
Defines functions .onUnload .onLoad

# sharper .onLoad.
# Function called when the sharper package is loading. 
# @param libname a character string giving the library directory where the package defining the namespace was found.
# @param pkgname a character string giving the name of the package.
# @rdname dotOnLoad
# @name dotOnLoad
.onLoad <- function(libname = '~/R', pkgname = 'sharper') {
	pkgDir <- system.file(package = pkgname)
	libsPath <- file.path(pkgDir, "libs")
	libName <- paste0(pkgname, .Platform$dynlib.ext)
	nativeLibPath <- file.path(libsPath, gsub("/", "", Sys.getenv('R_ARCH')), libName)
	if (file.exists(nativeLibPath)) 
	  r_home = Sys.getenv("R_HOME")
	  if (is.null(r_home) || r_home == "" || !file.exists(r_home)) {
	    Sys.setenv(R_HOME = R.home())

# sharper .onLoad.
# Function called when the sharper package is loading. 
# @param libname a character string giving the library directory where the package defining the namespace was found.
# @param pkgname a character string giving the name of the package.
# @rdname dotOnUnload
# @name dotOnUnload
.onUnload <- function(libname='~/R', pkgname = 'sharper') {

	.C("rShutdownClr", PACKAGE = pkgname)

	pkgDir <- system.file(package = pkgname)
	libsPath <- file.path(pkgDir, "libs")
	libName <- paste0(pkgname, .Platform$dynlib.ext)
	nativeLibPath <- file.path(libsPath, gsub("/", "", Sys.getenv('R_ARCH')), libName)
	if (file.exists(nativeLibPath)) {
fdieulle/sharper documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 4:19 p.m.