Man pages for eriqande/gpiper
Genetic analysis pipelines from SWFSC's Molecular Ecology and Genetic Analysis Team

gPdf2gsi.simconvert a '' into a gsi_sim input file
gsi_aggScoresByRepUnitsum gsi_sim posteriors over populations in reporting units
gsi.a.SelfAssignrun gsi_sim self-assignment exercises using different sets of...
gsi.mixtureSimsDoes mixture simulations from a baseline given specified...
gsi_Run_gsi_simSimple unix-like interface to run gsi_sim
gsi_simAssTableVariousCutoffscreate an "assignment matrix" from gsi_sim results that have...
gsi_simBinaryPathcheck what type of OS and then figure out the path to the...
gsi_simMaxColumnAndPostget maximum posterior population assignment
gsi.simSelfAss2DFextract self-assignment results from the stdout dump file...
gsi_WriteReportingUnitsFilecreate a reporting units file for the gsi_sim program
eriqande/gpiper documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:46 a.m.