
This vignette contains code to reproduce the simulation examining the effects of population size misspecfication presented in the third simulation of Fintzi et al. (2016). Additional details on the use of the BDAepimodel package and how to extract the results from fitted objects are provided in the "BDAepimodel" vignette.

Simualting the epidemic

We sampled binomially distributed prevalence with sampling probability $\rho = 0.3$ from an epidemic with SIR dynamics in a population of 1,250 individuals and fit SIR models in which the assumed population sizes were 150, 300, 500, 900, 1,100, 1,200, 1,250, 1,300, and 1,400. The per-contact infectivity rate was $\beta = 0.0004$ and the mean infectious period duration was $1/\mu = 7$ days, which together correspond to a basic reproductive number of $R_0 = \beta N / \mu = 3.5$. At the beginning of the epidemic, there were 1,222 susceptible, 3 infected, and 25 recovered individuals. Prevalence was observed at weekly intervals over a three month period.

The data are simulated as follows:



obstimes  <- seq(1, 78, by=7)
params    <- c(beta = 0.0004, mu = 1/7, rho = 0.3, S0 = 0.948, I0 = 0.002, R0 = 0.05)
init_config <- c(1222,3,25)

epidemic <- simulateSIR(obstimes, params, init_config)
epidemic <- epidemic[epidemic[,1]!=0,]
epidemic <- rbind(c(1,0,0,init_config), epidemic, c(obstimes[obstimes>max(epidemic[,1])][1], 0, 0,epidemic[nrow(epidemic),4:6]))
obstimes <- obstimes[obstimes < max(epidemic[,1])]

dat <- cbind(obstimes, rbinom(length(obstimes), epidemic[findInterval(obstimes, epidemic[,1]),5], params["rho"]))
colnames(dat) <- c("time", "I")

plot(epidemic[,1], epidemic[,5], "l")

Having simulated a dataset, we can now proceed to fit the models to the data. In order to initialize each model, we need to specify parameter values that could possibly give rise to an initial collection of subject paths that has non-zero probability under the binomial emission process. We used the following initial values for the rate parameters:

inits <- t(data.frame(beta    = c(3.6, 3.8, 4, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2, 6, 8.5) / 
                            c(1400, 1300, 1250, 1200, 1100, 900, 500, 300, 150) / 
                            c(7.25, 7.25, 7.5, 7.5, 7.75, 7.75, 8, 18, 25),
                    mu      = 1 / c(7.25, 7.25, 7.5, 7.5, 7.75, 7.75, 8, 15, 50)))
colnames(inits) = paste("N = ",c(1400, 1300, 1250, 1200, 1100, 900, 500, 300, 150), sep = "")
kable(inits, caption = "Initial rate parameter values.")

The first step is to define a transition kernel for the model parameters. The parameters are updated from their univariate full conditional distributions via Gibbs sampling (prior distributions indicated in comments in the code below). The following code implements the transition kernel and a helper function for computing the sufficient statistics:

# helper function for computing the sufficient statistics for the SIR model rate parameters
Rcpp::cppFunction("Rcpp::NumericVector getSuffStats(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& pop_mat, const int ind_final_config) {

        // initialize sufficient statistics
        int num_inf = 0;       // number of infection events
        int num_rec = 0;       // number of recovery events
        double beta_suff = 0;  // integrated hazard for the infectivity
        double mu_suff = 0;    // integrated hazard for the recovery

        // initialize times
        double cur_time = 0;              // current time
        double next_time = pop_mat(0,0);  // time of the first event
        double dt = 0;                    // time increment

        // compute the sufficient statistics - loop through the pop_mat matrix until
        // reaching the row for the final observation time
        for(int j = 0; j < ind_final_config - 1; ++j) {

                cur_time = next_time;         
                next_time = pop_mat(j+1, 0); // grab the time of the next event
                dt = next_time - cur_time;   // compute the time increment

                beta_suff += pop_mat(j, 3) * pop_mat(j, 4) * dt; // add S*I*(t_{j+1} - t_j) to beta_suff
                mu_suff += pop_mat(j, 4) * dt;                   // add I*(t_{j+1} - t_j) to mu_suff

                // increment the count for the next event
                if(pop_mat(j + 1, 2) == 1) {  
                        num_inf += 1;
                } else if(pop_mat(j + 1, 2) == 2) {
                        num_rec += 1;

