
Testing the Mixture MCMC with Non-Contaminated Data

Specify the Desired Number of Individuals

In this case, I choose to randomly select 50 individuals from the baseline so:

N = 50

Prepare the Data Set

Using the code below, load the baseline data and change the population names to numbers. In this case, the populations should now be numbers 1 through 69 because this data set contains 69 different populations.

swfs <- swfsc_chinook_baseline
swfs2 <- data.frame(lapply(swfs, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Pop <- swfs$Pop
swfs2$Pop[1] = 1
k = 1; 
for (i in 2:8031){ 
  if (swfs$Pop[i-1] != swfs$Pop[i]){
    k = k+1}
  swfs2$Pop[i] = k

Select the Individuals from the Baseline

The code below randomly samples the individuals from the baseline, stores their population identification (a number 1 through 69), and trims first two columns of of the data so that it can be passed the functions for receiving genotype information.

a <- sample(1:8031,N)
pop_id <- swfs2$Pop[a]
genos <- swfs2[a,-(1:4)]

Change the Genotype Data into Suitable Data for the MCMC Code

The functionget_snp_genos creates a matrix with number of columns equal to the number individuals (N) and number of rows equal to the number of loci. The genotypes of the individuals are represented as counts of the 1 allele and are values of 0, 1, or 2.

snp_genos <- get_snp_genos(genos)
data <- snp_genos$mat

Get the Allele Counts for Each Population at Each Locus

The code below is used to find the allele counts, which are needed for the functions P_likelihood and Pcontam.

# Creates a list where the data from each population is a separate list item
boing <- lapply(1:69, function(x) {subset(swfs2,swfs2$Pop == x)[,-(1:4)]})

# Gets the genotype counts for each population
tmp <- lapply(boing, function(x) {snp_genos = get_snp_genos(x)})
snp_indics <- lapply(1:69, function(x) {genos_to_indicators(g = tmp[[x]]$mat)})
geno_counts <- lapply(snp_indics, function(x) {count_genos(x)})

# Creates the zero matrix, which is the count of zero alleles at each loci for each population
zeros_t <- lapply(geno_counts, function(x) {x[1,]*2 + x[2,]})
zeros <- matrix(unlist(zeros_t),ncol=69)
# Creates the one matrix, which is the count of one alleles at each loci for each population
ones_t <- lapply(geno_counts, function(x) {x[3,]*2 + x[2,]})
ones <- matrix(unlist(ones_t), ncol = 69)

Calculate the Likelihood Matrices

The code below is used to calculate the likelihood matrices for contaminated and non-contaminated assumptions.

clean_prob <- P_likelihood(zeros,ones,data,.5)
contam_prob <- Pcontam(zeros,ones,data,.5)

Run the MCMC

The MCMC data is calculated using mixed_MCMC.

test <- mixed_MCMC(data, contam_prob, clean_prob, inters = 1000) # took about 9 seconds with N = 50

Calculate and Compare Stats

Below are some options for computing and displaying some of the data produced by mixed_MCMC.

# Posterior Mean of the Contam Proportion (rho)
rho <- mean(test$prob_contam)

# Table for Population Data
pops <- 1:69
true_pop <- pop_id # true population id
clean_pops <- lapply(1:N, function(x) {test$pops[,x][2*which(test$z[,x] == 0) - 1]})
tmp_pops <- lapply(clean_pops, function(x) {factor(x,level = pops)}) 
freq <- lapply(tmp_pops, function(x) {as.numeric(table(x))})
MCMC_pop <- sapply(freq, function(x) {pops[which(x == max(x))]}) # MCMC identified pop
Rep_us <- sapply(1:N, function(x) {swfs2$RepUnit[swfs2$Pop==MCMC_pop[x]][1] == swfs2$RepUnit[swfs2$Pop==true_pop[x]][1]}) # logical vector recording if individual was assigned to correct RepUnit
pop_df <- data.frame(True_Population = true_pop, MCMC_Population = MCMC_pop, Same_RepUnit = Rep_us)

# Proportion of Individuals Placed in Correct RepUnit
correct_p = sum(Rep_us)/N

# Table Mixture Data
count_pop <- as.numeric(table(as.numeric(swfs2$Pop)))
freqs_pop <- count_pop/sum(count_pop) # actual mixture frequencies from baseline
mixing <- colMeans(test$mixing) # posterior means mixture frequencies from the MCMC
mix_df <- data.frame(True_mix = freqs_pop, MCMC_mix = mixing, Difference = freqs_pop - mixing)

eriqande/SNPcontam documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.