
Defines functions subset_hmatrix wide2long `[.hmatrix` is.hmatrix getArgvalsLab.hmatrix getXLab.hmatrix getIdLab.hmatrix getTimeLab.hmatrix getArgvals.hmatrix getX.hmatrix getId.hmatrix getTime.hmatrix getArgvalsLab getXLab getIdLab getTimeLab getArgvals getX getId getTime hmatrix

Documented in getArgvals getArgvals.hmatrix getArgvalsLab getArgvalsLab.hmatrix getId getId.hmatrix getIdLab getIdLab.hmatrix getTime getTime.hmatrix getTimeLab getTimeLab.hmatrix getX getX.hmatrix getXLab getXLab.hmatrix hmatrix is.hmatrix subset_hmatrix wide2long

#### see http://adv-r.had.co.nz/S3.html
#### for the advices on best practices for a S3 class  

######### Create a construction method that checks the types of the input, 
# and returns a list with the correct class label. XXX <- function(...) {}

#' A S3 class for univariate functional data on a common grid
#' The hmatrix class represents data for a functional historical effect. 
#' The class is basically a matrix containing the time and the id for the observations of the 
#' functional response. The functional covariate is contained as attribute. 
#' @param time set of argument values of the response in long format, 
#' i.e. at which \code{t} the response curve is observed
#' @param id specify to which curve the point belongs to, id from 1, 2, ..., n.  
#' @param x matrix of functional covariate, each trajectory is in one row 
#' @param argvals set of argument values, i.e., the common gird at which the functional covariate 
#' is observed, by default \code{1:ncol(x)}
#' @param timeLab name of the time axis, by default \code{t}
#' @param idLab name of the id variable, by default \code{wideIndex}
#' @param xLab name of the functional variable, by default NULL
#' @param argvalsLab name of the argument for the covariate by default \code{s}
#' @details In the hmatrix class the id has to run from i=1, 2, ..., n including all integers from 1 to n. 
#' The rows of the functional covariate x correspond to those observations. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{getTime.hmatrix}} to extract attributes, 
#' and ?"[.hmatrix" for the extract method. 
#' @examples 
#' ## Example for a hmatrix object
#' t1 <- rep((1:5)/2, each = 3)
#' id1 <- rep(1:3, 5)
#' x1 <- matrix(1:15, ncol = 5) 
#' s1 <- (1:5)/2 
#' myhmatrix <- hmatrix(time = t1, id = id1, x = x1, argvals = s1, 
#'                      timeLab = "t1", argvalsLab = "s1", xLab = "test")
#' # extract with [ keeps attributes 
#' # select observations of subjects 2 and 3
#' myhmatrixSub <- myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ]  
#' str(myhmatrixSub)
#' getX(myhmatrixSub)
#' getX(myhmatrix)
#' # get time
#' myhmatrix[ , 1] # as column matrix as drop = FALSE
#' getTime(myhmatrix) # as vector
#' # get id
#' myhmatrix[ , 2] # as column matrix as drop = FALSE
#' getId(myhmatrix) # as vector
#' # subset hmatrix on the basis of an index, which is defined on the curve level
#' reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix), vars = "hmat", index = c(1, 1, 2))
#' # this keeps only the unique x values in attr(,'x') but multiplies the corresponding
#' # ids and times in the time id matrix 
#' # for bhistx baselearner, there may be an additional id variable for the tensor product
#' newdat <- reweightData(data = list(hmat = myhmatrix, 
#'   repIDx = rep(1:nrow(attr(myhmatrix,'x')), length(attr(myhmatrix,"argvals")))), 
#'   vars = "hmat", index = c(1,1,2), idvars="repIDx")
#' length(newdat$repIDx) 
#' ## use hmatrix within a data.frame
#' mydat <- data.frame(I(myhmatrix), z=rnorm(3)[id1])
#' str(mydat)
#' str(mydat[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ])
#' str(myhmatrix[id1 %in% c(2, 3), ])
#' @return An matrix object of type \code{"hmatrix"}
#' @export
hmatrix <- function(time, id, x, argvals=1:ncol(x), 
                    timeLab="t", idLab="wideIndex", xLab="x", argvalsLab="s"){
  ## check that id is integer valued containing 1, 2, 3, ..., n 
  ## and that x has n rows
  stopifnot( all(sort(unique(id)) == 1:nrow(x)) )  
  # convert x to a matrix, especially if x is of class AsIs
  x <- matrix(x, ncol=ncol(x), nrow=nrow(x))  
  #### check argvals and x
  if( any(duplicated(argvals)) ){
    stop("argvals contains duplicates.")
  if( is.unsorted(argvals) ){
    stop("argvals is not sorted.")
  if (ncol(x)!=length(argvals)) {
    stop(quote(x), " must have same number of columns as the length of ", quote(s), ".")
  ret <- matrix(c(time, id), ncol=2)
  colnames(ret) <- c("time","id")
  ## ret <- data.frame(time=time, id=id) # use matrix to use hmatrix within a data.frame
  attr(ret, "x") <- x
  attr(ret, "argvals") <- argvals
  attr(ret, "timeLab") <- timeLab
  attr(ret, "idLab") <- idLab 
  attr(ret, "xLab") <- xLab
  attr(ret, "argvalsLab") <- argvalsLab
  class(ret) <- c("hmatrix", class(ret)) 

