# This is the server logic of a rawDiag Shiny web application version 2.
packageVersion('bfabricShiny') >= "0.13.4",
packageVersion('rawDiag') >= "1.3.4"
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
vals <- reactiveValues(
generatePDF = 0,
rawfile = NA,
gp = NULL,
pdfFileName = NULL,
name = "",
plot = NULL,
bfabricWorkunitId = NULL)
rawDiag:::rawDiagServer("OrbitrapFun02", vals)
bf <- callModule(bfabric, "bfabric13",
applicationid = c(7, 160, 161, 162, 163, 176, 177, 197, 214,
232, 248, 268, 269, 301, 309, 333),
resoucepattern = "raw$|RAW$",
resourcemultiple = TRUE)
.resetVals <- function(){
vals$bfabricWorkunitId <- NULL
vals$gp <- NULL
vals$pdfFileName <- NULL
observeEvent(input$generatePDF, {
vals$generatePDF <- vals$generatePDF + 1
{vals$bfabricWorkunitId <- NULL})
resources <- bf$resources()$relativepath
resourcesSelected <- resources[resources %in% input$relativepath]
file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), 'Downloads/dump')) |>
Filter(f = dir.exists) -> rootdir
stopifnot(length(rootdir) >= 1)
file.path(rootdir[1], resourcesSelected) -> resourcesSelected
# mes8sage("resources: ", paste0(resources, collapse = ",\n\t"))
message("resourcesSelected: ", paste0(resourcesSelected, collapse = ", "))
vals$rawfile <- resourcesSelected |>
Filter(f = file.exists)
message("vals$rawfile: ", paste0( vals$rawfile, collapse = ",\n\t"))
bfabricUpload <- observeEvent(input$generate, {
#shiny::showNotification("Uploading to B-Fabric ...", duration = 5, type = 'message')
progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session = session, min = 0, max = 1)
progress$set(message = "uploading to B-Fabric ...")
resources <- bf$resources()
rvUpload <- bfabricShiny::uploadResource(
login = bf$login(),
webservicepassword = bf$webservicepassword(),
containerid = bf$containerid(),
posturl = bf$posturl(),
applicationid = 225,
status = "AVAILABLE",
description = sprintf("input files:\n%s", (input$relativepath |> format() |> paste(collapse='\n'))),
inputresourceid = resources$resourceid[resources$relativepath == input$relativepath],
workunitname = vals$plot,
resourcename = sprintf("%s.pdf", "rawDiag"),
file = vals$pdfFileName
print( rvUpload )
vals$bfabricWorkunitId <- rvUpload$workunit$res[[1]]$id
msg <- paste0("The current plot is available as workunit ", vals$bfabricWorkunitId, ".")
progress$set(message = msg)
vals$bfabricWorkunitId <- NULL
observeEvent(input$resetBfabricWorkunitId, {
vals$bfabricWorkunitId <- NULL
output$bfabricWorkunitId <- renderUI({
## displays the button linking to the B-Fabric workunit iff
if (isFALSE(is.null(vals$bfabricWorkunitId))){
wuUrl <- paste0("window.open('https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/userlab/show-workunit.html?id=",
vals$bfabricWorkunitId, "', '_blank')")
shiny::showNotification(paste0("Rendering actionButton to link workunit ", vals$bfabricWorkunitId, " in B-Fabric."), type = "message", duration = 5)
shiny::helpText(paste0("The current plot '", vals$pdfFileName, "' is available as workunit in B-Fabric.")),
actionButton(inputId = "B-FabricDownload",
label = paste("b-fabric download workunit", vals$bfabricWorkunitId),
onclick = wuUrl))
}else if (isFALSE(is.null(vals$pdfFileName))){
shiny::helpText(paste0("Upload the current plot '", vals$pdfFileName, "' to B-Fabric.")),
actionButton('generate', 'Upload PDF\nto B-Fabric')
} else{
HTML("Opps, something went wrong.\nPlease contact <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch>.")
HTML("no pdf.")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.