
This package is created to visualize heatmap at different levels of the tree. It allows the visualization of the heatmap to be zoomed in specific branches of the tree, and also provides annotation functions to decorate the heatmap. The syntax of annotation functions mainly follows the commonly used package r CRANpkg("ggplot2"). Geom layers that are generated in this package have a prefix geom_th to distinguish those provided in r CRANpkg("ggplot2") or r Biocpkg("ggtree").

The toy data

The toy data contains a matrix (count) and a tree (toytree). The toytree is visualized with r Biocpkg("ggtree"). The label and numeric id of nodes are labeled as red and blue texts, respectively.

toytree <- toydata$toytree

(fig_tree <- ggtree(toytree, branch.length = "none", size = 0.1) +
  geom_text(aes(label = label), color = "red", vjust = 0.6) +
  geom_text(aes(label = node), color = "blue", vjust = -0.6) )

The matrix count has 10 rows and 8 columns. Each row corresponds to a leaf of the tree. The row name is the same to the leaf name.

(count <- toydata$count)

count is visualized in the heatmap by using geom_th_heatmap.

fig_tree +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = count, name = "hm1", gap = 0.5) 

We further cluster columns of the heatmap via cluster_column = TRUE and show the column tree with show_coltree = TRUE. The gap between the column tree and the heatmap is gap_coltree = 0.1. The line size and the color of the column tree are specified by size_coltree = 0.5 and color_coltree = "red", respectively. The height of the column tree is adjusted via rel_height_coltree.

fig_tree +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = count, name = "hm1", gap = 0.5,
                  cluster_column = TRUE, show_coltree = TRUE, 
                  gap_coltree = 0.1, color_coltree = "red", 
                  size_coltree = 0.5, rel_height_coltree = 0.1) 

Display heatmaps

It is possible to align the heatmap to an arbitary level of the tree. For example, we could aggregate counts from N7, N8 and N9 to N18, and counts from N2, N3 to N15.

agg_count <- rbind(count[1, ],
                   colSums(count[2:3, ]),
                   count[4:6, ],
                   colSums(count[7:9, ]),
                   count[10, ])
rownames(agg_count) <- paste0("N", c(1, 15, 4:6, 18, 10))

We visualize agg_count on the second heatmap. The gap between two heatmaps is controlled by gap. Names name = "hm1" and name = "hm2" are assigned to two heatmaps, respectively. The name is useful for later annotation.

(fig_hm2 <- ggtree(toytree, branch.length = "none", size = 0.1) +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = count, name = "hm1", gap = 1) +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = agg_count, name = "hm2", gap = 0.2))

When the layout of the tree is changed, e.g., layout = "circular", heatmaps will change accordingly.

ggtree(toytree, branch.length = "none", size = 0.1,
       layout = "circular") +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = count, name = "hm1", gap = 1) +
  geom_th_heatmap(th_data = agg_count, name = "hm2", gap = 0.2)

The fill color of heatmap can be changed using scale_fill_* in r CRANpkg("ggplot2") (e.g., scale_fill_viridis_c).

fig_hm2 +

To use different fill colors for two heatmaps, we could use new_scale_fill from r CRANpkg("ggnewscale") to separate them.

(fig_hm3 <- ggtree(toytree, branch.length = "none", size = 0.1) +
   geom_th_heatmap(th_data = count, name = "hm1", gap = 1) +
   scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "A", name = "hm1") +
   new_scale_fill() +
   geom_th_heatmap(th_data = agg_count, name = "hm2", gap = 0.2) +
   scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "D", name = "hm2")

Annotation on the row tree

We are free to use functions from r Biocpkg("ggtree") to decorate the tree.

(fig_hm3 <- fig_hm3 +
  geom_hilight(node = 18, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_hilight(node = 15, fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_tippoint(color = "red", shape = 8))

Annotation on the heatmap

Display row and column names

Row or column names are added to the heatmap using geom_th_text. When side = left or side = right, row names are added. When side = top or side= bottom, column names are added. nudge_x and nudge_y are used to adjust the text horizontally and vertically, respectively. We can use name to select the heatmap. More arguments like size, color that are accepted by ggplot2::geom_text are also recognized by geom_th_text.

fig_hm3 +
  geom_th_text(name = "hm1", side = "left", nudge_x = -0.5) +
  geom_th_text(name = "hm2", side = "right", nudge_x = 0.5,
               color = "red") +
  geom_th_text(name = "hm2", side = "top", nudge_y = 0.5,
               angle = 90, size = 3)

A new data can be provided in the layer geom_th_text to customize the display of row names. For example, only rows in groups B and C have names displayed, and the text color is decided by the group.

(df_row <- data.frame(rowLab = rownames(count),
                     group = c("A", "B", "B", "A", "A",
                               "A", "C", "C", "C", "A")))
fig_hm3 +
  geom_th_text(th_data = df_row, 
               aes(subset = group %in% c("B", "C"), color = group),
               name = "hm1", side = "left", nudge_x = -0.5,
               show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("B" = "orange",
                                "C" = "blue"))

Display row and column titles

The row or column title of heatmap can be added using geom_th_title.

fig_hm3 +
  geom_th_title(name = "hm1", side = "top",
                label = "The first heatmap", nudge_y = -0.5) +
  geom_th_title(name = "hm2", side = "right",
                label = "Columns of the second heatmap",
                angle = -90, nudge_x = -0.5)

Display entry values

geom_th_addvalue is used to display entry values of the heatmap. We can customize the text using arguments, e.g., color, size, that are accepted by geom_text.

fig_hm3 +
  geom_th_addvalue(name = "hm2", color = "white", size = 4) +
  geom_th_addvalue(th_data = df_row, 
                   aes(subset = group %in% "A"),
                   color = "white",
                   name = "hm1", show.legend = FALSE)

Display barplots

We can add barplots to annotate rows or columns of heatmap. The provided data should include a column named as colLab to store the column name. This column is used internally to align barplot with columns of heatmap. The barplot is filled according to the aes(x = colLab, y = obs, fill = Category). The barplot is put on the top of the heatmap side = "top". The gap between the barplot and the heatmap is gap = 0.2. The relative height of the barplot is rel_height = 0.1 compared to the height of the row tree.

