add_breakpoints | Add breakpoints to certain dates in a data set. |
add_day_of_week | Adds a day of the week vector |
add_horizon | Add missing values for future dates |
allocate_delays | Allocate Delays into Required Stan Format |
allocate_empty | Allocate Empty Parameters to a List |
apply_default_cdf_cutoff | Apply default CDF cutoff to a <dist_spec> if it is... |
apply_tolerance | Applies a threshold to all nonparametric distributions in a... |
apply_zero_threshold | Convert zero case counts to 'NA' (missing) if the 7-day... |
backcalc_opts | Back Calculation Options |
bootstrapped_dist_fit | Fit a Subsampled Bootstrap to Integer Values and Summarise... |
bound_dist | Define bounds of a <dist_spec> |
calc_CrI | Calculate Credible Interval |
calc_CrIs | Calculate Credible Intervals |
calc_summary_measures | Calculate All Summary Measures |
calc_summary_stats | Calculate Summary Statistics |
c.dist_spec | Combines multiple delay distributions for further processing |
check_generation_time | Validate probability distribution for using as generation... |
check_reports_valid | Validate data input |
check_sparse_pmf_tail | Check that PMF tail is not sparse |
check_stan_delay | Validate probability distribution for passing to stan |
clean_nowcasts | Clean Nowcasts for a Supplied Date |
clean_regions | Clean Regions |
collapse | Collapse nonparametric distributions in a <dist_spec> |
construct_output | Construct Output |
convert_to_logmean | Convert mean and sd to log mean for a log normal distribution |
convert_to_logsd | Convert mean and sd to log standard deviation for a log... |
convert_to_natural | Internal function for converting parameters to natural... |
convolve_and_scale | Convolve and scale a time series |
copy_results_to_latest | Copy Results From Dated Folder to Latest |
create_backcalc_data | Create Back Calculation Data |
create_delay_inits | Create initial conditions for delays |
create_future_rt | Construct the Required Future Rt assumption |
create_gp_data | Create Gaussian Process Data |
create_initial_conditions | Create Initial Conditions Generating Function |
create_obs_model | Create Observation Model Settings |
create_rt_data | Create Time-varying Reproduction Number Data |
create_shifted_cases | Create Delay Shifted Cases |
create_stan_args | Create a List of Stan Arguments |
create_stan_data | Create Stan Data Required for estimate_infections |
create_stan_delays | Create delay variables for stan |
create_stan_params | Create parameters for stan |
default_fill_missing_obs | Temporary function to support the transition to full support... |
delay_opts | Delay Distribution Options |
discrete_pmf | Discretised probability mass function |
discretise | Discretise a <dist_spec> |
dist_fit | Fit an Integer Adjusted Exponential, Gamma or Lognormal... |
Distributions | Probability distributions |
dist_skel | Distribution Skeleton |
epinow | Real-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting |
epinow2_cmdstan_model | Load and compile an EpiNow2 cmdstanr model |
EpiNow2-package | EpiNow2: Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying... |
epinow2_rstan_model | Load an EpiNow2 rstan model. |
epinow2_stan_model | Return a stan model object for the appropriate backend |
equals-.dist_spec | Compares two delay distributions |
estimate_delay | Estimate a Delay Distribution |
estimate_infections | Estimate Infections, the Time-Varying Reproduction Number and... |
estimates_by_report_date | Estimate Cases by Report Date |
estimate_secondary | Estimate a Secondary Observation from a Primary Observation |
estimate_truncation | Estimate Truncation of Observed Data |
example_confirmed | Example Confirmed Case Data Set |
example_generation_time | Example generation time |
example_incubation_period | Example incubation period |
example_reporting_delay | Example reporting delay |
example_truncated | Example Case Data Set with Truncation |
expose_stan_fns | Expose internal package stan functions in R |
extract_CrIs | Extract Credible Intervals Present |
extract_inits | Generate initial conditions from a Stan fit |
extract_parameter | Extract Samples for a Parameter from a Stan model |
extract_parameter_samples | Extract Parameter Samples from a Stan Model |
extract_params | Extract parameter names |
extract_samples | Extract all samples from a stan fit |
extract_single_dist | Extract a single element of a composite <dist_spec> |
extract_stan_param | Extract a Parameter Summary from a Stan Object |
extract_static_parameter | Extract Samples from a Parameter with a Single Dimension |
fill_missing | Fill missing data in a data set to prepare it for use within... |