### Define the generic methods
#' Generic functions to asses attributes of functional data objects
#' Extract attributes of an object.  
#' @param object an R-object, currently implemented for hmatrix and fmatrix
#' @details Extract the time variable \code{getTime}, the id\code{getId}, 
#' the functional covariate \code{getX}, its argument values \code{getArgvals}. 
#' Or the names of the different variables \code{getTimeLab}, 
#' \code{getIdLab}, \code{getXLab}, \code{getArgvalsLab}. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{hmatrix}} for the h.atrix class. 
#' @aliases getId getX getArgvals getTimeLab getIdLab getXLab getArgvalsLab
#' @return properties of a hmatrix or fmatrix
#' @export
getTime <- function(object) { UseMethod("getTime", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getId <- function(object) { UseMethod("getId", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getX <- function(object) { UseMethod("getX", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getArgvals <- function(object) { UseMethod("getArgvals", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getTimeLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getTimeLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getIdLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getIdLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getXLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getXLab", object) }

#' @rdname getTime
#' @export
getArgvalsLab <- function(object) { UseMethod("getArgvalsLab", object) }

#' Extract attributes of hmatrix
#' Extract attributes of an object of class \code{hmatrix}.  
#' @param object object of class hmatrix
#' @details Extract the time variable \code{getTime}, the id\code{getId}, 
#' the functional covariate \code{getX}, its argument values \code{getArgvals}. 
#' Or the names of the different variables \code{getTimeLab}, 
#' \code{getIdLab}, \code{getXLab}, \code{getArgvalsLab} for an object of class \code{hmatrix}.  
#' @aliases getId.hmatrix getX.hmatrix getArgvals.hmatrix getTimeLab.hmatrix getXLab.hmatrix getArgvalsLab.hmatrix
#' @return properties of a hmatrix
#' @export
getTime.hmatrix <- function(object) object[ , 1, drop=TRUE]

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getId.hmatrix <- function(object)  object[ , 2, drop=TRUE]

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getX.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "x")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getArgvals.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "argvals")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getTimeLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "timeLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getIdLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "idLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getXLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "xLab")

#' @rdname getTime.hmatrix
#' @export
getArgvalsLab.hmatrix <- function(object) attr(object, "argvalsLab")

######### Write a function to check if an object is of your class: 
# is.XXX <- function(x) inherits(x, "XXX")
#' Test to class of hmatrix
#' is.hmatrix tests if its argument is an object of class hmatrix.   
#' @param object object of class hmatrix
#' @return logical value
#' @export
is.hmatrix <- function(object){
  inherits(object, "hmatrix")

######### When implementing a vector class, you should implement these methods: 
# length, [, [<-, [[, [[<-, c. (If [ is implemented rev, head, and tail should all work).

