# Control the main pipeline iterations for ROC and Precision-Recall curves
.pl_main_rocprc <- function(mdat, model_type, dataset_type, class_name_pf,
calc_avg = TRUE, cb_alpha = 0.05,
raw_curves = FALSE, x_bins = 1000,
interpolate = TRUE) {
if (!missing(dataset_type) && dataset_type == "single") {
calc_avg <- FALSE
raw_curves <- TRUE
if (!interpolate) {
calc_avg <- FALSE
x_bins <- 0
# === Create ROC and Precision-Recall curves ===
# Create curves
plfunc <- function(s) {
if (attr(mdat[[s]], "nn") == 0 || attr(mdat[[s]], "np") == 0) {
if (attr(mdat[[s]], "np") > 0) {
cl <- "positive"
} else {
cl <- "negative"
err_msg <- paste0(
"Curves cannot be calculated. ",
"Only a single class (", cl, ") ",
"found in dataset (modname: ",
attr(mdat[[s]], "modname"),
", dsid: ", attr(mdat[[s]], "dsid"), ")."
stop(err_msg, call. = FALSE)
cdat <- create_confmats(mdat[[s]])
pevals <- calc_measures(cdat)
create_curves(pevals, x_bins = x_bins)
lcurves <- lapply(seq_along(mdat), plfunc)
# Summarize curves by line type
grpfunc <- function(lt) {
lcurves, lt, "crvgrp", mdat, dataset_type,
calc_avg, cb_alpha, x_bins
grp_curves <- lapply(c("roc", "prc"), grpfunc)
names(grp_curves) <- c("rocs", "prcs")
# Summarize AUCs
aucs <- .gather_aucs(lcurves, mdat)
# Summarize average
grpfunc2 <- function(lt) {
attr(grp_curves[[lt]], "avgcurves")
grp_avg <- lapply(names(grp_curves), grpfunc2)
names(grp_avg) <- names(grp_curves)
# === Create an S3 object ===
if (dataset_type == "multiple" && calc_avg && !raw_curves) {
grpfunc3 <- function(lt) {
.summarize_curves(NULL, lt, "crvgrp", mdat, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
grp_curves <- lapply(c("roc", "prc"), grpfunc3)
names(grp_curves) <- c("rocs", "prcs")
s3obj <- structure(grp_curves, class = c(
paste0(class_name_pf, "curves"),
"curve_info", "aucs"
# Set attributes
attr(s3obj, "aucs") <- aucs
attr(s3obj, "paucs") <- NA
attr(s3obj, "grp_avg") <- grp_avg
attr(s3obj, "data_info") <- attr(mdat, "data_info")
attr(s3obj, "uniq_modnames") <- attr(mdat, "uniq_modnames")
attr(s3obj, "uniq_dsids") <- attr(mdat, "uniq_dsids")
attr(s3obj, "model_type") <- model_type
attr(s3obj, "dataset_type") <- dataset_type
attr(s3obj, "partial") <- FALSE
attr(s3obj, "args") <- list(
mode = "rocprc",
calc_avg = calc_avg,
cb_alpha = cb_alpha,
raw_curves = raw_curves,
x_bins = x_bins,
interpolate = interpolate
attr(s3obj, "validated") <- FALSE
# Call .validate.class_name()
# Get ROC or Precision-Recall curves from curves
.summarize_curves <- function(lcurves, curve_type, class_name, mdat,
dataset_type, calc_avg, cb_alpha, x_bins) {
if (!is.null(lcurves)) {
# Summarize ROC or PRC curves
mc <- lapply(seq_along(lcurves), function(s) lcurves[[s]][[curve_type]])
# Calculate the average curves
if (dataset_type == "multiple" && calc_avg) {
modnames <- attr(mdat, "data_info")[["modnames"]]
uniq_modnames <- attr(mdat, "uniq_modnames")
avgcurves <- calc_avg_rocprc(
mc, modnames, uniq_modnames, cb_alpha,
} else {
avgcurves <- NA
} else {
mc <- NA
avgcurves <- NA
# === Create an S3 object ===
s3obj <- structure(mc, class = class_name)
# Set attributes
attr(s3obj, "data_info") <- attr(mdat, "data_info")
attr(s3obj, "curve_type") <- curve_type
attr(s3obj, "xlim") <- c(0, 1)
attr(s3obj, "ylim") <- c(0, 1)
attr(s3obj, "uniq_modnames") <- attr(mdat, "uniq_modnames")
attr(s3obj, "uniq_dsids") <- attr(mdat, "uniq_dsids")
attr(s3obj, "avgcurves") <- avgcurves
attr(s3obj, "validated") <- FALSE
# Call .validate.class_name()
s3obj <- .validate(s3obj)
# Get AUCs
.gather_aucs <- function(lcurves, mdat) {
# Collect AUCs of ROC or PRC curves
ct_len <- 2
modnames <- attr(mdat, "data_info")[["modnames"]]
dsids <- attr(mdat, "data_info")[["dsids"]]
aucs <- data.frame(
modnames = rep(modnames, each = ct_len),
dsids = rep(dsids, each = ct_len),
curvetypes = rep(c("ROC", "PRC"), length(modnames)),
aucs = rep(NA, length(modnames) * ct_len),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
for (i in seq_along(lcurves)) {
idx <- ct_len * i - 1
aucs[["aucs"]][idx:(idx + 1)] <- c(
attr(lcurves[[i]][["roc"]], "auc"),
attr(lcurves[[i]][["prc"]], "auc")
# Validate curves object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate_curves_common <- function(curves, class_name) {
# Need to validate only once
if (methods::is(curves, class_name) && attr(curves, "validated")) {
# Validate class items and attributes
item_names <- c("rocs", "prcs")
attr_names <- c(
"aucs", "grp_avg", "data_info", "uniq_modnames",
"uniq_dsids", "model_type", "dataset_type", "args",
arg_names <- c(
"mode", "calc_avg", "cb_alpha", "raw_curves",
"x_bins", "interpolate"
curves, class_name, ".pl_main_rocprc", item_names, attr_names,
attr(curves, "validated") <- TRUE
# Validate 'sscurves' object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate.sscurves <- function(x) {
.validate_curves_common(x, "sscurves")
# Validate 'mscurves' object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate.mscurves <- function(x) {
.validate_curves_common(x, "mscurves")
# Validate 'smcurves' object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate.smcurves <- function(x) {
.validate_curves_common(x, "smcurves")
# Validate 'mmcurves' object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate.mmcurves <- function(x) {
.validate_curves_common(x, "mmcurves")
# Validate 'crvgrp' object generated by .pl_main_rocprc()
.validate.crvgrp <- function(x) {
# Need to validate only once
if (methods::is(x, "crvgrp") && attr(x, "validated")) {
# Validate class items and attributes
item_names <- NULL
attr_names <- c(
"data_info", "curve_type", "uniq_modnames", "uniq_dsids",
"avgcurves", "validated"
arg_names <- NULL
x, "crvgrp", ".summarize_curves", item_names,
attr_names, arg_names
attr(x, "validated") <- TRUE
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