
if ( !isGeneric("splitMultRespLSO") ) {
  setGeneric("splitMultRespLSO", function(x, ...)
#' Split dataset into testing and training samples individually for each 
#' response variable following a leave selector out strategy.
#' @description
#' Split a data set into testing and training samples by leaving selectors out.
#' If more than one response (i.e. dependent) variable is supplied, a different set of
#' testing/training pairs is created for each of them. The training/testing
#' samples leave one or more selectors completely out. Selectors can be something
#' like individual locations, a certain time step or a combination of both. 
#' Basically, it can be anything since the selector variable is defined by the
#' user and hence it can be compiled in such a way that it leaves out whatever
#' the user wants.
#' @param x An object of class gpm or data.frame
#' @param response The column name(s) of the response variable(s)
#' @param resamples The list of the resamples containing the individual row 
#' numbers (resulting from function \code{\link{resamplingsByVariable}})
#' @param p The fraction of each sample to be used for model training 
#' (default 0.75)
#' @param use_selector Use the selector variable for splitting the samples into
#' training or testing (default FALSE).
#' @param selector The column name of the selector variable. Only 
#' relevant if use_selector is TRUE.
#' @name splitMultRespLSO
#' @export splitMultRespLSO
#' @details The split into training and testing samples is realized by using 
#' the caret::createDataPartition function which preserves the frequency
#' distribution of the individual response variable(s).
#' @references  The function uses functions from:
#'  Max Kuhn. Contributions from Jed Wing, Steve Weston, Andre Williams, 
#'  Chris Keefer, Allan Engelhardt, Tony Cooper, Zachary Mayer, Brenton Kenkel, 
#'  the R Core Team, Michael Benesty, Reynald Lescarbeau, Andrew Ziem, 
#'  Luca Scrucca, Yuan Tang and Can Candan. (2016). caret: Classification and 
#'  Regression Training. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=caret
#' @seealso \code{\link{resamplingsByVariable}} for creating n resamplings from
#' the original dataset.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Not run
#' }

# Function using gpm object ----------------------------------------------------
#' @return A layer within the gpm object with the information on the n 
#' individual resamplings.
#' @rdname splitMultRespLSO
          signature(x = "GPM"), 
          function(x, nbr = 1){
            smr <- splitMultRespLSO(x = x@data$input, 
                                    response = x@meta$input$RESPONSE_FINAL,
                                    selector = x@meta$input$SELECTOR,
                                    nbr = nbr)
            x@meta$input$TRAIN_TEST <- smr[[1]]
            x@meta$input$TRAIN_TEST_NSMPLS <- smr[[2]]

# Function using data frame ----------------------------------------------------
#' @return A nested list with training and testing samples for each of the n
#' resamplings.
#' @rdname splitMultRespLSO
          signature(x = "data.frame"),
          function(x, response, resamples, selector, nbr = 1){
            slc <- unique(x[, selector])
            lslc <- ceiling(length(slc) / nbr)
            smpl <- list()
            for(i in seq(lslc)){
              smpl[[i]] <- sample(slc, nbr)
              slc <- slc[!(slc %in% smpl[[i]])]
            resamples <- resamplingsByVariable(x = x,
                                               use_selector = FALSE,
                                               resample = lslc)
            fs <- lapply(response, function(i){
              idv <- lapply(seq(length(resamples)), function(j){
                training = list(SAMPLES = as.numeric(resamples[[j]][-which(x[resamples[[j]], selector] %in% smpl[[j]])]), RESPONSE = i)
                testing = list(SAMPLES = as.numeric(resamples[[j]][which(x[resamples[[j]], selector] %in% smpl[[j]])]), RESPONSE = i)
                return(list(training = training, testing = testing))
            training_smpls <- lapply(seq(length(fs)), function(i){
              idv <- lapply(fs[[i]], function(j){
                  x <- 0
                } else {
                  x <- 1
              data.frame(RESPONSE = response[[i]],
                         TRAINTESTSMPLS = sum(unlist(idv)))
            training_smpls <- do.call("rbind", training_smpls)
            return(list(fs, training_smpls))
environmentalinformatics-marburg/gpm documentation built on July 11, 2020, 11:12 a.m.