
#' Add a BPMN XOR-split element
#' Creates a list in the global environment storing the information of the XOR-split.
#' The name of the list will be the name argument of the function.
#' The list will have a custom class: bpmn_element
#' @param process processmodel
#' @param name character variable containing the name of the split
#' @param prev_element character variable containing the name of the previous element in the BPMN
#' @export
add_XOR_split <- function(process, name= '', prev_element = '')
  if(!is.character(name)) stop("name is not of the character type")
  if(!is.character(prev_element)) stop("prev_element is not of the character type")
  if(length(prev_element) > 1)
    stop("A XOR-split can have only 1 incoming sequence flow, model loops with XOR-gateways and AND-gates with AND-gateways")
  name <- name
  type <- 'XOR-split'
  prev_element <- prev_element
  l <- list(name = name, prev_element = prev_element, type = type, number_of_branches = 0, first_activities = c(), probabilities = c(), prob_to_continue = 0)
  class(l) <- 'bpmn_element'
  process[[name]] <-l
fgailly/BPS-package documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:44 a.m.