#' user_management_create_user UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_user_management_create_user_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
selection_vars <- golem::get_golem_options("selection_vars")
fluidRow(column(12, h3("Your Name"))),
fluidRow(column(12, textInput(ns("name"), label = NULL))),
fluidRow(column(12, "Please enter your name. (If you really do not wish to be identified, you can also enter an imaginary name or leave it blank.)")),
# br(),
fluidRow(column(12, h3("User Name and Performance Board"))),
fluidRow(column(6, textInput(ns("username"), label = "Your username")),
column(6, radioButtons(inputId = ns("appearboard"), label = "Appear on Performance Board?",
choices = c("yes", "anonymous"), selected = "anonymous", inline = TRUE))),
fluidRow(column(12, "Please provide a username needed to log in. If you select the appropriate option, this username will also appear on our performance board. If you select 'anonymous', an anonymous alias will appear instead")),
# br(),
fluidRow(column(12, h3("Password"))),
fluidRow(column(6, passwordInput(ns("password"), "Choose a password")),
column(6, passwordInput(ns("password2"), "Repeat password"))),
# br(),
fluidRow(column(12, h3("Select forecast targets"))),
FUN = function(var) {
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = ns(paste0("make_selection_", var)),
label = paste("Options for", var),
choices = list_selections()[[var]],
selected = list_selections()[[var]],
inline = TRUE)
fluidRow(column(2, actionButton(ns("select_all"), label = "Select all")),
column(2, actionButton(ns("deselect_all"), label = "Select none"))),
fluidRow(column(12, h3("Email"))),
fluidRow(column(12, "Please submit your email, if you like. If you provide your email, we will send you weekly reminders to conduct the survey and may contact you in case of questions.")),
fluidRow(column(12, textInput(ns("email"), label = "Email"))),
fluidRow(column(12, h3("Domain Expertise"))),
checkboxInput(inputId = ns("expert"),
label = "Do you have domain expertise?")),
column(4, textInput(inputId = ns("affiliation"), label = "Affiliation")),
column(4, textInput(inputId = ns("affiliationsite"), "Institution website"))),
fluidRow(column(12, "If you work in infectious disease modelling or have professional experience in any related field, please tick the appropriate box and state the website of the institution you are or were associated with")),
fluidRow(column(3, actionButton(inputId = ns("createnew"),
label = HTML("<b>Create New User</b>"))),
column(3, actionButton(inputId = ns("backtologin"),
label = "Back to login")))
#' user_management_create_user Server Functions
#' @noRd
mod_user_management_create_user_server <- function(id, user_management,
moduleServer( id, function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
selection_vars <- golem:::get_golem_options("selection_vars")
observeEvent(input$select_all, {
for (var in selection_vars) {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(session = session,
inputId = paste0("make_selection_", var),
choices = list_selections()[[var]],
selected = list_selections()[[var]],
inline = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$deselect_all, {
for (var in selection_vars) {
updateCheckboxGroupInput(inputId = paste0("make_selection_", var),
choices = list_selections()[[var]],
selected = NULL,
inline = TRUE)
user_data <- user_management$user_data
if ((input$username != "") && (input$password != "")) {
existing_users <- unique(user_data$username)
if (input$username %in% existing_users) {
showNotification("Username already taken", type = "error")
} else if (input$password != input$password2) {
showNotification("Passwords don't match", type = "error")
} else {
showNotification("New user created", type = "message")
generate_random_id <- function() {
existing_ids <- unique(user_data$forecaster_id)
id <- round(runif(1) * 1000000)
while (id %in% existing_ids) {
id <- round(runif(1) * 1000000)
create_leaderboard_name <- function() {
if (input$appearboard == "yes") {
board_name <- input$username
} else {
existing_names <- unique(user_data$board_name)
used_animals <- gsub(".*_","", existing_names)
free_animals <- setdiff(crowdforecastr::animals, used_animals)
if (length(free_animals) > 0) {
n <- length(free_animals)
index <- sample(x = 1:n, size = 1)
board_name = paste0("anonymous_", free_animals[index])
} else {
# make this more flexible in the future
animal_list <- paste0(animal_list, "_2")
free_animals <- setdiff(animal_list, used_animals)
n <- length(free_animals)
index <- sample(x = 1:n, size = 1)
board_name = paste0("anonymous_", free_animals[index])
current_user_data <- data.frame(name = input$name,
username = input$username,
password = sodium::password_store(input$password),
email = input$email,
expert = input$expert,
appearboard = input$appearboard,
affiliation = stringr::str_to_lower(input$affiliation),
website = stringr::str_to_lower(input$affiliationsite),
forecaster_id = generate_random_id(),
board_name = create_leaderboard_name())
# add selection preferences to user data
selection_vars <- golem:::get_golem_options("selection_vars")
for (var in selection_vars) {
user_selection <- input[[paste0("make_selection_", var)]] %>%
paste(collapse = ", ")
current_user_data[[paste0("selection_", var)]] <- user_selection
googlesheets4::sheet_append(data = current_user_data,
ss = user_data_sheet_id),
message = "We are trying to connect to the user data base."
user_management$current_user_data <- current_user_data
print("this worked")
} else {
showNotification("Username or password missing", type = "error")
observeEvent(input$backtologin, {
user_management$open_login <- TRUE
user_management$open_create_user_form <- FALSE
## To be copied in the UI
# mod_user_management_create_user_ui("user_management_create_user_ui_1")
## To be copied in the server
# mod_user_management_create_user_server("user_management_create_user_ui_1")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.