filter_leading_zeros | Filter leading zeros from a data set. |
filter_opts | Filter Options for a Target Region |
fit_model | Fit a model using the chosen backend. |
fit_model_approximate | Fit a Stan Model using an approximate method |
fit_model_with_nuts | Fit a Stan Model using the NUTs sampler |
fix_dist | Remove uncertainty in the parameters of a <dist_spec> |
fix_parameters | Fix the parameters of a <dist_spec> |
forecast_infections | Forecast infections from a given fit and trajectory of the... |
forecast_opts | Forecast options |
forecast_secondary | Forecast Secondary Observations Given a Fit from... |
format_fit | Format Posterior Samples |
generation_time_opts | Generation Time Distribution Options |
get_distribution | Get the distribution of a <dist_spec> |
get_element | Extracts an element of a <dist_spec> |
get_parameters | Get parameters of a parametric distribution |
get_pmf | Get the probability mass function of a nonparametric... |
get_raw_result | Get a Single Raw Result |
get_regional_results | Get Combined Regional Results |
get_regions | Get Folders with Results |
get_regions_with_most_reports | Get Regions with Most Reported Cases |
get_seeding_time | Estimate seeding time from delays and generation time |
gp_opts | Approximate Gaussian Process Settings |
growth_to_R | Convert Growth Rates to Reproduction numbers. |
is_constrained | Check if a <dist_spec> is constrained, i.e. has a finite... |
lapply_func | Choose a parallel or sequential apply function |
lower_bounds | Get the lower bounds of the parameters of a distribution |
make_conf | Format Credible Intervals |
map_prob_change | Categorise the Probability of Change for Rt |
match_output_arguments | Match User Supplied Arguments with Supported Options |
max.dist_spec | Returns the maximum of one or more delay distribution |
mean.dist_spec | Returns the mean of one or more delay distribution |
natural_params | Get the names of the natural parameters of a distribution |
ndist | Calculate the number of distributions in a <dist_spec> |
new_dist_spec | Internal function for generating a 'dist_spec' given... |
obs_opts | Observation Model Options |
opts_list | Forecast optiong |
plot_CrIs | Plot EpiNow2 Credible Intervals |
plot.dist_spec | Plot PMF and CDF for a dist_spec object |
plot.epinow | Plot method for epinow |
plot.estimate_infections | Plot method for estimate_infections |
plot_estimates | Plot Estimates |
plot.estimate_secondary | Plot method for estimate_secondary |
plot.estimate_truncation | Plot method for estimate_truncation |
plot_summary | Plot a Summary of the Latest Results |
plus-.dist_spec | Creates a delay distribution as the sum of two other delay... |
print.dist_spec | Prints the parameters of one or more delay distributions |
process_region | Process regional estimate |
process_regions | Process all Region Estimates |
regional_epinow | Real-time Rt Estimation, Forecasting and Reporting by Region |
regional_runtimes | Summarise Regional Runtimes |
regional_summary | Regional Summary Output |
report_plots | Report plots |
report_summary | Provide Summary Statistics for Estimated Infections and Rt |
R_to_growth | Convert Reproduction Numbers to Growth Rates |
rt_opts | Time-Varying Reproduction Number Options |
run_region | Run epinow with Regional Processing Code |
save_estimate_infections | Save Estimated Infections |
save_input | Save Observed Data |
sd | Returns the standard deviation of one or more delay... |
secondary_opts | Secondary Reports Options |
set_dt_single_thread | Set to Single Threading |
setup_default_logging | Setup Default Logging |
setup_dt | Convert to Data Table |
setup_future | Set up Future Backend |
setup_logging | Setup Logging |
setup_target_folder | Setup Target Folder for Saving |
simulate_infections | Simulate infections using the renewal equation |
simulate_secondary | Simulate secondary observations from primary observations |
stan_laplace_opts | Stan Laplace algorithm Options |
stan_opts | Stan Options |
stan_pathfinder_opts | Stan pathfinder algorithm Options |
stan_sampling_opts | Stan Sampling Options |
stan_vb_opts | Stan Variational Bayes Options |
summarise_key_measures | Summarise rt and cases |
summarise_results | Summarise Real-time Results |
summary.epinow | Summary output from epinow |
summary.estimate_infections | Summary output from estimate_infections |
trunc_opts | Truncation Distribution Options |
update_horizon | Updates Forecast Horizon Based on Input Data and Target |
update_secondary_args | Update estimate_secondary default priors |
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