
Defines functions se_param

Documented in se_param

#' Parametric standard errors
#' Calculates the standard errors of a given statistic using parametric formulas
#' @section References:
#' -  E.C. Fieller:
#'     Some problems in interval estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical
#'     Society. Series B (Methodological) 16(2), 175–185 (1954)
#' - V. Franz:
#'    Ratios: A short guide to confidence limits and proper use (2007).
#'    https://arxiv.org/pdf/0710.2024v1.pdf
#' - D.C. Montgomery, C.G. Runger:
#'    Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 6th ed. Wiley (2013)
#' - F. Campelo, F. Takahashi:
#'    Sample size estimation for power and accuracy in the experimental
#'    comparison of algorithms. Journal of Heuristics 25(2):305-338, 2019.
#' @inheritParams calc_se
#' @param ... other parameters (used only for compatibility with calls to
#'            [se_boot()], unused in this function)
#' @return Data frame containing, for each pair of interest, the estimated
#'      difference (column "Phi") and the sample standard error (column "SE")
#' @author Felipe Campelo (\email{fcampelo@@ufmg.br},
#' \email{f.campelo@@aston.ac.uk})
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # three vectors of normally distributed observations
#' set.seed(1234)
#' Xk <- list(rnorm(10, 5, 1),  # mean = 5, sd = 1,
#'            rnorm(20, 10, 2), # mean = 10, sd = 2,
#'            rnorm(20, 15, 5)) # mean = 15, sd = 3
#' se_param(Xk, dif = "simple", comparisons = "all.vs.all")
#' se_param(Xk, dif = "perc", comparisons = "all.vs.first")
#' se_param(Xk, dif = "perc", comparisons = "all.vs.all")

se_param <- function(Xk,                  # vector of observations
                     dif = "simple",      # type of difference
                     comparisons = "all.vs.all", # standard errors to calculate

    # ========== Error catching ========== #
      all(sapply(Xk, is.numeric)),
      all(sapply(Xk, function(x){length(x) >= 2})),
      dif %in% c('simple', 'perc'),
      comparisons %in% c("all.vs.all", "all.vs.first"))
    # ==================================== #

    # Estimates
    nalgs    <- length(Xk)
    Vark     <- sapply(Xk, stats::var)
    Xbark    <- sapply(Xk, mean)
    Nk       <- sapply(Xk, length)
    Xbar.all <- mean(Xbark)

    # Get pairs for comparison
    algo.pairs <- t(utils::combn(1:length(Xk), 2))
    if (comparisons == "all.vs.first") algo.pairs <- algo.pairs[1:(nalgs - 1), , drop = FALSE]

    # Calculate point estimates and standard errors for all required pairs
    Phik  <- numeric(nrow(algo.pairs))
    SEk   <- numeric(nrow(algo.pairs))
    Roptk <- numeric(nrow(algo.pairs))
    for (i in 1:nrow(algo.pairs)){
      ind <- as.numeric(algo.pairs[i, ])
      if (dif == "simple") {
        # mu1 - mu2
        Phik[i]  <- Xbark[ind[1]] - Xbark[ind[2]]
        # se = s1/sqrt(n1) + s2/sqrt(n2)
        SEk[i]   <- sqrt(sum(Vark[ind] / Nk[ind]))
        # r = s1 / s2
        Roptk[i] <- sqrt(Vark[ind[1]] / Vark[ind[2]])
      } else if (dif == "perc"){
        if (comparisons == "all.vs.all"){
          # (mu1 - mu2) / mu
          Phik[i] <- (Xbark[ind[1]] - Xbark[ind[2]]) / Xbar.all
          # c1 = 1/mu^2 + (mu1 - mu2)^2 / (A * mu^2)^2
          #    = (1 + phi^2 / A^2) / mu^2
          C1 <- (1 + Phik[i] ^ 2 / nalgs ^ 2) / Xbar.all ^ 2
          # c2 = sum_{k!=ind}(s_k^2/n_k^2) * phi^2 / (A^2 * mu^2)
          C2 <- sum(Vark[-ind] / Nk[-ind]) * Phik[i] ^ 2 / (nalgs ^ 2 * Xbar.all ^ 2)
          # se = sqrt(c1 (s1^2/n1 + s2^2/n2) + c2)
          SEk[i] <- sqrt(C1 * (sum(Vark[ind] / Nk[ind])) + C2)
          # r = s1 / s2
          Roptk[i] <- sqrt(Vark[ind[1]] / Vark[ind[2]])
        } else if (comparisons == "all.vs.first"){
          # 1 - mu2/mu1
          Phik[i] <- 1 - Xbark[ind[2]] / Xbark[ind[1]]
          # c1 = s1^2 * (mu_2 / mu_1^2)^2
          C1 <- Vark[ind[1]] * (Xbark[ind[2]] / (Xbark[ind[1]] ^ 2)) ^2
          # c2 = s2^2 / mu_1^2
          C2 <- Vark[ind[2]] / (Xbark[ind[1]] ^ 2)
          # se = sqrt(c1 / n1 + c2 / n2)
          SEk[i] <- sqrt(C1 / Nk[ind[1]] + C2 / Nk[ind[2]])
          # r* = s1/s2 * mu2/mu1
          Roptk[i] <- sqrt(Vark[ind[1]] / Vark[ind[2]]) * (Xbark[ind[2]] / Xbark[ind[1]])
        } else stop("comparisons option *", comparisons, "* not recognized.")
      } else stop ("dif option *", dif, "* not recognized.")

    # Assemble data frame with results
    output <- data.frame(Alg1 = algo.pairs[, 1],
                         Alg2 = algo.pairs[, 2],
                         N1   = Nk[algo.pairs[, 1]],
                         N2   = Nk[algo.pairs[, 2]],
                         Phi  = Phik,
                         SE   = SEk,
                         r    = Nk[algo.pairs[, 1]] / Nk[algo.pairs[, 2]],
                         ropt = Roptk)
fcampelo/CAISEr documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 3:15 a.m.