
Defines functions to_keras.ruta_sparsity is_sparse make_sparse sparsity autoencoder_sparse

Documented in autoencoder_sparse is_sparse make_sparse sparsity to_keras.ruta_sparsity

#' Sparse autoencoder
#' Creates a representation of a sparse autoencoder.
#' @param network Layer construct of class \code{"ruta_network"}
#' @param loss Character string specifying a loss function
#' @param high_probability Expected probability of the high value of the
#'   encoding layer. Set this to a value near zero in order to minimize
#'   activations in that layer.
#' @param weight The weight of the sparsity regularization
#' @return A construct of class \code{"ruta_autoencoder"}
#' @references
#' - [Sparse deep belief net model for visual area V2](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3313-sparse-deep-belief-net-model-for-visual-area-v2)
#' - Andrew Ng, Sparse Autoencoder.
#' \href{https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs294a/sparseAutoencoder_2011new.pdf}{CS294A Lecture Notes}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sparsity}}, \code{\link{make_sparse}}, \code{\link{is_sparse}}
#' @family autoencoder variants
#' @export
autoencoder_sparse <- function(network, loss = "mean_squared_error", high_probability = 0.1, weight = 0.2) {
  autoencoder(network, loss) |>
    make_sparse(high_probability, weight)

#' Sparsity regularization
#' @param high_probability Expected probability of the high value of the
#'   encoding layer. Set this to a value near zero in order to minimize
#'   activations in that layer.
#' @param weight The weight of the sparsity regularization
#' @return A Ruta regularizer object for the sparsity, to be inserted in the
#'   encoding layer.
#' @references
#' - [Sparse deep belief net model for visual area V2](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3313-sparse-deep-belief-net-model-for-visual-area-v2)
#' - Andrew Ng, Sparse Autoencoder.
#' \href{https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs294a/sparseAutoencoder_2011new.pdf}{CS294A Lecture Notes}
#' @seealso \code{\link{autoencoder_sparse}}, \code{\link{make_sparse}}, \code{\link{is_sparse}}
#' @export
sparsity <- function(high_probability, weight) {
      high_probability = high_probability,
      weight = weight
    class = c(ruta_regularizer, ruta_sparsity)

#' Add sparsity regularization to an autoencoder
#' @param learner A \code{"ruta_autoencoder"} object
#' @param high_probability Expected probability of the high value of the
#'   encoding layer. Set this to a value near zero in order to minimize
#'   activations in that layer.
#' @param weight The weight of the sparsity regularization
#' @return The same autoencoder with the sparsity regularization applied
#' @seealso \code{\link{sparsity}}, \code{\link{autoencoder_sparse}}, \code{\link{is_sparse}}
#' @export
make_sparse <- function(learner, high_probability = 0.1, weight = 0.2) {
  encoding_layer <- network_encoding(learner$network)

  if (!(encoding_layer$activation %in% c("tanh", "sigmoid", "softsign", "hard_sigmoid"))) {
    message("The sparsity regularization is better defined for bounded activation functions (with an infimum and a supremum) in the encoding layer. Performance could be affected by this.")

  network_encoding(learner$network)$activity_regularizer <- sparsity(high_probability, weight)


#' Detect whether an autoencoder is sparse
#' @param learner A \code{"ruta_autoencoder"} object
#' @return Logical value indicating if a sparsity regularization in the encoding layer was found
#' @seealso \code{\link{sparsity}}, \code{\link{autoencoder_sparse}}, \code{\link{make_sparse}}
#' @export
is_sparse <- function(learner) {

#' Translate sparsity regularization to Keras regularizer
#' @param x Sparsity object
#' @param activation Name of the activation function used in the encoding layer
#' @param ... Unused
#' @return Function which can be used as activity regularizer in a Keras layer
#' @references
#' - [Sparse deep belief net model for visual area V2](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/3313-sparse-deep-belief-net-model-for-visual-area-v2)
#' - Andrew Ng, Sparse Autoencoder.
#' \href{https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs294a/sparseAutoencoder_2011new.pdf}{CS294A Lecture Notes} (2011)
#' @export
to_keras.ruta_sparsity <- function(x, activation, ...) {
  p_high = x$high_probability

  # This regularization only makes sense for bounded activation functions, but we
  # adapt it to any other activation by defining high value as > 1 and low value
  # as < -1
  low_v = switch(activation,
    sigmoid = 0,
    hard_sigmoid = 0,
    relu = 0,
    softplus = 0,
    selu = - 1.7581,
  high_v = 1

  function(observed_activations) {
    observed <- observed_activations |>
      keras::k_mean(axis = 1) |>
      keras::k_clip(low_v + keras::k_epsilon(), high_v - keras::k_epsilon())

    # rescale means: what we want to calculate is the probability of a high value
    q_high <- (observed - low_v) / (high_v - low_v)

      # P(high) log P(high)/Q(high) +
      p_high * keras::k_log(p_high / q_high) +
      # P(low) log P(low)/P(low)
      (1 - p_high) * keras::k_log((1 - p_high) / (1 - q_high))
fdavidcl/ruta documentation built on July 5, 2023, 6:32 p.m.