Comparing mixedMCMC to gsi_sim

We just want to make sure that we are getting comparable results as a way of checking that we don't have any bugs.

Initial maneuvers

First we need to source in the functions that Elena wrote to split baselines into a baseline and a test mixture. This should be run from the top level directory.

library(gpiper)  # for running gsi_sim
BASE <- swfsc_chinook_baseline

Splitting data into a baseline and a mixture

We will make a mixture with 1000 individuals in it by sampling randomly from the baseline.

N <- 1000
rho <- 0.01
set.seed(5)  # make it reproducible
SPLIT <- make_mixture(BASE, N, rho)
MixFish <- rownames(SPLIT$mixture)  # fish to put in mixture

Computing likelihoods in R

Now we have to compute likelihood matrices before running the MCMC

# computing the likelihood matrices
lik_mat <-  get_likelihood_matrices(SPLIT$bline, SPLIT$mixture)

Now lik_mat$clean is an array of dimension (r dim(lik_mat$clean)). These are unnormalized likelihoods for each individual of coming from each of the different source populations. We should be able to compare these directly to what we get out of gsi_sim.

Let's add some row and column names to that matrix, and also transpose it:

clikes  <- t(lik_mat$clean_prob)  # clean likelihoods
dimnames(clikes) <- list(FishIds = MixFish, PopNames = levels(SPLIT$bline$Pop))

Computing likelihoods via gsi_sim

# first make the baseline and the mixture to put into gsi_sim:
# baseline
tmp <- SPLIT$bline[, -(1:3)]
tmp[] <- 0
gPdf2gsi.sim(d = tmp, pop.ize.them = SPLIT$bline$Pop, outfile = "baseline.txt")

# mixture
rownames(BASE) <- BASE$ID
tmp <- BASE[ MixFish, -(1:4)]
tmp[] <- 0
gPdf2gsi.sim(d = tmp, outfile = "mixture.txt")

# then run gsi_sim
gsi_Run_gsi_sim(" -b baseline.txt  -t mixture.txt ")

Extracting values from gsi_sim's output

This is a little ugly, but can be done. I hacked a function I used for grabbing self-assignments out. Here it is below. I should put it in gpiper.

# temporary to make some functions
gsi.simBits2DF <- function(file="GSI_SIM_Dumpola.txt", tag = "UNSORTED_GENE_CLASS_CSV:") {
  x <- readLines(file)
  x1<-x[grep(tag, x)]  # get just the lines we want
  x2<-read.table(textConnection(x1), sep=";", stringsAsFactors=F)
  numpops <- (ncol(x2)-4)/4  # remove one column for each of ID, NumMissingLoci, NonMissingLocusNames, and MissingLocusNames
  popnames <- as.character(x2[1,seq(from=2, by=3, length.out=numpops)])  # names of all the pops in the baseline, in that order
  IDs <- gsub(tag, "", x2$V1)
  IDs <- sub("\\/", "", IDs)
  Posteriors <- x2[,seq(from=3, by=3, length.out=numpops)]/100.0
  LogLs <- x2[, seq(from=2+3*numpops, length.out=numpops)]
  NumLoci <- x2[, ncol(x2)-2]

  # send result back as a list of data frames, either Posteriors or LogLs.
  # get the row and column names on there
  ret <- lapply(list(Post=Posteriors, LogLs=LogLs), function(z) {
    names(z) <- popnames
    rownames(z) <- IDs

  # put the number of loci on there as well
  ret <- c(ret, list(NumLoci=NumLoci))


And now we get those values:

GSLM <- gsi.simBits2DF()

Some comparisons

here is a quick jot

emat <- log10(clikes)
plot(-as.matrix(GSLM$LogLs), emat, pch = 19, cex=.05,
     #xlim=c(-60, -40), ylim = c(-60,-40),
     col = round((1:length(clikes) / 1000))  # each color is a population
     #col = (1:length(clikes) %% 1000) + 1)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red", lwd = 3, lty = "dashed", )

Maybe my functions for counting alleles are not right

Let's check zeros and ones. Given a baseline like blines, count up the alleles. Here is a quick function for that:

count_alle_via_table <- function(x, locstart=4) {
  ret <- lapply(seq(locstart, ncol(x), 2), function(y) table(factor(c(x[,y], x[,y+1])), rep(x$Pop,2)))
  names(ret) <- colnames(x)[seq(locstart, ncol(x), 2)]
alist <- count_alle_via_table(SPLIT$bline)
t.zeros <-, args = lapply(alist, function(x) x[1,]))
t.ones <-, args = lapply(alist, function(x) x[2,]))

And we can compare those with what we get by using the other functions:

get_zeroes_and_ones <- function(x) {
    y <- x[, -(1:3)]
    snp_genos <- get_snp_genos(y)$mat
    snp_indics <- genos_to_indicators(g = snp_genos)
    geno_counts <- count_genos(snp_indics)
    af <- t(alle_freqs(geno_counts, proportion = F))

  # Get zero and one allele counts for each population
  pop.list <- split(SPLIT$bline, SPLIT$bline$Pop)
  alle.counts.list <- lapply(pop.list, get_zeroes_and_ones)
  zeros <- = cbind, args = lapply(alle.counts.list, function(x) x[,"0"]))
  ones <- = cbind, args = lapply(alle.counts.list, function(x) x[,"1"]))

And once we have that, by comparing t.zeros with zeros and t.ones with ones we see that the problem is that the code I told Elena to use to compute the allele frequencies calls the 0 allele the one with the smallest frequency in the population. So, the labels of the alleles is switching between populations and is especially bad with the alaska populations. I wrote that stuff for processing single populations in mind. So, we can just use the code above in the block where count_alle_via_table is defined to make the zeros and ones matrices. That will be better anyway...then we don't have to load the fullsniplings package.

Over and out.

eriqande/SNPcontam documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.