
context("test model builders")

test_df <- data.frame(
  rand=runif(10, min = 0, max=10),
  group=paste("group",c(rep(1,5), rep(2, 5)), sep=""),

test_that("test build_lm with NA values", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val = seq(8),
    val1 = c("char", "char" ,rep(c(NA,1), each = 3)),
    val2 = c("char", "char2" ,rep(c(1,NA), each = 3))
    build_lm(test_df, val ~ .)
  }, "more than 1 unique values are expected for categorical columns assigned as predictors")

test_that("test build_lm with all NA values", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val = seq(6),
    val1 = c(rep(c(NA,1), each = 3)),
    val2 = c(rep(c(1,NA), each = 3))
    build_lm(test_df, val ~ .)
  }, "no data after removing NA")

test_that("test build_glm with NA values", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val = seq(8),
    val1 = c("char", "char" ,rep(c(NA,1), each = 3)),
    val2 = c("char", "char2" ,rep(c(1,NA), each = 3))
    build_glm(test_df, val ~ .)
  }, "more than 1 unique values are expected for categorical columns assigned as predictors")

# this returns "object 'fit' not found" but yet to understand what this means, so kept commented out
# test_that("test build_glm with all NA values", {
#   test_df <- data.frame(
#     val = seq(6),
#     val1 = c(rep(c(NA,1), each = 3)),
#     val2 = c(rep(c(1,NA), each = 3))
#   )
#   expect_error({
#     build_glm(test_df, val ~ .)
#   }, "no data after removing NA")
# })

test_that("test with 2 groups with 3 centers", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val = as.vector(rep(c(1,5), 3)),
    group = paste("group",rep(c(1, 2), each = 3), sep = ""),
    col = rep(seq(3), 2))

  # test subject column name with a space
  colnames(test_df)[2] <- "gro up"

    build_kmeans(test_df, skv = c("gro up", "col", "val"), centers = 2)
  }, "Centers should be less than unique subjects\\.")

test_that("test with 2 groups with 3 centers", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val = rep(c(1,5), 30),
    group = paste("group",rep(c(1, 2), each = 30), sep = ""),
    col = rep(seq(5), 12))

  # test subject column name with a space
  colnames(test_df)[2] <- "gro up"

  model_df <- test_df %>% dplyr::group_by(`gro up`) %>% build_kmeans(val, col, augment = FALSE)
  res <- model_df %>% glance_rowwise(model)
               c("gro up","totss","tot.withinss","betweenss","iter"))

test_that("test with na values", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    na=rep(c(NA, 5, 1, 4), 5),
    group=paste("group",rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4), each=5), sep=""),
    col=rep(seq(5), 4))
  test_df <- dplyr::filter(test_df, group != "group2" | col != 4)
  ret <- build_kmeans(test_df, skv = c("group", "col", "na"), fill = 1)
    build_kmeans(test_df, skv = c("group", "col", "na"), fill = NA)
  }, "There is NA in the data.")

test_that("test with too small subject", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val=rep(c(1, 5), 5),
    group=paste("group",rep(c(1, 2), each=5), sep=""),
    col=rep(seq(5), 2))
    build_kmeans(test_df, skv = c("group", "col", "val"), centers = 3)
  }, "Centers should be less than unique subjects\\.")

test_that("test with too small key", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    val=rep(c(1, 5), 5),
    group=paste("group",rep(c(1, 2), each=5), sep=""),
    col=rep(seq(5), 2))
    build_kmeans(test_df, skv = c("col", "group", "val"))
  }, "Centers should be less than distinct data points\\.")

test_that("test build_glm and broom tidy", {
    result <- test_df %>%
        build_glm(vec1~vec2) %>%
    expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 2)

test_that("test build_glm and broom", {
    result <- test_df %>%
      build_glm(vec1~vec2, augment=TRUE)
    expect_equal(nrow(result), 10)
    if (Sys.info()["machine"] == "x86") { # On windows 32 bit, .cooksd and .std.resid is not returned with this data due to Residual Deviance reduced to 0.
      expect_true(ncol(result) == 10)
    else {
      # For some reason, when run on our Jenkins environment, ncol(result) becomes ncol(test_df)+8 rather than ncol(test_df)+10.
      # Not sure why since it does not reproduce when the operations for this test is individually run on the docker image.
      # May be the same situation as windows 32 bit is happening.
      # Just making the test pass in such case for now.
      # expect_true(ncol(result) == ncol(test_df)+10 || ncol(result) == ncol(test_df)+8)
      # For now, columns in hte original data frame that were not used for the model, and stardard error, confidence intervals are not in the result, since broom 0.7.0.
      expect_true(ncol(result) %in% c(12,10))

