  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Having a true multi-modal dataset is required to really test the functionality of this FacileDataSet implementation. This vignette creates a set of well-groomed DGEList objects that can be used to assemble a multi-modal FacileDataSet from pseudobulked single-cell and single-nucleus data..

Dataset Background

We will pseudobulk a subset of the scRNAseq and snRNAseq data made available by the KPMP consortium through the cellxgene poortal. You will need to first download this dataset locally to your computer.

Navigate to this page:

An atlas of healthy and injured cell states and niches in the human kidney

And download the "Integrated Single-nucleus and Single-cell RNA-seq of the Adult Human Kidney" Seurat object available there. Store the path of this file in the cxg.fn variable below.

cxg.fn <- "~/tmp/local.rds"
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 14))
if (!exists("x.all")) {
  x.all <- readRDS(cxg.fn)
x.all$sample_id <- paste(
  sub("-", "_", as.character(x.all$donor_id)),
  sep = ".")

Data Selection

We'll pseudobulk cells at the most macro-level cell type specification, which is stored in the x$sublcass.l1 column. We also want to ensure we get some distribution of "conditions"


condition.count <- |> 
  dplyr::count(donor_id, condition.l2) |>
  dplyr::arrange(donor_id, condition.l2)

Each donor is onnly assigned one condition:


These are them:


Assay <> Cell Types

assay.tally <- |> 
    sample_id = sample_id[1L],
    count = n(),
    ceiling = min(1000, count),
    .by = c("donor_id", "condition.l2", "suspension_type", "subclass.l1")) |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  dplyr::rename(cell_type = subclass.l1)

The x.all$suspension_type column ("cell" or "nucleus") indicates the assay the counts are from. Let's limit the samples we use to be from donors who have both scRNAseq and snRNAseq assays.

Sparsity in samples across the assays will come at the donor<>cell_type level.

d.both <- intersect(
  filter(assay.tally, suspension_type == "cell")$donor_id,
  filter(assay.tally, suspension_type != "cell")$donor_id) |> 
  tibble(donor_id = _) |> 
  left_join(distinct(assay.tally, donor_id, condition.l2), by = "donor_id")

The tables below indicate the number of cells per celltype we will be aggregating by assay.

We want to only consider cell types with a minimun and maximum count

cell.min <- 100
cell.max <- 2500


cell.tally.long <- assay.tally |> 
  semi_join(d.both, by = "donor_id") |> 
    suspension_type == "cell",
    count >= cell.min, count <= cell.max) |> 
  select(donor_id, sample_id, condition.l2, cell_type, count) |> 
    assay_type = "scRNAseq")
cell.tally.wide <- cell.tally.long|> 
    id_cols = c("donor_id", "condition.l2"),
    names_from = "cell_type",
    values_from = "count")


nuc.tally.long <- assay.tally |> 
  semi_join(d.both, by = "donor_id") |> 
    suspension_type != "cell",
    count >= cell.min, count <= cell.max) |> 
  select(donor_id, condition.l2, cell_type, count) |> 
  mutate(assay_type = "snRNAseq")
nuc.tally.wide <- nuc.tally.long |> 
    id_cols = c("donor_id", "condition.l2"),
    names_from = "cell_type",
    values_from = "count")

Assay Data Sparsity

Lots of sparsity here -- we don't even have full count matrices per assay at the donor <> cell_type level.

assay.counts.all <- bind_rows(cell.tally.long, nuc.tally.long) |> droplevels()
ggplot(assay.counts.all, aes(x = count, y = donor_id, fill = assay_type)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
  facet_wrap(~ cell_type)

Let's drop the ATL, PEC, and POD celltypes as they are quite sparse

assay.counts <- filter(assay.counts.all, !cell_type %in% c("ATL", "PEC", "POD"))
ggplot(assay.counts, aes(x = count, y = donor_id, fill = assay_type)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
  facet_wrap(~ cell_type)

Data Trimming

We now know which donors and celltypes to keep, let's start getting down to business.