        // return the vector of sufficient statistics for the rate parameters
        return Rcpp::NumericVector::create(num_inf, beta_suff, num_rec, mu_suff);

gibbs_kernel <- function(epimodel) {

          # get sufficient statistics
          suff_stats          <- getSuffStats(epimodel$pop_mat, epimodel$ind_final_config)

          ### update parameters
          # beta ~ Gamma(0.00042 * 1250 / N, 1)
          # mu   ~ Gamma(0.35, 2)
          # rho  ~ Beta(1, 1)
          proposal          <- epimodel$params
          proposal["beta"]  <- rgamma(1, 0.00042 * (1250 / epimodel$popsize) + suff_stats[1], 1 + suff_stats[2])
          proposal["mu"]    <- rgamma(1, 0.35 + suff_stats[3], 2 + suff_stats[4])
          proposal["rho"]   <- rbeta(1, shape1 = 1 + sum(epimodel$obs_mat[,"I_observed"]), shape2 = 1 + sum(epimodel$obs_mat[,"I_augmented"] - epimodel$obs_mat[,"I_observed"]))

          # update array of rate matrices
          epimodel          <- build_new_irms(epimodel, proposal)

          # update the eigen decompositions (This function is built in)
          buildEigenArray_SIR(real_eigenvals = epimodel$real_eigen_values,
                              imag_eigenvals = epimodel$imag_eigen_values,
                              eigenvecs      = epimodel$eigen_vectors, 
                              inversevecs    = epimodel$inv_eigen_vectors, 
                              irm_array      = epimodel$irm, 
                              n_real_eigs    = epimodel$n_real_eigs, 
                              initial_calc   = FALSE)

          # get log-likelihood of the observations under the new parameters
          obs_likelihood_new  <- calc_obs_likelihood(epimodel, params = proposal, log = TRUE) #### NOTE - log = TRUE

          # get the new population level CTMC log-likelihood
          pop_likelihood_new  <- epimodel$likelihoods$pop_likelihood_cur +
                  suff_stats[1] * (log(proposal["beta"]) - log(epimodel$params["beta"])) +
                  suff_stats[3] * (log(proposal["mu"]) - log(epimodel$params["mu"])) -
                  suff_stats[2] * (proposal["beta"] - epimodel$params["beta"]) - 
                  suff_stats[4] * (proposal["mu"] - epimodel$params["mu"])

          # update parameters, likelihood objects, and eigen decompositions
          epimodel  <-
                          params = proposal,
                          pop_likelihood = pop_likelihood_new,
                          obs_likelihood = obs_likelihood_new


We now initialize an epimodel object with the dataset, set the RNG seed, and run each MCMC chain as follows. Note that the values for the population size and chain (chain = 1,2,3) were set by an external batch script.

chain <- 1; popsize = 900 # both of these were varied by an external script
set.seed(52787 + chain)

# initialize the measurement process functions
r_meas_process <- function(state, meas_vars, params){

          rbinom(n = nrow(state), size = state[,meas_vars], prob = params["rho"])


d_meas_process <- function(state, meas_vars, params, log = TRUE) {
          dbinom(x = state[, "I_observed"], 
                 size = state[, "I_augmented"],
                 prob = params["rho"], log = log) 

# for setting the initial values
inits <- data.frame(popsize = c(1400, 1300, 1250, 1200, 1100, 900, 500, 300, 150),
                    beta    = c(3.6, 3.8, 4, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2, 6, 8.5) / 
                            c(1400, 1300, 1250, 1200, 1100, 900, 500, 300, 150) / 
                            c(7.25, 7.25, 7.5, 7.5, 7.75, 7.75, 8, 18, 25),
                    mu      = 1 / c(7.25, 7.25, 7.5, 7.5, 7.75, 7.75, 8, 15, 50))

# initialize the epimodel object
epimodel <- init_epimodel(popsize = popsize,
                          states = c("S", "I", "R"), 
                          params = c(
                                    beta = rnorm(1, inits[inits$popsize == popsize, 2], 1e-5),
                                    mu = rnorm(1, inits[inits$popsize == popsize, 3], 1e-4),
                                    rho = rbeta(1,10,10),
                                    S0 = 0.97,
                                    I0 = 0.003,
                                    R0 = 0.027
                          rates = c("beta * I", "mu"), 
                          flow = matrix(c(-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1), ncol = 3, byrow = T), 
                          dat = dat,
                          time_var = "time",
                          meas_vars = "I",
                          initdist_prior = c(100, 1, 5),
                          r_meas_process = r_meas_process,
                          d_meas_process = d_meas_process)

# initialize the model object
epimodel <- init_settings(epimodel,
                          niter = 10, # set to 100,000 in the paper
                          save_params_every = 1, 
                          save_configs_every = 5000,
                          kernel = list(gibbs_kernel),
                          configs_to_redraw = ceiling(0.1 * popsize),
                          analytic_eigen = "SIR",
                          ecctmc_method = "unif",
                          52787 + chain)

# fit the model
epimodel <- fit_epimodel(epimodel, monitor = TRUE)

After running all three chains for each model, we discarded the burn-in and combined the parameter samples and latent posterior samples from each chain. Posterior median estimates and 95% credible intervals of model parameters were computed, along with the pointwise posterior distribution of the latent process. These are presented in the paper and the supplement.

fintzij/BDAepimodel documentation built on Sept. 20, 2020, 1:44 p.m.