
#' Spatial join a data frame to polygons
#' @description Imports a shp file and a data frame loaded into R, and does a spatial
#' join between the points in the data frame and polygons in the shapefile
#' @import sf sp dplyr purrr
#' @export
#' @param shp either a shapefile file location, or a spatial data frame imported using sf::st_read
#' @param df data frame containing latitudes and longtitudes of the points to spatially join to `shp`. Assumes the data are organized in a data frame containing columns lat_var and lon_var
#' @param lat_var string specifying column in `df` that contains the latitude coordinates.
#' @param lon_var string specifying column in `df` that contains the longitude coordinates.
#' @param proj_crs PROJ4 string specifying the desired projection to use in spatial join. For help choosing projection see http://projectionwizard.org/
#' @param df_crs PROJ4 string specifying the coordinate reference system for `df`. Assumed to be WGS84 if not specified.
#' @param binary_var string specifiying the name of a new binary variable created in the output for whether the point is within any polygon in `shp` or not
#' @param merge2shp TRUE/FALSE if `df` should be merged with the contents of `shp`
#' @param plot_results TRUE/FALSE if a leaflet map of the join should be plotted
#' @examples
#' n = 2000
#' df = data.frame(lon = sample(round(32.67152*100):round(35.91505*100), n, replace = TRUE)/100, lat = sample(round(-17.12721*100):round(-13.34228*100), n, replace = TRUE)/100)

spatial_join = function (shp,
                         lat_var = 'lat',
                         lon_var = 'lon',
                         df_crs = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs',
                         binary_var = 'inPolygon',
                         merge2shp = TRUE,
                         plot_results = TRUE) {

  # Part 1. -- Shapefile import --
  # Check if shp is an imported sf object
  if(grepl('\\.shp', shp)) {
    # Read in the shapefile
    shp = st_read(shp)
  } else if('geometry' %in% colnames(shp)) {
    if (!is.list(shp$geometry)){
      stop('unknown shapefile input.  Please input either the name of a shapefile,
         or an sf-imported spatial data frame using sf::st_read')
  } else {
    stop('unknown shapefile input.  Please input either the name of a shapefile,
         or an sf-imported spatial data frame using sf::st_read')

  shp = shp %>%
    # create an object id to later merge the joined points to
    mutate(obj_id = 1:nrow(shp)) %>%
    # transform to the intended projection

  # Part 2. -- Define data frame as a spatial object --
  if(!lat_var %in% colnames(df) | !lon_var %in% colnames(df)) {
    error('Latitutde and/or longitude variables are not found in `df`. Do you need to change `lat_var` or `lon_var`?')

  # using sp package, define the variables that contain lat/long to convert to spatial object
  coordinates(df) = as.formula(paste0('~', lon_var, '+', lat_var))
  # convert from sp spatial obj to sf spatial obj
  df = st_as_sf(df)
  # define the projection for the coordinates.
  st_crs(df) = df_crs
  # re-project to common projection system
  df = st_transform(df, proj_crs)

  # Part 3. -- Do the spatial join to id which polygons are associated with which points. --
  isect = st_intersects(df, shp)

  # first replace all points which didn't join to a polygon as NA;
  # rest are associated with the obj_id (row number) of the polygon they match.
  # then bind the obj_id to the existing data frame
  df = bind_cols(df, data.frame(obj_id = unlist(lapply(isect,
                                                       function(x) {
                                                         ifelse(is_empty(x), NA, x)})))) %>%
    # create a binary variable, which is whether the point is located in the polygon
    mutate_(.dots = setNames('!is.na(obj_id)', binary_var))

  # Part 4. -- Merge the df to the shapefile --
  # ignore the actual coordinates of the polygon
  if(merge2shp == TRUE) {
    df = df %>%
      left_join(shp %>% as_data_frame() %>% select(-geometry), by = 'obj_id')

  # run leaflet function
  if(plot_results == TRUE){
    print(plot_sp_join(df, shp))


flaneuse/frontier documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:17 p.m.