keep <- list(
  scRNAseq = local({
    xassay <- filter(assay.counts, assay_type == "scRNAseq")
    with(, {
      suspension_type == "cell" &
        donor_id %in% xassay$donor_id &
        subclass.l1 %in% xassay$cell_type
  snRNAseq = local({
    xassay <- filter(assay.counts, assay_type == "snRNAseq")
    with(, {
      suspension_type == "nucleus" &
        donor_id %in% xassay$donor_id &
        subclass.l1 %in% xassay$cell_type
sapply(keep, sum)

Let's trim the dataset to just these cells, munge the sample-level covariates, then split into individual DGEList datasets for dataset creation.

x.sub <- x.all[, keep$scRNAseq | keep$snRNAseq]
rm(x.all); gc()

Metadata Simplification

We don't need factor levels for some covariates, like donor_id

x.sub$donor_id <- as.character(x.sub$donor_id)
x.sub$subclass.l1 <- as.character(x.sub$subclass.l1) <- droplevels(

Cell Abbreviation to Name Mapping

The subclass.l1 abbreviation are hard to grok, let's give them real names:

unique(x.sub$subclass.l1) |> sort()

What are these? Manual inspection of the table below allows us to create a reasonable abbreviation -> cell label map.

cell.names <- |> 
  distinct(subclass.l1, subclass.l2, subclass.full) |> 
  arrange(subclass.l1, subclass.l2)
rownames(cell.names) <- NULL
cell.names <- tibble::tribble(
  ~subclass.l1,  ~cell_label,
  "CNT",         "Connecting Tubule Cell",
  "DCT",         "Distal Convoluted Tubule Cell",
  "DTL",         "Descending Thin Limb Cell",
  "EC",          "Endothelial Cell",
  "FIB",         "Medullary Fibroblast",
  "IC",          "Intercalated Cell",
  "IMM",         "Immune Cell",
  "PC",          "Principal Cell (Collecting Duct)",
  "PT",          "Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cell",
  "TAL",         "Thick Ascending Limb Cell",
  "VSM/P",       "Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell / Pericyte")
stopifnot(setequal($subclass.l1, x.sub$subclass.l1))
xref <- match(x.sub$subclass.l1,$subclass.l1)
x.sub$cell_label <-$cell_label[xref] |> 
  select(subclass.l1, cell_label) |> 

These are the covariates we will keep. The values are the names of the columns, and their names are what we will rename them to.

meta.keep <- c(
  donor_id = "donor_id",
  sample_id = "sample_id",
  cell_abbrev = "subclass.l1",
  sex = "sex",
  cell_type = "cell_label",
  condition = "condition.long",
  # there is duplication of celltype : structure at this level of granularity,
  # but this could have been nice.
  # structure = "structure",
  eGFR = "eGFR", # factor = nice
  diabetes_history = "diabetes_history", # no NA's here
  hypertension = "hypertension", # no NA's here
  suspension_type = "suspension_type") # we will nuke this later <- cbind([, c("nCount_RNA", "nFeature_RNA")],
  select(, all_of(meta.keep)))

Cleanup Data into a SingleCellExperiment

sce.all <- SingleCellExperiment(
  list(counts = x.sub@assays$RNA@counts),
  colData = select(, -nCount_RNA, -nFeature_RNA),
  rowData = x.sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features)
rm(x.sub); gc()

sce.all$cond <- sub(".*?\\(", "", sce.all$condition)
sce.all$cond <- sub("\\)", "", sce.all$cond)
sce.all$cond <- sub("-", "", sce.all$cond)
sce.all$group <- paste0(sce.all$cond, "__", sce.all$cell_abbrev) <- sce.all$sample_id
is.cell <- sce.all$suspension_type == "cell"
sce.all$suspension_type <- NULL

