
What is a pedigree

knitr::kable(head(globulus[, 1:3]))

Checking pedigrees

set.seed(123); n.ped <- 5
ped.nightmare <- matrix(sample(30, n.ped*3), n.ped, 3,
                        dimnames = list(NULL, c('self', 'sire', 'dam')))

Building pedigrees

ped.fix <- build_pedigree(1:3, data = ped.nightmare)
attr(ped.fix, 'map')  # map from old to new codes

Using a pedigree in an additive genetic effect

test.dat <- data.frame(ped.nightmare, y = rnorm(n.ped))
res.raw <- remlf90(fixed   = y ~ 1,
                   genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
                                  pedigree = ped.nightmare,
                                # pedigree = test.dat[, 1:3],  # same thing
                                  var.ini = 1,
                                  id = 'self'),
                   var.ini = list(resid = 1),
                   data    = test.dat)

## pedigree has been recoded!

## The pedigree used in the model matches the one manually built
identical(ped.fix, get_pedigree(res.raw))

Recovering Breeding Values in the original coding

## Predicted Breeding Valuess of the observed individuals
## Left-multiplying the vector of BLUP by the incidence matrix
## gives the BLUP of the observations in the right order.
Za <- model.matrix(res.raw)$genetic  # incidence matrix
gen.blup <- with(ranef(res.raw),
                       's.e.'=attr(genetic, 'se')))
PBVs <- Za %*% gen.blup
rownames(PBVs) <- test.dat$self
knitr::kable(PBVs, digits = 2)

Recovering Breeding Values for the founders, in the original coding

## original codes of non-observed parents
(founders.orig <- setdiff(
  sort(unique(as.vector(ped.nightmare[, c("sire", "dam")]))),
  ped.nightmare[, "self"]

## map from original to internal codes <- attr(get_pedigree(res.raw), "map")

## internal codes of non-observed parents <-[founders.orig]

## Breeding Values of non-observed parents
founders.PBVs <- gen.blup[, ]
rownames(founders.PBVs) <- founders.orig
knitr::kable(founders.PBVs, digits = 2)

Identifying original codes from internal representation

If, for whatever reason, you want to reverse-identify specific individuals from the internal codes, you can match their codes:

## individuals of interest in internal codification
idx <- c(3, 5, 9)

## original codes

famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.