
Defines functions single_param

Documented in single_param

#' Get CDMO records for a single parameter
#' Get stations records from the CDMO for a single parameter starting with the most current date
#' @param station_code chr string of station, 7 or 8 characters
#' @param Max numeric value for number of records to obtain from the current date
#' @param param chr string for a single parameter to return.
#' @param trace logical indicating if import progress is printed in console
#' @import XML
#' @concept retrieve
#' @export
#' @return Returns a swmpr object with one parameter.  QAQC columns are not provided.
#' @details 
#' This function retrieves data from the CDMO through the web services URL. The computer making the request must have a registered IP address.  Visit the CDMO web services page for more information: \url{https://cdmo.baruch.sc.edu/webservices.cfm}.  This function is the CDMO equivalent of \code{exportSingleParamXML}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{all_params}}, \code{\link{all_params_dtrng}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## single parameter for a station, most recent
#' single_param('hudscwq', 'do_mgl')
#' }
single_param <- function(station_code, param, Max = 100, trace = TRUE){
  # access CDMO web services
  # url
  serv <- "https://cdmo.baruch.sc.edu/webservices2/requests.cfc?wsdl"
  # request data
  dat <- try({
      query = list(
        method = 'exportSingleParamXMLNew',
        station_code = station_code,
        param = param,
        recs = 1
  }, silent = TRUE)
  # stop if retrieval error
  if('try-error' %in% class(dat))
    stop('Error retrieving data, check metadata for station availability.')
  # parse reply from server 
  dat <- parser(dat)
  # sometimes data request is good, but empty data frame returned
  if(nrow(dat) == 0)
    stop('Empty data frame, check metadata for station availability')
  # starting date as character
  dtrng <- dat$datetimestamp
  dtrng <- strsplit(as.character(dtrng), ' ')[[length(dtrng)]][1]
  dtrng <- c('01/01/1970', dtrng)
  # pass to all_params_dtrng
  out <- all_params_dtrng(station_code, dtrng, param = param, trace = trace, Max = Max)
  # convert to swmpr class
  out <- swmpr(out, station_code)
  # return output
fawda123/SWMPr documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 3:13 p.m.