalib getGPMlcdeSres getGPMlcdeType getGPMCalib getGPMType getGPMRes getGPMlcdeThermal getGPMlcdeSolar getGPMSpectrum getGPMSensorInfo getGPMSensorGroup getGPMSensor getGPMSID getGPMBID getGPMlcde getGPMParam addGPMDataLayer addGPMLog addGPMMetaEntry addGPMMetaParam getGPMLog getGPMMeta getGPMDataLayers

Documented in addGPMDataLayer addGPMLog addGPMMetaEntry addGPMMetaParam getGPMBandInfo getGPMBID getGPMBTK1 getGPMBTK2 getGPMCalib getGPMDataLayers getGPMDATE getGPMESD getGPMESUN getGPMLayerfromData getGPMlcde getGPMlcdeCalib getGPMlcdeSolar getGPMlcdeSolarCalib getGPMlcdeSres getGPMlcdeThermal getGPMlcdeThermalCalib getGPMlcdeType getGPMLMAX getGPMLMIN getGPMLNBR getGPMLog getGPMMeta getGPMMetaLayer getGPMParam getGPMPRAD getGPMRADA getGPMRADM getGPMRadMax getGPMRadMin getGPMREFA getGPMREFM getGPMRefMax getGPMRefMin getGPMRes getGPMSAZM getGPMSELV getGPMSensor getGPMSensorGroup getGPMSensorInfo getGPMSID getGPMSpectrum getGPMSZEN getGPMType

#' Get or access gpm object information used by various functions
#' @description
#' Get information from class GPM
#' @param gpm GPM object (see \code{\link{gpm}})
#' @return Objects of respective type (see \code{\link{GPM}})
#' @details The functions are generally self explaining in that sence that
#' \code{get*} returns the respective information and \code{set*} sets the
#' respective information from/in the GPM object.
#' \code{addGPMLog} adds a log entry to the GPM object
#' @name gpmInfo
#' @examples
#' data(abies_alba)
#' meta <- createGPMMeta(dataset = abies_alba, 
#'                       selector = 1, response = c(16:481), meta = c(2: 15))
#' alb <- gpm(abies_alba, meta)

# Return (almost) complete sections of the GPM object

# Return GPM data layers -------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMDataLayers
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMDataLayers <- function(GPM){

# Return GMP object metadata ---------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMMeta
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMMeta <- function(GPM){

# Return GMP object log info ---------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMLog
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMLog <- function(GPM){

# Add entries to the GMP object

# Add additional or overwrite metainformation parameter to GMP object ----
#' @export addGPMMetaParam
#' @rdname gpmInfo
addGPMMetaParam <- function(GPM, meta_param){
  id <- colnames(meta_param)[1]
  name <- colnames(meta_param)[2]
  # Parameter already exists: overwrite, otherwise add
  if(length(which(name == colnames(GPM@meta))) > 0){
    GPM@meta[, which(name == colnames(GPM@meta))] <- NULL
  GPM@meta <- merge(GPM@meta, meta_param, by = id, all.x = TRUE)
  GPM@meta <- GPM@meta[order(GPM@meta$LNBR),]

# Add metainformation for an additional layer to GMP object --------------
#' @export addGPMMetaEntry
#' @rdname gpmInfo
addGPMMetaEntry <- function(GPM, meta_param){
    meta_param <- data.frame(DATE = as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date(), tz = "UTC"))
  lnbr_new <- nrow(getGPMMeta(GPM)) + 1
  meta_param$LNBR <- lnbr_new
  if("DATE" %in% colnames(meta_param) == FALSE){
    meta_param$DATE <- as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date(), tz = "UTC")
  if("LAYER" %in% colnames(meta_param) == FALSE){
    if(length(getGPMDataLayers(GPM)) == lnbr_new){
      meta_param$LAYER <- 
        getGPMLayerfromData(GPM, nbr = length(getGPMDataLayers(GPM)))
    } else {
      meta_param$LAYER <- paste0("Layer number ", lnbr_new)
  GPM@meta <- plyr::rbind.fill(getGPMMeta(GPM), meta_param)

