
#' @importFrom stringr str_wrap
#' @export

gc_width = 3
source = 'DHS (2010)'
source_size = 5
total_width = 10

add_footer = function(source, gc_width = 3, 
                      source_size = 5, 
                      total_width = 10){
  qplot(c(0,  total_width/2, total_width), 0:2, geom="blank") +
  theme_blank() +
  annotation_custom(logo, xmin = -Inf, xmax = gc_width, ymin = 0, ymax = Inf) +
  annotate(geom = 'text', x = gc_width + 1, y = 1, label = paste0('SOURCE: ', source),
           colour = grey75K,
           family = 'Lato Light', size = source_size,
           hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5) +
  annotate(geom = 'text', x = total_width, y = 1, label = 'geocenter@usaid.gov',
           colour = grey75K,
           family = 'Lato Light', size = source_size * 0.85,
           hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5) +
  annotate(geom = 'segment', x = -Inf, xend = Inf, y = 2, yend = 2,
           colour = USAID_blue)

# add_footer = function(source,
#                       exported_filename,
#                       img_dir = '~/Creative Cloud Files/MAV/Graphic Resources/logos/',
#                       country = 'USAID',
#                       country_logo = paste0(country, '_logo.png'),
#                       updated = lubridate::today(),
#                       abbrev_date = FALSE,
#                       width = 10, 
#                       stroke_size = 0.5,
#                       stroke_colour = '#00ffff',
#                       source_size = 5.5,
#                       updated_size = 4,
#                       email_size = 4,
#                       background_colour = grey10K,
#                       text_colour = grey60K,
#                       font_light = 'Lato Light'
# ) {
#   # set defaults -------------------------------------------------------------
#   buffer = 0.1
#   height = max(width/10, 0.5)
#   height_buffer = height - 2 * buffer
#   pct_gc = 0.2 # fraction of footer taken up by GeoCenter logo
#   pct_country = 0.3 # fraction of footer taken up by country logo
#   pct_date = 0.1 # fraction of the footer taken up by the date, etc.
#   y_buffer = buffer * height # Buffer for the text argument
#   cc = 'CC BY-NC 4.0'
#   email = 'geocenter@usaid.gov'
#   gc_logo = 'geocenter.png'
#   # check image files exist -------------------------------------------------------------
#   if(!country_logo %in% list.files(img_dir)) {
#     error('Country logo not found')
#   }
#   if(!gc_logo %in% list.files(img_dir)) {
#     error('GeoCenter logo not found')
#   }
#   # import images -------------------------------------------------------------
#   gc = png::readPNG(paste0(img_dir, gc_logo))
#   gc_grob = rasterGrob(gc, interpolate = TRUE,  
#                        # width = width * pct_gc, 
#                        height = height_buffer * 0.35,
#                        hjust = 0, 
#                        x = 0,
#                        y = (height)/2,
#                        default.units = 'in')
#   # gc_grob = rasterGrob(gc, interpolate = TRUE, just = 'right')
#   country = png::readPNG(paste0(img_dir, country_logo))
#   country_grob = grid::rasterGrob(country, interpolate = TRUE, 
#                                   hjust = 0, 
#                                   # width = width * pct_country, 
#                                   height = height_buffer,
#                                   y = (height)/2,
#                                   x = 0, default.units = 'in')
#   # country_grob = rasterGrob(country, interpolate = TRUE, just = 'left')
#   # format date -------------------------------------------------------------
#   updated_label = paste0('Updated ',
#                          lubridate::day(updated), ' ', 
#                          lubridate::month(updated, label = TRUE, abbr = abbrev_date), 
#                          ' ', year(updated))
#   # format source -------------------------------------------------------------
#   source_label = paste0('SOURCE: ', source)
#   source_label = stringr::str_wrap(source_label, width = 40, exdent = 18.5)
#   # define text location -------------------------------------------------------------
#   text_loc = data.frame(x = c(width * pct_country, width - width * (pct_gc + pct_date)),
#                         y = c(height - y_buffer, height - y_buffer * 2),
#                         label = c(source_label, updated_label),
#                         text_size = c(source_size, updated_size))
#   email_loc = data.frame(x = c(width),
#                          y = c( y_buffer),
#                          label = c(email),
#                          text_size = c(email_size))
#   cc_loc = data.frame(x = c(width - width * (pct_gc + pct_date)),
#                       y = c(y_buffer),
#                       label = c(cc),
#                       text_size = c(email_size))
#   p = ggplot(text_loc, aes(x = x, y = y, 
#                            label = label, size = text_size)) +
#     annotation_custom(country_grob, xmin = -Inf, xmax = width * pct_country, 
#                       ymin = 0, ymax = height) +
#     annotation_custom(gc_grob, xmin = width - width * pct_gc, xmax = width, 
#                       ymin = 0, ymax = height) +
#     geom_text(colour = text_colour,
#               hjust = 'inward',
#               vjust = 'inward',
#               family = font_light,
#               data = email_loc) +
#     geom_text(colour = text_colour,
#               hjust = 0,
#               vjust = 'inward',
#               family = font_light,
#               data = cc_loc) +
#     geom_text(colour = text_colour,
#               hjust = 0,
#               vjust = 1,
#               family = font_light,
#               lineheight = 0.85) +
#     geom_hline(yintercept = height,
#                size = stroke_size, colour = stroke_colour) +
#     scale_size_identity() +
#     scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, width)) +
#     scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, height)) +
#     theme_blank(background_colour = background_colour)
#   save_plot(exported_filename, width = width, height = height)
#   return(p)
# }

#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom grid rasterGrob
import_logo = function(file_name = '~/Creative Cloud Files/MAV/Graphic Resources/logos/geocenter.png'){
  img = readPNG(file_name)
  logo = rasterGrob(img, interpolate = TRUE)
  save(list = 'logo', file = 'data/logo.rda')
flaneuse/llamar documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:18 p.m.