
#' ADF Function
#' This function allows you to run an ADF test through several contiguous columns of a dataframe using urca package.
#' @param x Dataframe or tibble.
#' @param m Series maximum integration order.
#' @param ic Information criteria, from 1 to 4 (AIC, HQ, SC, FPE). Defaults to 1 (AIC).
#' @param plt Plot? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @keywords Toda-Yamamoto
#' @export
#' @import vars stats strucchange tibble
#' @importFrom aod wald.test 
#' @importFrom strucchange efp
#' @examples
#' toda(x, m = 2, plt = F, ic = 1, pval=0.05)
#' @author Fernando Teixeira

# x = granger_ts; m = 2; plt = FALSE; ic = 1; pval=0.1
# yama = toda(x = teste[,2:7], m = 2, plt = FALSE, ic = 1, pval=0.1)
# boundary(stab$stability[[1]])

toda <- function(x, m, plt = F, ic = 1, pval=0.05){
    vetor <- c()
    vetor1 <- c()
    vetor11 <- c()
    vetor2 <- c()
    vetor21 <- c()
    vetor3 <- c()
    vetor31 <- c()
    for ( i in 1:length(x[1,])){
        k = i 
        for (j in k:length(x[1,])){
            if(names(x[i]) != names(x[j])){
                granger_teste = stats::ts(cbind(x[,i], x[,j]))
                colnames(granger_teste)[1] = colnames(x[i])
                colnames(granger_teste)[2] = colnames(x[j])
                aic = vars::VARselect(granger_teste, lag.max = 12, 
                                type = "const")$selection[ic]
                a1=vars::VAR(granger_teste, p= aic, type = "both")
                erros = vars::serial.test(a1,lags.bg = aic, type = "BG")
                ### Decidindo o VAR ideal
                for (iter in (aic):12){
                    n = iter
                    if(erros$serial$p.value < 0.05){
                        a1 = vars::VAR(granger_teste, p= (n + 1), type = "both")
                        erros = vars::serial.test(a1,lags.bg = (n + 1), type = "BG")
                    stab = vars::stability(a1)
                    b1 = strucchange::boundary(stab$stability[[1]])
                    b2 = -strucchange::boundary(stab$stability[[1]])
                    n2 = n + 1
                    aux = ifelse(
                            (stab[[1]][[1]][[1]] > b1 | stab[[1]][[1]][[1]] < b2) |
                            (stab[[1]][[2]][[1]] > b1 | stab[[1]][[2]][[1]] < b2), 
                                 (n <- n[1]), a1 <- vars::VAR(granger_teste, p= (n2), 
                                                        type = "both"))
                aic = a1$p
                term1 = seq(from = 2, to = (aic*2), by=2)
                term2 = seq(from = 1, to = (aic*2 - 1), by=2)
                var.ex <- vars::VAR(granger_teste, p = (aic + m), type = "both")
                #### Teste de causalidade
                causa1 = aod::wald.test(b=coef(var.ex$varresult[[1]]), 
                                   Sigma=vcov(var.ex$varresult[[1]]), Terms=term1)
                causa2 = aod::wald.test(b=coef(var.ex$varresult[[2]]), 
                                   Sigma=vcov(var.ex$varresult[[2]]), Terms=term2)
                ### ApresentaĆ§Ć£o de resultados
                if (causa1$result$chi2[3] < pval & 
                    causa2$result$chi2[3] < pval){
                    c1 <- strsplit(colnames(granger_teste), split=" ")
                    vetor <- c(vetor, paste(c1[[1]][1], "<->", c1[[2]][1]))
                    vetor1 <- c(vetor1, c1[[1]][1])
                    vetor11 <- c(vetor11, c1[[2]][1])
                    if (plt == T){
                } else if (causa1$result$chi2[3] < pval) {
                    c1 <- strsplit(colnames(granger_teste), split = " ")
                    vetor <- c(vetor, paste(c1[[1]][1], "<-", c1[[2]][1]))
                    vetor2 <- c(vetor2, c1[[1]][1])
                    vetor21 <- c(vetor21, c1[[2]][1])
                    if (plt == T) {
                        stab2 = stability(var.ex)
                } else if (causa2$result$chi2[3] < pval) {
                    c1 = strsplit(colnames(granger_teste), split = " ")
                    vetor = c(vetor, paste(c1[[1]][1], "->", c1[[2]][1]))
                    vetor3 <- c(vetor3, c1[[1]][1])
                    vetor31 <- c(vetor31, c1[[2]][1])
                    if (plt == T) {
                        stab2 = stability(var.ex)
    vetor_unidir <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(c(vetor3, vetor21),c(vetor31, vetor2)))
    colnames(vetor_unidir) <- c("var_ant", "var_pos")
    vetor_bidir <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(vetor1, vetor11))
    colnames(vetor_bidir) <- c("var1", "var2")
    lista = list(causalidade = vetor, uni_dir = vetor_unidir, bi_dir = vetor_bidir)
fernote7/InFeR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:49 p.m.