(col_bar <- data.frame(colLab = rep(colnames(count), 2),
                       obs = c(1:8, rep(5, 8)),
                       Category = rep(LETTERS[1:2], each = 8)))

(fig_hm4 <- fig_hm3 +
  new_scale_fill() +
  geom_th_bar(name = "hm2",
              th_data = col_bar,
              aes(x = colLab, y = obs, fill = Category),
              side = "top",
              gap = 0.2,
              rel_height = 0.1))

Similarly, we can add a barplot to annotate rows as below. The data row_bar now provides a column named as rowLab instead of colLab in col_bar. The width of the barplot is adapted via rel_width in geom_th_bar. We put the barplot either on side = left or side = right to annotate the heatmap.

(row_bar <- data.frame(rowLab = rep(rownames(agg_count), 2),
                       obs = c(1:7, rep(5, 7)),
                       Category = rep(LETTERS[1:2], each = 7)))

fig_hm4  +
  geom_th_bar(name = "hm2",
              th_data = row_bar,
              aes(y = colLab, x = obs, fill = Category),
              side = "right",
              gap = 0.2,
              rel_width = 0.5)

Real case


# trees: phylogenetic/taxonomic tree 
phylo_tree <- Oral$phylo_tree
taxo_tree <- Oral$taxo_tree

# Counts: count_table is already in CPM scale
count_table <- Oral$count_table
count_log <- log10(count_table + 1)

Fig <- ggtree(taxo_tree, branch.length = "none") +
  geom_th_heatmap(name = "logCPM",
                  th_data = count_log, 
                  cluster_column = TRUE, 
                  size_coltree = 0.3, 
                  color_coltree = "black", 
                  rel_height_coltree = 0.3,
                  gap_coltree = 3) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "D", name = "logCPM")

We annotate samples with the body site.

df_sample <- Oral$meta_sample %>%
  mutate(colLab = rownames(Oral$meta_sample),  # column names
         Bodysite = HMP_BODY_SUBSITE) %>%
  select(colLab, Bodysite)

 Fig +
   geom_th_segment(th_data = df_sample,
                   aes(color = Bodysite),
                   side = "top", size = 3,
                   nudge_y = 1.5) +
   scale_color_manual(values = c("Saliva" = "orange", 
                                 "Supragingival Plaque" = "blue",
                                 "Throat" = "red"))
taxo_table <- Oral$taxo_table

node_a <- nodeid(tree = taxo_tree, label = "ORDER:Actinomycetales")
no_a <- setdiff(taxo_table$ORDER, "ORDER:Actinomycetales")
node_b <- nodeid(tree = taxo_tree, label = paste0("ORDER:", no_a))

# (fig_tree <- ggtree_th(taxo_tree, branch.length = "none",
#                        node = c(node_a, node_b),
#                        scale_y = c(20, rep(0.1, length(node_b)))) +
#                 geom_hilight(node  = node_a, fill = "blue", 
#                              alpha =  0.5) )

# fig_0 <- ggtree(taxo_tree, branch.length = "none")
# # node_ab <- setdiff(c(node_a, node_b), 104)
# # n_ab <- c(3, rep(0.1, length(node_b)-1))
# node_ab <- setdiff(node_b, 104)
# n_ab <- rep(0.1, length(node_b)-1)
# for (i in seq_along(node_ab)) {
#   fig_0 <- fig_0 %>% scaleClade(node = node_ab[i], scale = n_ab[i])
# }
# fig_0 +
#   geom_hilight(node  = node_a, fill = "blue",
#                              alpha =  0.5)
# fig_0 +
#   geom_th_heatmap(name = "logCPM",
#                   th_data = count_log,
#                   cluster_column = TRUE,
#                   show_coltree = FALSE,
#                   rel_width = 2) +
#   scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "d", name = "logCPM") +
#   geom_th_segment(th_data = df_sample,
#                    aes(color = Bodysite),
#                    side = "top", size = 3,
#                    nudge_y = 1.5) +
#    scale_color_manual(values = c("Saliva" = "orange",
#                                  "Supragingival Plaque" = "blue",
#                                  "Throat" = "red"))

# fig_tree +
#   geom_th_heatmap(name = "logCPM",
#                   th_data = count_log,
#                   cluster_column = TRUE,
#                   show_coltree = FALSE,
#                   rel_width = 2) +
#   scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "d", name = "logCPM") +
#   geom_th_segment(th_data = df_sample,
#                    aes(color = Bodysite),
#                    side = "top", size = 3,
#                    nudge_y = 1.5) +
#    scale_color_manual(values = c("Saliva" = "orange",
#                                  "Supragingival Plaque" = "blue",
#                                  "Throat" = "red"))

Session info


fionarhuang/TreeHeatmap documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 7:30 a.m.