#' Extract or replace parts of a hmatrix-object
#' Operator acting on hmatrix preserving the attributes when rows are extracted.  
#' @param x object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).
#' @param i,j indices specifying elements to extract or replace. Indices are numeric 
#' vectors or empty (missing) or NULL. Numeric values are coerced to integer as by as.integer 
#' (and hence truncated towards zero). 
#' @param ... not used
#' @param drop  If \code{TRUE} the result is coerced to the lowest possible dimension 
#' (or just a matrix). This only works for extracting elements, not for the 
#' replacement, defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @details If used on columns or rows/columns a matrix is returned. 
#' If used on rows only, i.e. x[i,] an object of class hmatrix is returned. 
#' The id is changed so that it runs from 1, ..., nNew, where nNew is the number of different 
#' id values in the new hmatrix-object. 
#' From the functional covariate \code{x} rows are selected accordingly.
#' @seealso ?"["
#' @return a \code{"hmatrix"} object
#' @export 
`[.hmatrix` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop=FALSE) {
  # number of arguments without drop
  Narg <- nargs() - (!missing(drop)) 
  # save attributs of x
  xAttr <- attributes(x) 
  ## use "[" method as for a matrix
  r <- NextMethod("[", drop=drop)
  class(r) <- class(r)[class(r)!="hmatrix"] 
  ## x[i] return column i 
  if(Narg == 2){
  ## x[i,] whole rows are selected 
  ## the is.symbol(j) is used if hmatrix is part of a data.frame using I()
  if(missing(j) || is.symbol(j)){ 
    tempId <- r[ ,2] # get the id of the corresponding rows
    tempId <- (1:length(unique(tempId)))[factor(tempId)]  # transform the id to 1, 2, 3, ...        
    return( hmatrix(time=r[ ,1], id=tempId, 
                  x=xAttr$x[unique(r[ ,2]), , drop=FALSE], argvals = xAttr$argvals, 
                  timeLab = xAttr$timeLab, idLab = xAttr$idLab, xLab = xAttr$xLab, argvalsLab = xAttr$argvalsLab) )
  # x[i,j] select on rows and colums, or only columns x[,j]

#' Transform id and time of wide format into long format
#' Transform id and time from wide format into long format, i.e., time and id are 
#' repeated accordingly so that two vectors of the same length are returned. 
#' @param time the observation points
#' @param id the id for the curve 
#' @return a list with \code{time} and \code{id}
#' @export
wide2long <- function(time, id){
  newtime <- rep(time, each=length(unique(id)))
  newid <- rep(id, length(time))
  return(list(time=newtime, id=newid))

#' Subsets hmatrix according to an index
#' @param x hmatix object that should be subsetted 
#' @param index integer vector with (possibly duplicated) indices
#' for each curve to select
#' @param compress logical, defaults to \code{TRUE}. Only used to force a meaningful
#' behaviour of \code{applyFolds} with hmatrix objects when using nested resampling.
#' @details This methods is primary useful when subsetting repeatedly.  
#' @examples 
#' t1 <- rep((1:5)/2, each = 3)
#' id1 <- rep(1:3, 5)
#' x1 <- matrix(1:15, ncol = 5) 
#' s1 <- (1:5)/2 
#' hmat <- hmatrix(time = t1, id = id1, x = x1, argvals = s1, timeLab = "t1", 
#'                 argvalsLab = "s1", xLab = "test")
#' index1 <- c(1, 1, 3)
#' index2 <- c(2, 3, 3)
#' resMat <- subset_hmatrix(hmat, index = index1)
#' try(resMat2 <- subset_hmatrix(resMat, index = index2))
#' resMat <- subset_hmatrix(hmat, index = index1, compress = FALSE)
#' try(resMat2 <- subset_hmatrix(resMat, index = index2))
#' @return a \code{hmatrix} object
#' @export
subset_hmatrix <- function(x, index, compress = TRUE)
  ## get attributes
  attrTemp <- attributes(x)
  # save time and id variable of hmatrix-object as ordinary matrix
  # otherwise [ on a hmatrix-object behaves unexpectedly 
  tempMat <- cbind(x[, 1], x[, 2])
  # create new matrix for results
  resMat <- matrix(ncol=3)
  # for all unique time points t do
  for(t in unique(x[, 1])){ 
    # check whether the id exists for this time point 
    idInT <- index %in% tempMat[tempMat[,1] == t, 2]
    # add rows for observations selected by index for time t
    resMat <- rbind(resMat, 
                    matrix(c(rep(t, sum(idInT)), # for time points in hmatrix
                             index[idInT], # for id in hmatrix
                             (1:length(index))[idInT]), # for idvars 
  # drop first row with NAs
  resMat <- resMat[-1,]
    # id with duplicates
    idvars <- c(factor(resMat[,2])) 
    # correct ordering
    idvars <- (1:length(unique(idvars)))[factor(idvars)] 
    # rewrite index for actual matrix
    index <- unique(index)
    # id with unique values
    idvars <- resMat[,3]
  new_time <- resMat[,1]
  newHmat <- hmatrix(time = new_time, 
                     id = idvars, 
                     x = attrTemp$x[index, , drop=FALSE], 
                     argvals = attrTemp$argvals, 
                     timeLab = attrTemp$timeLab, 
                     idLab = attrTemp$idLab, 
                     xLab = attrTemp$xLab, 
                     argvalsLab = attrTemp$argvalsLab)
fdboost/FDboost documentation built on May 3, 2024, 11:13 p.m.