
By default, the Linear Mixed Models fitted with breedR assume homoscedasticity. Meaning that given all the fixed and random effects, the unexplained variation follow a Normal distribution with residual variance $\sigma^2$.

Mathematically, that $\varepsilon \sim \mathcal N (0, \mathbf I \sigma^2)$ in the model equation $$ y = X \beta + Z u + \varepsilon $$

Sometimes this is obviously wrong, and we need models where some observations are observed with more or less residual variability than others

Here are a few common situations where heterogeneous variances are needed:

Using weights

If the relative variation in the residual variances is know or can be estimated, it can be specified as a vector of weights $w$, such that $$\varepsilon \sim \mathcal N (0, (w^{-1/2})'\mathbf I w^{-1/2} \sigma^2).$$ In other words, the residual variance for the observation $i$ is $\sigma^2/w_i$.

Here is a simulation example of how to specify weights.


n <- 1e3   # n obs
sigma2 <- 4  # true residual variance (for a weight of 1)
w = runif(n, min = .5, max = 2)  # vector of weights

dat <- 
      e = rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(sigma2))
    y = 10 + e/sqrt(w)  # simulated phenotype
res <- remlf90(
  y ~ 1,
  data = dat,
  weights = w  # specification of weights

Note that the estimated residual variance is close to the true value. On the other hand, the residual prediction-error are expected to have non-constant variance.


ggplot(transform(dat, est_e = residuals(res)), aes(e, est_e)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "darkgray")

Estimating residual variance heterogeneity

This is currently not available in breedR.

Different group-wise residual variances (e.g. multi-site) can be easily induced by using group-specific random effects.

For the general case, here are some notes to allow for some manual hacking if needed.

In general, we need to estimate a residual variance parameter as a function of some other variable $x$. We then write the residual variance as a linear combination of a few base functions: $$\sigma^2(x) = \sum_{k=0}^K \psi_k(x)\, r_k = \mathbf{\Psi r},$$ where the parameters $r_k$ are to be estimated.

This covers the case both for group-wise residual variances (such as multi-site, using a categorical variable $x$) or a continuously varying residual variance.

For the first case, the variable $x$ is categorical, taking a finite number of values $K$, and we define $\psi_k$ as the corresponding indicator functions.

For the continuous case, the variable $x$ is continuous (e.g. age, temperature) and the base functions can be Legendre polynomials, splines, etc. up to some arbitrary order $K$.

We need to manually build the matrix $\mathbf\Psi$, and exploit the PROGSF90 options hetres_pos and hetres_pol available in AI-REML (see documentation).

famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.