
Defines functions get_arules_graph_data do_apriori do_apriori_ do_apriori_internal

#' Find association rules from itemsets.
#' It calculates support, confidence and lift values from combinations of items.
do_apriori_internal <- function(df, subject_col, key_col, minlen=1, maxlen=5,
                                min_support=0.1, max_support=1, min_confidence=0.5, lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL,
                                max_basket_items = 10) {


  if(subject_col %nin% colnames(df)){
    stop(paste(subject_col, "is not in colums", sep=" "))

  if(!key_col %in% colnames(df)){
    stop(paste(key_col, "is not in colums", sep=" "))

  grouped_col <- grouped_by(df)

  cnames <- avoid_conflict(grouped_col, c("lhs", "rhs", "support", "confidence", "lift"))

  # This is executed by each group
  do_apriori_each <- function(df){

    # If there are too many items in a busket, combinations to search tends to explode.
    # To avoid it, when called from Exploratory Analytics View, we limit items (subject_col)
    # in baskets (key_col) only to top frequent items in each basket.
    # Default is set to 10 so that default maxlen 5 (we also reduced this from 10) fits in it.
    if (!is.null(max_basket_items)) {
      df <- df %>% group_by(!!rlang::sym(key_col), !!rlang::sym(subject_col)) %>%
        summarize(.tmp_num_rows = n()) %>%
        top_n(max_basket_items, .tmp_num_rows) %>%

    mat <- sparse_cast(df, subject_col, key_col)

    # create appearance list
        # lhs and rhs are both NULL
        appearance <- NULL
      } else {
        # lhs is NULL and rhs is not NULL
        # find matched values by stringr::str_detect in subject_col to limit rhs
        appearance <- list(rhs = rhs, default = "lhs")
    } else {
        # rhs is NULL and lhs is not NULL
        appearance <- list(lhs = lhs, default = "rhs")
      } else {
        # rhs are both not NULL
        appearance <- list(lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, default = "none")
    rules <- NULL
    # capture.output suppress summary output from arules::apriori function
      rules <- arules::apriori(
        parameter = list(
          minlen=minlen+1, # +1 is to avoid rule with nothing on the lhs. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/arules/arules.pdf
          confidence = min_confidence,
        appearance = appearance)
    lhs_val <- vapply(arules::LIST(rules@lhs), function(items){
      paste(items, collapse=", ")
    }, FUN.VALUE = "")
    rhs_val <- vapply(arules::LIST(rules@rhs), function(items){
      paste(items, collapse=", ")
    }, FUN.VALUE = "")

    # remove empty strings if lhs or rhs is indicated
    if(!is.null(lhs) & !is.null(rhs)){
      filtered <- lhs_val != "" & rhs_val != ""
    } else if(!is.null(lhs)){
      filtered <- lhs_val != ""
    } else if(!is.null(rhs)){
      filtered <- rhs_val != ""
    } else {
      filtered <- TRUE

    quality <- rules@quality
    ret <- data.frame(
      quality$lift[filtered], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(ret) <- cnames

  ret <- df %>%
    tidyr::nest() %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(processed = purrr::map(data, function(data) {
  ret <- ret %>% unnest_with_drop(processed)

  # this happens when lhs and rhs are indicated and no matching rule was found
  if(nrow(ret) == 0){
    stop("No matching rule was found.")

  if(all(is.na(ret[[1]])) & nrow(ret)==1){
    stop("No rule was found. Smaller minimum support or minimum confidence might find rules.")

#' Find association rules from itemsets.
#' It calculates support, confidence and lift values from combinations of items.
#' @export
do_apriori_ <- function(df, subject_col, key_col, minlen=1, maxlen=5, min_support=0.1, max_support=1, min_confidence=0.5, lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL, max_basket_items=10){
  if (min_support == "auto") { # search for min_support that returns some rules.
    ret <- NULL
    curr_min_support = 0.1
    while (curr_min_support >= 0.00001) {
      ret <- tryCatch(do_apriori_internal(df, subject_col, key_col, minlen, maxlen, curr_min_support, max_support, min_confidence, lhs, rhs,
                                          max_basket_items), error=function(e) {
        if (e$message == "No rule was found. Smaller minimum support or minimum confidence might find rules.") { #TODO: this matching is dumb.. 
        else {
      if (is.logical(ret) && ret == TRUE) {
        curr_min_support <- curr_min_support/10
    if (is.logical(ret) && ret == TRUE) { # after auto search for min_support, still no rule found.
      stop("There is no rules found with the criteria. You might want to set smaller minimum support or confidence values from the property to find the rules.")
  else {
    do_apriori_internal(df, subject_col, key_col, minlen, maxlen, min_support, max_support, min_confidence, lhs, rhs, max_basket_items)

