Man pages for eriqande/afblue
Best Linear Unbiased Erediction of Allele Frequencies Given Pairwise Kinship

add_founder_rowsadd founders to pedigree as needed
a_freq_bluefrom a long-format data frame of genotypes and a pedigree,...
matrix_L_from_pedigreegiven a pedigree as a data frame return the L matrix
optimal_zgiven a kinship-derived correlation matrix L, find the...
pipePipe operator
read_colony_best_configread a Colony BestConfig file into a pedigree with columns...
slg_pipe2longread an slg_pipe format file and turn it into a long format...
traditional_sib_yankgiven a one generation pedigree returns individuals you will...
weights_from_matrix_LGiven a matrix L, determine the (unnnormalized) weights to be...
eriqande/afblue documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:44 a.m.