Man pages for facilebio/FacileData
A fluent API for accessing multi-assay high-throughput genomics data

adataBioc-container specific assay data extraction functions
addFacileAssaySetAdds new set of assay data for all samples in a FacileDataSet
an_fdsRetrieves a multi-modal FacileDataSet based on KPMP data.
append_facile_feature_infoAppends new features to 'feature_info' table
append_facile_tableAdds rows to a table in a FacileDataSet
as.BiocContainerConverts a "facile result" to a traditional Bioconductor...
as.EAVtableConvert a 'pData' data.frame to a melted EAV table
as.FacileDataSetConverts a (list of) bioconductor assay containers into a...
as_facile_frameConverts a normal tibble/data.frame to a facile_frame
assay_feature_typeReturns the feature_type for a given assay
assay_infoFetches assay meta information for the assays stored in a...
assay_sample_infoRetrieve assay-specific metadata for a set of samples
assay_summaryIdentify the number of each assay run across specific...
assay_unitsUnits of measure in an assay
assemble_example_datasetAssembles an example facile dataset to play with
assembleFacileDataSetCreata a FacileDataSet from the individual assay lists
assertionsCheck to see that samples are referenced correctly
biocboxMaterialize a Bioconductor assay container from some facile...
build_assay_list_file_pathReturns the filepath for the raw assay data for a given...
build_assay_lists_loadLoads an assay list object
build_available_assaysDescription of available assays in this packge
build_pb_splitSplits a SingleCellExperiment in a list of DGELists, split by...
cast_covariateCasts the character EAV values to their R-native defined...
check_categoricalCheck to see if a vector is categorical (character or string)
check_facile_data_setCheck if argument is a FacileDataSet
check_facile_data_storeCheck if argument is a FacileDataStore
conform_data_frameArranges the columns of one data.frame to another
covariate_definitionsGet description of sample metadata columns
covariate_meta_infoRetrieve the meta information about a covariate for EAV...
create_assay_feature_descriptorCreates a feature descriptor for interactive ease
cSurvcSurv is a character representation of survival::surv ###
dbfnGet location of the FacileDataSet database
dot-level_biotypesUtility function to "factorize" biotypes into an order we...
dot-prepare_sample_covariatesHelper function when creating or appending to a faciledatsets
ds_annotBioc-container specific data set annotation extraction...
eavdef_for_columnGenerate entity-attribute-value definition for a column in a...
eav_encodeEncodes column(s) from 'pData' into character values
eav_encode_covariateEncodes column(s) from 'pData' into character values
eav-metadataCreate a facile covariate definition file from a sample...
eav_metadata_mergeMerge inferred and explicit covariate column metadata.
eav-right-censorEntity-attribute-value encodings for survival data.
exampleFacileDataSetRetrieves an example FacileDataSet
executeSQLExecute multiple queries against a database
extract_transcribed_info_from_ensembl_gtfExtract gene- and transcript-level information from an...
facet_frameRetrieves grouping table for samples within a FacileDataSet.
FacileData-packageFacileData: A fluent API for accessing multi-assay...
FacileDataSetInstantiates a FacileDataSet object from disk.
facilitateConverts an arbitrary object into one that works in the...
fdataBioC-container specific fData extraction functions
fdsGet or set the FacileDataStore for an object
feature_name_mapReturns table of names and aliases for features.
featuresReturns a table of information about the features (from an...
feature_typesEnumerate the types of feature stored in a FacileDataSet
fetch_assay_dataFetch assay data from single assay of choice
fetch_assay_scoreNOTE: is fetch_assay_score really necessary?
fetch_assay_score.FacileDataSetHelper function to get sample assay data from single or...
fetch_custom_sample_covariates.FacileDataSetFetches custom (user) annotations for a given user prefix
fetch_samples.FacileDataSetFetches a sample descriptor that matches the filter criterion
fetch_sample_statisticsNOTE: fetch_sample_statistics -> 'fetch_assay_covariates'...
fetch_sample_statistics.defaultIssue #2
fetch_sample_statistics.FacileDataSetFetch the sample statistics for sets of samples in the...
filter_by_assay_supportRemoves samples without specific assay support
filter_features.FacileDataSetFilter against the sample_covariate_tbl as if it were wide.
filter_samples.FacileDataSetFilter against the sample_covariate_tbl EAV table as if it...
flogGenerates a logging message using glue and crayon, with some...
flog_levelRetrieves the currently set logging level
freplace_naReplaces NA's with specified values.
gene_info_tbl.FacileDataSetMimics the old 'gene_info' table.
has_assayChecks facile objects to see if they have a particular assay...
has_feature_typeTest if a given feature type is stored in a FacileDataSet
hdf5fnGet location of the FacileDataSet HDF5 file
infer_feature_typeGuesses the type of feature identifiers from a character...
initializeFacileDataSetCreate an empty FacileDataSet
is.FacileDataSetClass and validity checker for FacileDataSet
join_samplesFilters the samples down in a dataset to ones specified
labeledLabeled acts like interface to reactive modules.
meta-infoPath to the meta information YAML file
nameitEnsures that a vector has names for all elements if it has...
normalize_assay_dataHelper functions to normalize assay data into log2 space.
organism.FacileDataSetRetrieves the organism the data is defined over
parse_sample_criterionCreates a filter expression to select samples based on value...
pdataBioc-container specific pData extraction functions
pdata_metadataBioc-container specific pData extraction functions
primary_keyQuery a table to identify its primary key(s)
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_batch_effectRegress out confounding variables from a data matrix.
sample-covariatesAppends covariate columns to a query result
sample_covariate_summaryProvides a tibble summary of the covariates available over a...
samplesReturns a facile_frame of samples from an object in the...
samples.FacileDataSetRetrieves the sample identifiers for all samples in a...
save_custom_sample_covariatesSaves custom sample covariates to a FacileDataSet
set_classSet the class of an object and return the object
simple-eav-decode-functionsEntity-attribute-value decoding for real values.
some_celltypesA set of cell types that exhibit strong expression...
some_featuresA set of features that show variable expression across...
some_samplesRetrieve a set of samples for testing
spread_assay_dataTakes a result from fetch_expression and spreads out genes...
spread_covariatesSpreads the covariates returned from database into wide...
sqlFromFileUtility function to send more than one sql command to the...
summary.eav_covariatesProvides a summary table of sample covariates.
test-helpersFetches exemplar data for unit testing
validate_covariate_def_listValidates that a covariate defintion list reasonably...
with_feature_infoAppend feature information columns to (feature-rows)
facilebio/FacileData documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:14 a.m.