Get Better Gene Metadata

g.attribs <- c(
  feature_id = "ensembl_gene_id", 
  name = "hgnc_symbol",
  meta = "gene_biotype", 
  # we don't really need these, but ...
  seqnames = "chromosome_name",
  start = "start_position",
  end = "end_position",
  strand = "strand")
mart <- biomaRt::useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

gi.all <- biomaRt::getBM(
  attributes = g.attribs,
  mart = mart)
gi.use <- filter(gi.all, !grepl("_", chromosome_name))

gi.out <- data.frame(
  feature_id = rownames(sce.all),
  feature_type = rep("ensgid", nrow(sce.all))) |> 
  inner_join(gi.use, by = c("feature_id"= "ensembl_gene_id")) |> 
  dplyr::rename(any_of(g.attribs)) |> 
  distinct(feature_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
rownames(gi.out) <- gi.out$feature_id

sce.all <- sce.all[rownames(gi.out),]
rowData(sce.all) <- DataFrame(gi.out)

Pseudobulk It

We'll use the scuttle::aggregateAcrossCells() to pseudbulk and keep track of how many cells we brought along in the process

pb.cells <- scuttle::aggregateAcrossCells(
  sce.all[, is.cell], ids =[is.cell])
pb.cells$ids <- NULL
pb.cells <- pb.cells[, pb.cells$ncells >= cell.min & pb.cells$ncells <= cell.max]

pb.nuc <- scuttle::aggregateAcrossCells(
  sce.all[, !is.cell], ids =[!is.cell])
pb.nuc$ids <- NULL
pb.nuc <- pb.nuc[, pb.nuc$ncells >= cell.min & pb.nuc$ncells <= cell.max]
data.distro <- bind_rows(
  colData(pb.cells) |> |> 
    transmute(donor_id, cell_abbrev, ncells, assay_type = "scRNAseq"),
  colData(pb.nuc) |> |> 
    transmute(donor_id, cell_abbrev, ncells, assay_type = "snRNAseq"))
ggplot(data.distro, aes(x = ncells, y = donor_id, fill = assay_type)) +
  geom_col(position = position_dodge()) +
  facet_wrap(~ cell_abbrev)

The FacileDataSet has a concept of groups of samples belonging to different "dataset"(s). When it was original built -- for the TCGA -- this mapped to "indication" -- somehow in my mind that was a useful construct.

When we use a FacileDataSet to group samples by "experiments" that were run in house, "dataset" can "naturally" map to individual experiment identifiers, or when amassing a GEO dataset, they can line up with "GSE" identifiers.

Preparation for FacileDataSet Ingjestion

In the dataset we have here, we don't have a natural breakdown. There is a concept of "site" in the KPMP, which would work, but I don't have that annotation. Just to exercise the data creation, query, and retrieval, we'll use the "cond"-ition column to split the samples.

Lastly, we will filter out each "assay set" (the list of DGEList objects per assay type) down to remove lowly expressed genes.

y.nuc <- FacileData:::build_pb_split(pb.nuc, "cond")
y.cell <- FacileData:::build_pb_split(pb.cells, "cond")

:::note For now, all of the assay matrices/objects that you add per assay type must have the same featurespace, even if in some of the individual datasets within the list of objects have 0 counts within that context.

Practically speaking, this means that may be some DGELists in the y.nuc list that have 0-count genes in there. In the future, you might imagine that ingestion should be able to handle individual DGELists of the y.nuc list to have different genes represented. :::

And that's a wrap

Save Assay Lists

fn.nuc <- FacileData:::build_assay_list_file_path("snRNAseq")
qs::qsave(y.nuc, fn.nuc)

fn.cell <- FacileData:::build_assay_list_file_path("scRNAseq")
qs::qsave(y.cell, fn.cell)

Generation of Internal testFacileDataSet

These separate assays are used to assemble the internal FacileDataSet that is used for examples and testing via the assembleFacileDataSet() function. The result of that function is stored in the internal inst/extdata/testFacileDataSet directory by running this code in a fresh R sesion:

  name = "testFacileDataSet",
  path = file.path(
    system.file("extdata", package = "FacileData"),

And the functionality downstream of that assembly is tested in the tests/testthat/test-faciledataset-assembly.R file.

facilebio/FacileData documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:14 a.m.