#' Find association rules from itemsets.
#' It calculates support, confidence and lift values from combinations of items.
#' @export
do_apriori <- function(df, subject, key, minlen=1, maxlen=5, min_support=0.1, max_support=1, min_confidence=0.5, lhs=NULL, rhs=NULL, max_basket_items=10){
  subject_col <- col_name(substitute(subject))
  key_col <- col_name(substitute(key))
  do_apriori_(df, subject_col, key_col, minlen, maxlen, min_support, max_support, min_confidence, lhs, rhs, max_basket_items)

# rules_metric can be "support", "confidence", or "lift".
get_arules_graph_data <- function(rules, max_rules=30, rules_metric="support", min_edge_width=1, max_edge_width=4) {
  rules <- rules %>% dplyr::top_n(max_rules, UQ(rlang::sym(rules_metric))) # limit within 30 rules so that they can be visualized comfortably.
  if (nrow(rules) > max_rules) { # this means there are ties. remove the rows with minimum support to fit within 30 rules.
    if (!(rules_metric == "confidence" && min(rules$confidence) == 1)) { # exception is when supports for all rules are 1.0.
      rules <- rules %>% dplyr::filter(UQ(rlang::sym(rules_metric)) != min(UQ(rlang::sym(rules_metric))))
    else {
      rules <- rules %>% slice_sample(n = max_rules) # in this case, just sample so that plotting will not take very long time.

  # Give names to the rules. groceries is the dataframe that is the result of the Market Basket Analysis.
  rules <- rules %>% dplyr::mutate(rule = row_number(), rule = stringr::str_c("Rule ",as.character(rule)))
  # Create a dataframe for the relationships from rules to right-hand side products.
  rule_rhs_edges <- rules %>%
    dplyr::select(rule, rhs, support) %>%
    dplyr::rename(from = rule, to = rhs)
  # Create a dataframe for the relationships from left-hand side products to the Rules.
  lhs_rule_edges <- rules %>%
    tidyr::separate_rows(lhs, sep = "\\s*\\,\\s*") %>%
    dplyr::select(lhs, rule, support) %>%
    dplyr::rename(from = lhs, to = rule)
  # Create a dataframe for all the relationships in the graph by binding the above 2 dataframes.
  edges <- lhs_rule_edges %>%

  # Set edge width based on support. Re-scale the range from min(support) to max(support) into the range from min_edge_width to max_edge_width.
  edges <- edges %>% dplyr::mutate(width=(max_edge_width - min_edge_width)*(support - min(support))/(max(support) - min(support)) + min_edge_width)
  # Arrow head size around 0.15 times the width visually looks about right. Note that igraph currently does not allow setting different arrow size for each edge.
  edges <- edges %>% dplyr::mutate(arrow.size=max_edge_width*0.15)
  product_names <- unique(c(lhs_rule_edges$from, rule_rhs_edges$to))
  rule_vertices <- rules %>% dplyr::select(rule, support, confidence, lift) %>% dplyr::rename(name=rule)
  # set min of rule confidence as dummy confidence value for product vertices, so that min/max does not change
  # even after bind_rows. this helps when normalizing for color scale later.
  products_vertices <- data.frame(name=product_names, support=0, confidence=min(rule_vertices$confidence), lift=0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  vertices_data <- rule_vertices %>%
  ret <- list(edges=edges, vertices=vertices_data)
  ret <- tibble::tibble(model=list(ret)) # return as data.frame. TODO: handle group_by
  class(ret$model) <- c("list", ".model", ".model.arules_graph")

# Code to plot the result with igraph:
# c_scale <- colorRamp(c("white","red"))
# vertices <- graph_data$vertices %>%
#   mutate(size=support/max(support)*15) %>%   # normalize support so that the largest circle size is always 15.
#          # normalize confidence to fully utilize color scale.
#   mutate(color=apply(c_scale((confidence - min(confidence))/(max(confidence)-min(confidence))), 1, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,x[2]/255,x[3]/255, alpha=0.8) ))
# edges <- graph_data$edges
# require(igraph)
# # Set random seed for reproducibility of the chart.
# set.seed(0)
# # Create a graph object
# g <- graph.data.frame(edges, directed=TRUE, vertices = vertices)
# # Do not display name of rules
# modify_label <- function(x) {if_else(str_detect(x,"^Rule "), "", x)}
# labels <- modify_label(V(g)$name)
# # Plot the graph
# par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) 
# plot(g, edge.arrow.size=0.5, vertex.label=labels, vertex.label.family="sans", vertex.label.color=rgb(0.4,0.4,0.4), vertex.label.cex=0.9, vertex.frame.color=rgb(1,0.5,0.5))
exploratory-io/exploratory_func documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 10:44 a.m.