
### R code from vignette source 'Rcpp-extending.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: Rcpp-extending.Rnw:45-50
prettyVersion <- packageDescription("Rcpp")$Version
prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), "%B %e, %Y")

### code chunk number 3: Rcpp-extending.Rnw:92-108
code <- '
// we get a list from R
List input(input_) ;

// pull std::vector<double> from R list
// this is achieved through an implicit call to Rcpp::as
std::vector<double> x = input["x"] ;

// return an R list
// this is achieved through implicit call to Rcpp::wrap
return List::create(
    _["front"] = x.front(),
    _["back"]  = x.back()
    ) ;
writeLines( code, "code.cpp" )

### code chunk number 4: Rcpp-extending.Rnw:110-111
external_highlight( "code.cpp", type = "LATEX", doc = FALSE )

### code chunk number 5: Rcpp-extending.Rnw:114-120
fx <- cxxfunction( signature( input_ = "list"),
	paste( readLines( "code.cpp" ), collapse = "\n" ),
	plugin = "Rcpp"
input <- list( x = seq(1, 10, by = 0.5) )
fx( input )

### code chunk number 13: Rcpp-extending.Rnw:326-327
unlink( "code.cpp" )
etsakl/DasyMapR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:07 a.m.