
# Main function for printing bibliography section
# category is a character vector of bib types
# title is the section heading

#' Print bibliography section
#' Given a bib file, this function will generate bibliographic entries for one or more types of bib entry.
#' @param file A path to a .bib file.
#' @param startlabel Optional label for first reference in the section.
#' @param endlabel Optional label for last reference in the section.
#' @return Prints bibliographic entries
#' @author Rob J Hyndman & Mitchell O'Hara-Wild
#' @export
bibliography_entries <- function(file,
                                 startlabel = NULL,
                                 endlabel = NULL) {
  bib <- RefManageR::ReadBib(file, check = FALSE)
  out <- dplyr::as_tibble(bib)
  structure(mutate(out, key = names(bib$key)),
    file = file,
    startlabel = startlabel,
    endlabel = endlabel,
    preserve = "key",
    class = c("vitae_bibliography", "vitae_preserve", class(out))

#' @importFrom knitr knit_print
#' @export
knit_print.vitae_bibliography <- function(x, options) {
  bibname <- paste("bib", x %@% "file", format((as.numeric(Sys.time())%%60)*1e5, nsmall = 0), sep = "-")
  items <- x$key
  startlabel <- x %@% "startlabel"
  endlabel <- x %@% "endlabel"
  out <- glue(

    startlabel = ifelse(!is.null(startlabel),
      glue("\\label{<startlabel>}", .open = "<", .close = ">"),
    endlabel = ifelse(!is.null(endlabel),
      glue("\\label{<endlabel>}", .open = "<", .close = ">"),
    items = glue_collapse(items, sep = ",\n"),
    .open = "<<", .close = ">>"
    meta = list(structure(
      list(title = bibname, file = x %@% "file"),
      class = "biliography_entry"
erex/vitae-etaremune documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:41 a.m.