# Add new log entry to GMP object ----------------------------------------
#' @export addGPMLog
#' @rdname gpmInfo
addGPMLog <- function(GPM, info = NA_character_, in_lcde = NA_character_, 
                      out_lcde = NA_character_){
  new_length <- length(getGPMLog(GPM)) + 1
  ps <- sprintf("ps%04d", new_length)
  GPM@log <- append(GPM@log, list(list(time = Sys.time(), info = info, 
                                       in_lcde = in_lcde, out_lcde = out_lcde)))
  names(GPM@log)[new_length] <- ps

# Add new GMP data layer --------------------------------------------------
#' @export addGPMDataLayer
#' @rdname gpmInfo
addGPMDataLayer <- function(GPM, lcde, data, meta_param, info, in_lcde){
  names(data) <- lcde
  GPM@data[[length(GPM@data) + 1]] <- data
    meta_param = data.frame(lcde = lcde)
  } else {
    meta_param$lcde = lcde 
  GPM <- addGPMMetaEntry(GPM, meta_param = meta_param)
  GPM <- addGPMLog(GPM, info = info, in_lcde = in_lcde, 
                   out_lcde = lcde)

# Return individual entries of the GMP object

# Return parameter (general method implemented by the specific functions below)-
#' @param lcde band code
#' @export getGPMParam
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMParam <- function(GPM, param, lcde, return_lcde = TRUE){
  if(length(which(param == colnames(getGPMMeta(GPM)))) > 0){
    if(param == "lcde"){
      return(getGPMMeta(GPM)[, which(param == colnames(getGPMMeta(GPM)))])
    } else {
        param <- getGPMMeta(GPM)[, which(param == colnames(getGPMMeta(GPM)))]
        lcde <- as.character(getGPMlcde(GPM))
      } else {
        param <- 
                          which(param == colnames(getGPMMeta(GPM)))][match(
                            lcde, getGPMMeta(GPM)$lcde)]
        lcde <- as.character(lcde)
      if(return_lcde == TRUE){
        attr(param, "names") <- lcde
  } else {

# Return Band code -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcde
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcde <- function(GPM){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "lcde", return_lcde = FALSE)

# Return Band IDs --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMBID
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMBID <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "BID", lcde, return_lcde = FALSE)

# Return sensor ID -------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSID
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSID <- function(GPM){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SID", return_lcde = FALSE)[1]

# Return sensor ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSensor
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSensor <- function(GPM){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SENSOR", return_lcde = FALSE)[1]

# Return sensor group ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSensorGroup
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSensorGroup <- function(GPM){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SGRP", return_lcde = FALSE)[1]

# Return sensor information ----------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSensorInfo
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSensorInfo <- function(GPM){
  data.frame(SID = getGPMSID(GPM),
             SENSOR = getGPMSensor(GPM),
             SGRP = getGPMSensorGroup(GPM))

# Return spectrum --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSpectrum
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSpectrum <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SPECTRUM", lcde)

# Return solar band codes ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeSolar
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeSolar <- function(GPM){
  spectrum <- getGPMSpectrum(GPM)
  return(getGPMlcde(GPM)[grep("solar", spectrum)])

# Return thermal band codes ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeThermal
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeThermal <- function(GPM){
  spectrum <- getGPMSpectrum(GPM)
  return(getGPMlcde(GPM)[grep("thermal", spectrum)])

# Return sensor resolution -----------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRes
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRes <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SRES", lcde)

# Return sensor type -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMType
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMType <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "TYPE", lcde)

# Return CALIB -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMCalib
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMCalib <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "CALIB", lcde)

# Return TYPE band codes matching id ------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeType
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeType <- function(GPM, lcde, id){
  type <- getGPMType(GPM, lcde)
  result <- getGPMlcde(GPM)[grep(id, type)]
  if(length(result) == 0){
    result = NA_character_

# Return SRES band codes matching id ------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeSres
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeSres <- function(GPM, lcde, id){
  sres <- getGPMRes(GPM, lcde)
  result <- getGPMlcde(GPM)[grep(id, sres)]
  if(length(result) == 0){
    result = NA_character_