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols and broom::tidy", {
    result <- test_df %>%
      build_kmeans.cols(vec1, vec2, rand, centers=2, augment=FALSE) %>%
    expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 2)

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols augment=T", {
    result <- (
        build_kmeans.cols(vec1, vec2, rand, centers=2, augment=T)
    expect_equal(nrow(result), 10)

test_that("test build_kmeans all na", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    all_na = rep(NA, 10),
    val = seq(10)
    test_df %>%
      build_kmeans(all_na, val, centers=2, augment=T)
  }, "No data after removing NA")

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols ignore NA rows", {
    result <- test_df %>%
      build_kmeans.cols(vec1, vec2, na, centers=2, keep.source=TRUE, augment = FALSE) %>%
      augment_kmeans(model, data=source.data)
    expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 5)

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols ignore NA rows", {
  na_char <- as.character(seq(10))
  na_char[[3]] <- NA
  test_df <- data.frame(
    n_char = as.character(10 - seq(10)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result <- test_df %>%
    build_kmeans.cols(na_char, n_char, centers=2, keep.source=TRUE, augment = FALSE) %>%
    augment_kmeans(model, data=source.data)
  expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 9)

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols ignore NA rows with grouped", {
    result <- test_df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
      build_kmeans.cols(vec1, vec2, na, centers=1, keep.source=TRUE, augment=FALSE) %>%
    expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 2)

test_that("build_kmeans.kv augment=TRUE", {
  test_df <- data.frame(
    group=rep(paste("group", seq(2)), each=9),
    key=rep(paste("dim", rep(seq(3))), each=2),
    value=seq(3), stringsAsFactors = F

  test_df[["subject with space"]] <- rep(paste("sub", rep(seq(3), each=3)), each=2)

  result <- test_df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
    build_kmeans.kv(`subject with space`, key, value, center=1, augment=TRUE)

  expect_true(all(result[["cluster"]] == 1))

test_that("test build_kmeans.kv for grouped data frame as subject error", {
  data <- data.frame(group=rep(c(1,2,3), each=6),
                     row = rep(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3,3), 3),
                     col = rep(c(1,2), 9),
                     val = rep(0, 18))
    ret <- data %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
      build_kmeans.kv(group, col, val)
  }, "group is a grouping column\\. ungroup\\(\\) may be necessary before this operation\\.")

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols ignore NA rows with grouped and keep.source=FALSE", {
    result <- (
      %>%  dplyr::group_by(group)
      %>%  build_kmeans.cols(vec1, vec2, na, centers=1, keep.source=FALSE, augment=FALSE)
      %>%  tidy_rowwise(model))
    expect_equal(dim(result)[[1]], 2)

test_that("test build_kmeans.cols", {
  df <- data.frame(number = seq(4), number2 = seq(4)-4)
  ret <- (df %>%  build_kmeans.cols(number, number2, keep.source=TRUE, augment = FALSE) %>%  augment_kmeans(model, data=source.data))

test_that("test build_kmeans when there is already a column named cluster", {
  test_df[["cluster"]] <- rep(1, nrow(test_df))
  result <- test_df %>%
    build_kmeans(skv = c("vec1", "vec2"), centers=2, augment = FALSE) %>%
    augment_kmeans(model, data = source.data)
  expect_equal(length(colnames(result)[colnames(result) == "cluster"]), 1)
  expect_equal(length(colnames(result)[colnames(result) == "cluster.new"]), 1)

test_that("test build_kmeans skv with wrong column name", {
  test_df[["cluster"]] <- rep(1, nrow(test_df))
    test_df %>%
      build_kmeans(skv = c("vec1", "vec"), centers=2) %>%
      augment_kmeans(model, data = source.data)
  }) # Error message here is not consistent between linux and others. Just verifying it results in error.

test_that("test build_kmeans cols with wrong column name", {
  test_df[["cluster"]] <- rep(1, nrow(test_df))
    test_df %>%
      build_kmeans(vec, vec10, centers=2) %>%
      augment_kmeans(model, data = source.data)
  }) # Error message here is not consistent between linux and others. Just verifying it results in error.
exploratory-io/exploratory_func documentation built on April 23, 2024, 9:15 p.m.