#' Derive Query Variables
#' @details For each unique element in `VAR_PREFIX`, the corresponding "NAM"
#' variable will be created. For each unique `VAR_PREFIX`, if `QUERY_ID` is
#' not "" or NA, then the corresponding "CD" variable is created; similarly,
#' if `QUERY_SCOPE` is not "" or NA, then the corresponding "SC" variable will
#' be created; if `QUERY_SCOPE_NUM` is not "" or NA, then the corresponding
#' "SCN" variable will be created.
#' For each record in `dataset`, the "NAM" variable takes the value of
#' `QUERY_NAME` if the value of `TERM_NAME` or `TERM_ID` in `dataset_queries` matches
#' the value of the respective TERM_LEVEL in `dataset`.
#' Note that `TERM_NAME` in `dataset_queries` dataset may be NA only when `TERM_ID`
#' is non-NA and vice versa.
#' The "CD", "SC", and "SCN" variables are derived accordingly based on
#' `QUERY_ID`, `QUERY_SCOPE`, and `QUERY_SCOPE_NUM` respectively,
#' whenever not missing.
#' @param dataset Input dataset.
#' @param dataset_queries A data.frame containing required columns `VAR_PREFIX`,
#' `QUERY_NAME`, `TERM_LEVEL`, `TERM_NAME`, `TERM_ID`, and optional columns
#' The content of the dataset will be verified by [assert_valid_queries()].
#' @author Ondrej Slama, Shimeng Huang
#' @return The input dataset with query variables derived.
#' @keywords adae adcm derivation
#' @seealso [assert_valid_queries()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("queries")
#' adae <- tibble::tribble(
#' "01", "2020-06-02 23:59:59", "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE ABNORMAL",
#' 3, "Alanine aminotransferase abnormal", NA_character_, NA_integer_,
#' "02", "2020-06-05 23:59:59", "BASEDOW'S DISEASE",
#' 5, "Basedow's disease", NA_character_, 1L,
#' "03", "2020-06-07 23:59:59", "SOME TERM",
#' 2, "Some query", "Some term", NA_integer_,
#' "05", "2020-06-09 23:59:59", "ALVEOLAR PROTEINOSIS",
#' 7, "Alveolar proteinosis", NA_character_, NA_integer_
#' )
#' derive_vars_query(adae, queries)
derive_vars_query <- function(dataset, dataset_queries) {
assert_valid_queries(dataset_queries, queries_name = deparse(substitute(dataset_queries)))
assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = vars(!!!syms(unique(dataset_queries$TERM_LEVEL))),
optional = FALSE)
# replace all "" by NA
dataset_queries <- dataset_queries %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, function(x) {
ifelse(x == "", NA_character_, x)})
# names of new columns
if ("QUERY_ID" %notin% names(dataset_queries)) {
dataset_queries$QUERY_ID <- NA_integer_ # nolint
if ("QUERY_SCOPE" %notin% names(dataset_queries)) {
dataset_queries$QUERY_SCOPE <- NA_integer_ # nolint
if ("QUERY_SCOPE_NUM" %notin% names(dataset_queries)) {
dataset_queries$QUERY_SCOPE_NUM <- NA_integer_ # nolint
new_col_names <- dataset_queries %>%
group_by(VAR_PREFIX) %>%
mutate(NAM = paste0(VAR_PREFIX, "NAM"),
CD = ifelse(!all(is.na(QUERY_ID)),
paste0(VAR_PREFIX, "CD"), NA_character_),
SC = ifelse(!all(is.na(QUERY_SCOPE)),
paste0(VAR_PREFIX, "SC"), NA_character_),
SCN = ifelse(!all(is.na(QUERY_SCOPE_NUM)),
paste0(VAR_PREFIX, "SCN"), NA_character_)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(NAM, CD, SC, SCN) %>%
distinct() %>%
gather() %>%
filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
mutate(order1 = stringr::str_extract(value, "^[a-zA-Z]{2,3}"),
order2 = stringr::str_extract(value, "\\d{2}"),
order3 = as.integer(factor(key, levels = c("NAM", "CD", "SC", "SCN")))) %>%
arrange(desc(order1), order2, order3) %>%
# queries restructured
queries_wide <- dataset_queries %>%
mutate(TERM_NAME = toupper(.data$TERM_NAME),
VAR_PREFIX_NAM = paste0(.data$VAR_PREFIX, "NAM")) %>%
spread(.data$VAR_PREFIX_NAM, .data$QUERY_NAME) %>%
mutate(VAR_PREFIX_CD = paste0(.data$VAR_PREFIX, "CD")) %>%
spread(.data$VAR_PREFIX_CD, .data$QUERY_ID) %>%
mutate(VAR_PREFIX_SC = paste0(.data$VAR_PREFIX, "SC")) %>%
spread(.data$VAR_PREFIX_SC, .data$QUERY_SCOPE) %>%
mutate(VAR_PREFIX_SCN = paste0(.data$VAR_PREFIX, "SCN")) %>%
spread(.data$VAR_PREFIX_SCN, .data$QUERY_SCOPE_NUM) %>%
select(-VAR_PREFIX) %>%
# determine join column based on type of TERM_LEVEL
# numeric -> TERM_ID, character -> TERM_NAME, otherwise -> error
tmp_col_type = vapply(dataset[.data$TERM_LEVEL], typeof, character(1)),
TERM_NAME_ID = case_when(
.data$tmp_col_type == "character" ~ .data$TERM_NAME,
.data$tmp_col_type %in% c("double", "integer") ~ as.character(.data$TERM_ID),
TRUE ~ NA_character_)
# throw error if any type of column is not character or numeric
if (any(is.na(queries_wide$TERM_NAME_ID))) {
idx <- is.na(queries_wide$TERM_NAME_ID)
dat_incorrect_type <- dataset[queries_wide$TERM_LEVEL[idx]]
msg <- paste0(
" is of type ",
vapply(dat_incorrect_type, typeof, character(1)),
collapse = ", "),
", numeric or character is required"
# prepare input dataset for joining
static_cols <- setdiff(names(dataset), unique(dataset_queries$TERM_LEVEL))
# if dataset does not have a unique key, create a temp one
no_key <- dataset %>% select(!!!syms(static_cols)) %>% distinct()
if (nrow(no_key) != nrow(dataset)) {
dataset$temp_key <- seq_len(nrow(dataset))
static_cols <- c(static_cols, "temp_key")
joined <- dataset %>%
gather(key = "TERM_LEVEL", value = "TERM_NAME_ID", -static_cols) %>%
drop_na(.data$TERM_NAME_ID) %>%
mutate(TERM_NAME_ID = toupper(.data$TERM_NAME_ID))
# join restructured queries to input dataset
joined <- joined %>%
inner_join(queries_wide, by = c("TERM_LEVEL", "TERM_NAME_ID")) %>%
select(!!!syms(c(static_cols, new_col_names))) %>%
dplyr::group_by_at(static_cols) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(~dplyr::first(na.omit(.))) %>%
# join queries to input dataset
left_join(dataset, joined, by = static_cols) %>%
#' Verify if a Dataset Has the Required Format as Queries Dataset.