# Return CALIB band codes matching id ------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeCalib
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeCalib <- function(GPM, lcde, id){
  calib <- getGPMCalib(GPM, lcde)
  result <- getGPMlcde(GPM)[grep(id, calib)]
  if(length(result) == 0){
    result = NA_character_

# Return CALIB band codes machting id and are solare bands ---------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeSolarCalib
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeSolarCalib <- function(GPM, lcde, id){
  calib <- getGPMlcdeCalib(GPM, lcde, id)
  result <- getGPMlcdeSolar(GPM)[getGPMlcdeSolar(GPM) %in% calib]
  if(length(result) == 0){
    result = NA_character_

# Return CALIB band codes machting id and are thermal bands --------------------
#' @export getGPMlcdeThermalCalib
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMlcdeThermalCalib <- function(GPM, lcde, id){
  calib <- getGPMlcdeCalib(GPM, lcde, id)
  return(getGPMlcdeThermal(GPM)[getGPMlcdeThermal(GPM) %in% calib])

# Return band information ------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMBandInfo
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMBandInfo <- function(GPM, lcde, return_calib = TRUE){
    result <- data.frame(BID = getGPMBID(GPM, lcde),
                         SRES = getGPMRes(GPM, lcde),
                         TYPE = getGPMType(GPM, lcde),
                         SPECTRUM = getGPMSpectrum(GPM, lcde),
                         CALIB = getGPMCalib(GPM, lcde))
  } else {
    result <- data.frame(BID = getGPMBID(GPM, lcde),
                         SRES = getGPMRes(GPM, lcde),
                         TYPE = getGPMType(GPM, lcde),
                         SPECTRUM = getGPMSpectrum(GPM, lcde))

# Return RAD_MAX ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRadMax
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRadMax <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "RADMAX", lcde)

# Return RAD_MIN ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRadMin
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRadMin <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "RADMIN", lcde)

# Return REF_MAX ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRefMax
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRefMax <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "REFMAX", lcde)

# Return REF_MIN ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRefMin
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRefMin <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "REFMIN", lcde)

# Return ESD -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMESD
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMESD <- function(GPM){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "ESD")[1]

# Return ESun ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMESUN
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMESUN <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "ESUN", lcde)

# Return SZEN ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSZEN
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSZEN <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SZEN", lcde)

# Return SAZM ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSAZM
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSAZM <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SAZM", lcde)

# Return SELV ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMSELV
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMSELV <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "SELV", lcde)

# Return Layer name from metadata ----------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMMetaLayer
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMMetaLayer <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "LAYER", lcde)

# Return Layer name from data layer --------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMLayerfromData
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMLayerfromData <- function(GPM, lcde, nbr){
    layers <- sapply(getGPMDataLayers(GPM), function(x){
    } else {
  } else {
    names(getGPMDataLayer(GPM, lcde))

# Return LNBR ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMLNBR
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMLNBR <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "LNBR", lcde)

# Return LMin ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMLMIN
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMLMIN <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "LMIN", lcde)

# Return LMAX ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMLMAX
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMLMAX <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "LMAX", lcde)

# Return RADA ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRADA
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRADA <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "RADA", lcde)

# Return RADM ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMRADM
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMRADM <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "RADM", lcde)

# Return REFA ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMREFA
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMREFA <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "REFA", lcde)

# Return REFM ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMREFM
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMREFM <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "REFM", lcde)

# Return BTK1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMBTK1
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMBTK1 <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "BTK1", lcde)

# Return BTK2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMBTK2
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMBTK2 <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "BTK2", lcde)

# Return DATE ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMDATE
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMDATE <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "DATE", lcde)

# Return PRAD ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export getGPMPRAD
#' @rdname gpmInfo
getGPMPRAD <- function(GPM, lcde){
  getGPMParam(GPM, "PRAD", lcde)
environmentalinformatics-marburg/gpm documentation built on July 11, 2020, 11:12 a.m.