
Defines functions compute_rr derive_param_rr compute_qtc default_qtc_paramcd derive_param_qtc

Documented in compute_qtc compute_rr default_qtc_paramcd derive_param_qtc derive_param_rr

#' Adds a Parameter for Corrected QT
#' Adds a record for corrected QT using either Bazett's, Fridericia's or Sagie's
#' formula for each by group (e.g., subject and visit) where the source parameters
#' are available.
#' @param dataset Input dataset
#'   The variables specified by the `by_vars` and the `unit_var` parameter,
#'   `PARAMCD`, and `AVAL` are expected.
#'   The variable specified by `by_vars` and `PARAMCD` must be a unique key of
#'   the input dataset after restricting it by the filter condition (`filter`
#'   parameter) and to the parameters specified by `qt_code` and `rr_code`.
#' @param by_vars Grouping variables
#'   Permitted Values: list of variables
#' @param method Method used to QT correction
#'   Permitted Values: `"Bazett"`, `"Fridericia"`, `"Sagie"`
#' @param qt_code QT parameter code
#'   The observations where `PARAMCD` equals the specified value are considered
#'   as the QT interval assessments. It is expected that QT is measured in msec.
#'   Permitted Values: character value
#' @param rr_code RR parameter code
#'   The observations where `PARAMCD` equals the specified value are considered
#'   as the RR interval assessments. It is expected that RR is measured in msec.
#'   Permitted Values: character value
#' @param get_unit_expr An expression providing the unit of the parameter
#'   The result is used to check the units of the input parameters.
#'   Permitted Values: A variable of the input dataset or a function call
#' @inheritParams derive_derived_param
#' @seealso [compute_qtc()]
#' @author Stefan Bundfuss
#' @return The input dataset with the new parameter added
#' @keywords derivation adeg
#' @export
#' @examples
#' adeg <- tibble::tribble(
#'   ~USUBJID,      ~PARAMCD, ~PARAM,                   ~AVAL,  ~AVALU,      ~VISIT,
#'   "01-701-1015", "HR",     "Heart Rate (beats/min)",  70.14, "beats/min", "BASELINE",
#'   "01-701-1015", "QT",     "QT Duration (msec)",     370,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1015", "HR",     "Heart Rate (beats/min)",  62.66, "beats/min", "WEEK 1",
#'   "01-701-1015", "RR",     "RR Duration (msec)",     710,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1028", "HR",     "Heart Rate (beats/min)",  85.45, "beats/min", "BASELINE",
#'   "01-701-1028", "QT",     "QT Duration (msec)",     480,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1028", "QT",     "QT Duration (msec)",     350,    "msec",      "WEEK 3",
#'   "01-701-1028", "HR",     "Heart Rate (beats/min)",  56.54, "beats/min", "WEEK 3",
#'   "01-701-1028", "RR",     "RR Duration (msec)",     842,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#' )
#' derive_param_qtc(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, VISIT),
#'   method = "Bazett",
#'   set_values_to = vars(
#'     PARAMCD = "QTCBR",
#'     PARAM = "QTcB - Bazett's Correction Formula Rederived (msec)",
#'     AVALU = "msec"
#'   ),
#'   get_unit_expr = AVALU
#' )
#' derive_param_qtc(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, VISIT),
#'   method = "Fridericia",
#'   set_values_to = vars(
#'     PARAMCD = "QTCFR",
#'     PARAM = "QTcF - Fridericia's Correction Formula Rederived (msec)",
#'     AVALU = "msec"
#'   ),
#'   get_unit_expr = extract_unit(PARAM)
#' )
#' derive_param_qtc(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, VISIT),
#'   method = "Sagie",
#'   set_values_to = vars(
#'     PARAMCD = "QTLCR",
#'     PARAM = "QTlc - Sagie's Correction Formula Rederived (msec)",
#'     AVALU = "msec"
#'   ),
#'   get_unit_expr = extract_unit(PARAM)
#' )
derive_param_qtc <- function(dataset,
                             set_values_to = default_qtc_paramcd(method),
                             qt_code = "QT",
                             rr_code = "RR",
                             filter = NULL) {
    required_vars = vars(!!!by_vars, PARAMCD, AVAL)
  assert_character_scalar(method, values = c("Bazett", "Fridericia", "Sagie"))
  assert_varval_list(set_values_to, required_elements = "PARAMCD")
  assert_param_does_not_exist(dataset, quo_get_expr(set_values_to$PARAMCD))
  get_unit_expr <- assert_expr(enquo(get_unit_expr))
  filter <- assert_filter_cond(enquo(filter), optional = TRUE)

    param = qt_code,
    required_unit = "msec",
    get_unit_expr = !!get_unit_expr
    param = rr_code,
    required_unit = "msec",
    get_unit_expr = !!get_unit_expr

    filter = !!filter,
    parameters = c(qt_code, rr_code),
    by_vars = by_vars,
    analysis_value = compute_qtc(
      qt = !!sym(paste0("AVAL.", qt_code)),
      rr = !!sym(paste0("AVAL.", rr_code)),
      method = method
    set_values_to = set_values_to

#' Get Default Parameter Code for Corrected QT
#' @param method Method used to QT correction
#'   Permitted Values: `"Bazett"`, `"Fridericia"`, `"Sagie"`
#' @author Thomas Neitmann
#' @export
#' @keywords user_utility
#' @examples
#' default_qtc_paramcd("Sagie")
default_qtc_paramcd <- function(method) {
  assert_character_scalar(method, values = c("Bazett", "Fridericia", "Sagie"))
  paramcd <- c(Bazett = "QTCBR", Fridericia = "QTCFR", Sagie = "QTLCR")
  vars(PARAMCD = !!paramcd[[method]])