#' @details Check if the dataset has the following columns
#' - `VAR_PREFIX`, e.g., SMQ01, CQ12
#' - `QUERY_NAME`, non NA, must be unique per each `VAR_PREFIX`
#' - `QUERY_ID`, could be NA, must be unique per each `VAR_PREFIX`
#' - `QUERY_SCOPE_NUM`, 1, 2, or NA
#' - `TERM_LEVEL`, e.g., `"AEDECOD"`, `"AELLT"`, `"AELLTCD"`, ...
#' - `TERM_NAME`, character, could be NA only at those observations
#' where `TERM_ID` is non-NA
#' - `TERM_ID`, integer, could be NA only at those observations
#' where `TERM_NAME` is non-NA
#' @param queries A data.frame.
#' @param queries_name Name of the queries dataset, a string.
#' @author Shimeng Huang, Ondrej Slama
#' @keywords assertion
#' @export
#' @return The function throws an error if any of the requirements not met.
#' @examples
#' data("queries")
#' assert_valid_queries(queries, "queries")
assert_valid_queries <- function(queries, queries_name) {
# check required columns
# check duplicate rows
signal_duplicate_records(queries, by_vars = quos(!!!syms(colnames(queries))))
# check illegal prefix category
is_good_prefix <- grepl("^[a-zA-Z]{2,3}", queries$VAR_PREFIX)
if (!all(is_good_prefix)) {
"`VAR_PREFIX` in `", queries_name,
"` must start with 2-3 letters.. Problem with ",
# check illegal prefix number
query_num <- sub("[[:alpha:]]+", "", queries$VAR_PREFIX)
is_bad_num <- nchar(query_num) != 2 | is.na(as.numeric(query_num))
if (any(is_bad_num)) {
"`VAR_PREFIX` in `", queries_name,
"` must end with 2-digit numbers. Issue with ",
# check illegal query name
if (any(queries$QUERY_NAME == "") | any(is.na(queries$QUERY_NAME))) {
abort(paste0("`QUERY_NAME` in `", queries_name,
"` cannot be empty string or NA."))
# check query id is numeric
if ("QUERY_ID" %in% names(queries) && !is.numeric(queries$QUERY_ID)) {
abort(paste0("`QUERY_ID` in `", queries_name,
"` should be numeric."))
# check illegal query scope
if ("QUERY_SCOPE" %in% names(queries) &&
any(unique(queries$QUERY_SCOPE) %notin% c("BROAD", "NARROW", "", NA_character_))) {
abort(paste0("`QUERY_SCOPE` in `", queries_name,
"` can only be 'BROAD', 'NARROW' or `NA`."))
# check illegal query scope number
if ("QUERY_SCOPE_NUM" %in% names(queries)) {
is_bad_scope_num <- queries$QUERY_SCOPE_NUM %notin% c(1, 2, NA_integer_)
if (any(is_bad_scope_num)) {
"`QUERY_SCOPE_NUM` in `", queries_name,
"` must be one of 1, 2, or NA. Issue with ",
# check illegal term name
if (any(is.na(queries$TERM_NAME) & is.na(queries$TERM_ID)) |
any(queries$TERM_NAME == "" & is.na(queries$TERM_ID))) {
abort(paste0("Either `TERM_NAME` or `TERM_ID` need to be specified",
" in `", queries_name, "`. ",
"They both cannot be NA or empty."))
# each VAR_PREFIX must have unique QUERY_NAME, QUERY_ID if the columns exist
count_unique <- queries %>%
group_by(VAR_PREFIX) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n_qnam = length(unique(QUERY_NAME)),
n_qid = ifelse("QUERY_ID" %in% names(queries),
length(unique(QUERY_ID)), 0)) %>%
if (any(count_unique$n_qnam > 1)) {
idx <- which(count_unique$n_qnam > 1)
abort(paste0("In `", queries_name, "`, `QUERY_NAME` of '",
paste(count_unique$VAR_PREFIX[idx], collapse = ", "),
"' is not unique."))
if (any(count_unique$n_qid > 1)) {
idx <- which(count_unique$n_qid > 1)
abort(paste0("In `", queries_name, "`, `QUERY_ID` of '",
paste(count_unique$VAR_PREFIX[idx], collapse = ", "),
"' is not unique."))
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