
Defines functions kmeans

kmeans = function(X, K, nbr_runs = 20, nbr_iter_max = 300, verbose = FALSE) {

  solution = list()

  n = nrow(X)
  p = ncol(X)

  # If one class
  global_mean = apply(X, 2, mean)

  if (K == 1) {

    dmin = rowSums((X - rep(1, n) %*% t(global_mean)) ^ 2)
    solution$muk = global_mean
    klas = rep(1, n)
    solution$klas = klas
    solution$err = sum(dmin)
    solution$Zik = rep(1, n)

    best_solution = solution

  } else {

    nb_run = 0
    best_solution = list()
    best_solution$err = Inf

    while (nb_run < nbr_runs) {
      nb_run = nb_run + 1
      if (nbr_runs > 0 && verbose) {
        message(sprintf("Kmeans : run # %1i", nb_run), "\n")

      iter = 0
      converged = FALSE
      previous_err = -Inf
      Zik = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K)

      # 1. Initialization of the centers
      rnd_indx = sample(n)
      centers = X[rnd_indx[1:K], ]

      while ((iter < nbr_iter_max) && !(converged)) {
        iter = iter + 1
        old_centers = centers

        # The Euclidean distances
        dist_eucld = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K)
        for (k in 1:K) {
          muk = centers[k,]
          dist_eucld[, k] = rowSums((X - rep(1, n) %*% t(muk)) ^ 2)

        # Classification step
        dmin = apply(dist_eucld, 1, min)
        klas = apply(dist_eucld, 1, which.min)

        Zik = ((klas %*% t(rep(1, K))) == rep(1, n) %*% t(1:K)) * 1

        # Relocation step
        for (k in 1:K) {
          ind_ck = which(klas == k)

          # If empty classes
          if (length(ind_ck) == 0) {
            centers[k, ] = old_centers[k, ]
          } else  {

            # Update the centers
            if (length(ind_ck) == 1) {
              centers[k,] = X[ind_ck, ]
            } else {
              centers[k,] = apply(X[ind_ck, ], 2, mean)

        # Test of convergence
        current_err = sum(rowSums(Zik * dist_eucld)) # The distorsion measure

        criteria = (abs(current_err - previous_err)) / previous_err < 1e-6

        if (iter == 1) {
          criteria = FALSE

        if (criteria) {
          converged = TRUE

        previous_err = current_err

        if (verbose) {
          message(sprintf("Kmeans : Iteration  %1.1i, Objective %2.2f", iter, current_err), "\n")
        solution$stored_err = cbind(solution$stored_err, current_err)

      solution$muk = centers
      solution$Zik = Zik
      solution$klas = klas
      solution$err = current_err

      if (current_err < best_solution$err) {
        best_solution = solution
    } # End of the Kmeans runs


fchamroukhi/mixHMMR documentation built on Aug. 8, 2019, 3:31 p.m.