#' Compute Corrected QT
#' Computes corrected QT using Bazett's, Fridericia's or Sagie's formula.
#' @param qt QT interval
#'   A numeric vector is expected. It is expected that QT is measured in msec.
#' @param rr RR interval
#'   A numeric vector is expected. It is expected that RR is measured in msec.
#' @inheritParams derive_param_qtc
#' @author Stefan Bundfuss
#' @return QT interval in msec
#' @details
#' Depending on the chosen `method` one of the following formulae is used.
#' *Bazett*: \deqn{\frac{QT}{\sqrt{\frac{RR}{1000}}}}{QT/\sqrt(RR/1000)}
#' *Fridericia*: \deqn{\frac{QT}{\sqrt[3]{\frac{RR}{1000}}}}{QT/(RR/1000)^(1/3)}
#' *Sagie*: \deqn{1000\left(\frac{QT}{1000} + 0.154\left(1 - \frac{RR}{1000}\right)\right)}{
#' 1000(QT/1000 + 0.154(1 - RR/1000))}
#' @keywords computation adeg
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compute_qtc(qt = 350, rr = 56.54, method = "Bazett")
#' compute_qtc(qt = 350, rr = 56.54, method = "Fridericia")
#' compute_qtc(qt = 350, rr = 56.54, method = "Sagie")
compute_qtc <- function(qt, rr, method) {
  assert_character_scalar(method, values = c("Bazett", "Fridericia", "Sagie"))

  formulae <- alist(
    Bazett = qt / sqrt(rr / 1000),
    Fridericia = qt / (rr / 1000) ^ (1 / 3),
    Sagie = 1000 * (qt / 1000 + 0.154 * (1 - rr / 1000))

#' Adds a Parameter for Derived RR
#' Adds a record for derived RR based on heart rate for each by group (e.g.,
#' subject and visit) where the source parameters are available.
#' The analysis value of the new parameter is derived as
#' \deqn{\frac{60000}{HR}}{60000 / HR}
#' @param dataset Input dataset
#'   The variables specified by the `by_vars` parameter, `PARAMCD`, and `AVAL`
#'   are expected.
#'   The variable specified by `by_vars` and `PARAMCD` must be a unique key of
#'   the input dataset after restricting it by the filter condition (`filter`
#'   parameter) and to the parameters specified by `hr_code`.
#' @param hr_code HR parameter code
#'   The observations where `PARAMCD` equals the specified value are considered
#'   as the heart rate assessments.
#'   Permitted Values: character value
#' @inheritParams derive_derived_param
#' @inheritParams derive_param_qtc
#' @author Stefan Bundfuss
#' @return The input dataset with the new parameter added
#' @keywords derivation adeg
#' @export
#' @examples
#' adeg <- tibble::tribble(
#'   ~USUBJID,      ~PARAMCD, ~PARAM,        ~AVAL,  ~AVALU,      ~VISIT,
#'   "01-701-1015", "HR",     "Heart Rate",   70.14, "beats/min", "BASELINE",
#'   "01-701-1015", "QT",     "QT Duration", 370,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1015", "HR",     "Heart Rate",   62.66, "beats/min", "WEEK 1",
#'   "01-701-1015", "RR",     "RR Duration", 710,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1028", "HR",     "Heart Rate",   85.45, "beats/min", "BASELINE",
#'   "01-701-1028", "QT",     "QT Duration", 480,    "msec",      "WEEK 2",
#'   "01-701-1028", "QT",     "QT Duration", 350,    "msec",      "WEEK 3",
#'   "01-701-1028", "HR",     "Heart Rate",   56.54, "beats/min", "WEEK 3",
#'   "01-701-1028", "RR",     "RR Duration", 842,    "msec",      "WEEK 2"
#' )
#' derive_param_rr(
#'   adeg,
#'   by_vars = vars(USUBJID, VISIT),
#'   set_values_to = vars(
#'     PARAMCD = "RRR",
#'     PARAM = "RR Duration Rederived (msec)",
#'     AVALU = "msec"
#'   ),
#'   get_unit_expr = AVALU
#' )
derive_param_rr <- function(dataset,
                            set_values_to = vars(PARAMCD = "RRR"),
                            hr_code = "HR",
                            filter = NULL) {
    required_vars = vars(!!!by_vars, PARAMCD, AVAL)
  assert_varval_list(set_values_to, required_elements = "PARAMCD", optional = TRUE)
  assert_param_does_not_exist(dataset, quo_get_expr(set_values_to$PARAMCD))
  get_unit_expr <- assert_expr(enquo(get_unit_expr))
  filter <- assert_filter_cond(enquo(filter), optional = TRUE)

    param = hr_code,
    required_unit = "beats/min",
    get_unit_expr = !!get_unit_expr

    filter = !!filter,
    parameters = c(hr_code),
    by_vars = by_vars,
    analysis_value = compute_rr(!!sym(paste0("AVAL.", hr_code))),
    set_values_to = set_values_to

#' Compute RR Interval From Heart Rate
#' Computes RR interval from heart rate.
#' @param hr Heart rate
#'   A numeric vector is expected. It is expected that heart rate is measured in
#'   beats/min.
#' @author Stefan Bundfuss
#' @return RR interval in msec:
#' \deqn{\frac{60000}{HR}}{60000 / HR}
#' @keywords computation adeg
#' @export
#' @examples
#' compute_rr(hr = 70.14)
compute_rr <- function(hr) {
  60000 / hr
epijim/admiral documentation built on Feb. 13, 2022, 12:15 a.m.