
Defines functions estPI

Documented in estPI

# Version: 28-06-2013, DF

# Changes:
# 28-06-2013: Added comments and changes the layout, DF

# This function calculates the different probabilistic indices for P_t , P_tt' and P_tt't''
# It supports (under Linux) parallel computing and offers several different algorithms to
# calculate the probability estimators, which should in general provide the same results, but
# have of course different calculation times. Different algorithms are mainly here to validate
# the different approaches as well as compare different implementation with respect to calculation
# time.

  estPI <- function(X, g, type="pair", goi=NULL, mc=1, order=TRUE, alg="Cnaive"){
  # Input checks
    type <- match.arg(type, c("single", "pair", "triple"))
    alg <- match.arg(alg, c("Cnaive", "Csubmat", "Rsubmat", "Rnaive", "Rgrid"))
    g <- relabelGroups(g)

  # Define the output object
    result <- list()

  # Get flags, if the input X will be analyzed as vector or matrix (matrix input can be handled parallel)
    dimX <- dim(X)
    XisVector <- is.null(dimX)
    if(is.null(goi)) goi <- g
    goi <- unique(goi)
    Ngoi <- length(goi)

  # First remove those entries, which are not requested via goi:
    pickThose <- is.element(g,goi)
    ifelse(XisVector , X <- X[pickThose] , X <- X[pickThose,])
    g <- g[pickThose]

  # Input check for amount of cores
      mc <- detectCores()
      warning(paste("You do not have so many cores on this machine! I automatically reduced it to your machines maximum number:", mc, "\n"))
    mc <- min(dimX[2], mc)

  # Check first, how many probabilistic indices are requested (depending on input type, goi and order)
    NlistItems <- c()
      # In case of P_t possibe PE are for each single group
      NlistItems <- Ngoi
      comb <- goi
    } else if (type=="pair"){
      NlistItems <- getNListItems(Ngoi,"pair",order)
      comb <- getComb(goi,type="pairs",order)
    } else if (type=="triple"){
      NlistItems <- getNListItems(Ngoi,"triple",order)
      comb <- getComb(goi,type="triple",order)

  # Loops for parallel calcuations in the 3 cases (only available when X is a matrix):
  # Remember, those functions are ONLY to apply within the following FOR-loops and hence
  # they contain variables, which are only visible within this environment!!!
    inner1 <- function(i,X,g,t,goi,alg){
    inner2 <- function(i,X,g,comb,alg){
    inner3 <- function(i,X,g,comb,alg){

  # Now go through all the possible options for the PI
    for(oRun in 1:NlistItems)
	  # Calculate here, if just one variable is given
	    result[[oRun]] <- PE1(X,g,goi[oRun],goi,alg) 
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",goi[oRun],")",sep="")

	  } else if(type=="pair")
	    result[[oRun]] <- PE2(X,g,comb[oRun,],alg)
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",paste(comb[oRun,],collapse="<"),")",sep="")

	  } else if(type=="triple")
	    result[[oRun]] <- PE3(X,g,comb[oRun,],alg)
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",paste(comb[oRun,],collapse="<"),")",sep="")
	} else {
	  # Calculate PE, if more than one variable is given
	    result[[oRun]] <- unlist(mclapply(c(1:dimX[2]),inner1,X,g,goi[oRun],goi,alg,mc.cores=mc))
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",goi[oRun],")",sep="")

	  } else if(type=="pair"){
	    result[[oRun]] <- unlist(mclapply(c(1:dimX[2]),inner2,X,g,comb[oRun,],alg,mc.cores=mc))
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",paste(comb[oRun,],collapse="<"),")",sep="")

	  } else if(type=="triple"){
	    result[[oRun]] <- unlist(mclapply(c(1:dimX[2]),inner3,X,g,comb[oRun,],alg,mc.cores=mc))
	    names(result)[oRun] <- paste("P(",paste(comb[oRun,],collapse="<"),")",sep="")

  # Rearrange the output, depending on Vector/Matrix input
      result <- unlist(result) 
    } else {
      temp <- matrix(NA,nrow=NlistItems,ncol=dimX[2])
      for(i in 1:NlistItems)
	temp[i,] <- result[[i]]
      rownames(temp) <- names(result)
      colnames(temp) <- colnames(X)
      result <- temp

    res <- list(probs=result,type=type,goi=goi,order=order,obs=X,g=g,alg=alg)

    class(res) <- "estPI"
  } # End of function: estPI
fischuu/gMWT documentation built on April 23, 2024, 10:01 p.m.