
#' ER ToxCast Data
#' A dataset containing ToxCast model parameters, hit calls, assays, and
#' chemical info to generate ER Model AUC values. Data is pulled from the
#' October 2015 public release (prod_external_invitrodb_v2), and subset down to
#' the minimum needed to run the model.
#' @format A data.table with 60330 rows and 9 columns

#' AR ToxCast Data
#' A dataset containing ToxCast model parameters, hit calls, assays, and
#' chemical info to generate AR Model AUC values. Data is pulled from the
#' internal release (invitrodb), and subset down to
#' the minimum needed to run the model.
#' @format A data.table with 42734 rows and 9 columns

#' AR Viability ToxCast Data
#' A dataset containing ToxCast model parameters, hit calls, assays, and
#' chemical info to generate ER Model AUC values. Data is pulled from the
#' internal release (invitrodb), and subset down to
#' the minimum needed to run the model. Viability data for TOX21 Antagonist
#' assays used to filter activity calls.
#' @format A data.table with 16179 rows and 9 columns
ericwatt/eapath documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:41 a.m.