
Defines functions annualTAC

Documented in annualTAC

#' Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) 
#' There are several HCRs available in FLBEIA which are used within the main function FLBEIA to generate the management advice in each step.
#' But they can also be used independently.
#' @param stocks And FLStocks object.
#' @inheritParams FLBEIA
#' @param year The position of the assessment year in the stocks and advice objects. 
#' @param stknm The name of the stock for which advice is being generated. 
#' @param ... Any extra arguments needed for specific HCRs.
#' @return The advice input object updated with the management advice (TAC) generated by the HCR.
#' @details There are two types of HCRs model-free HCRs and model-Based HCRs. 
#'          Model-free HCRs use abundance indices to generate the advice and hence it use  FLIndices object as input data.
#'          Model-based HCRs use estimates of stock abundance and stock exploitation level to generate the advice.
#'      \item    Model-Free HCRs: annexIVHCR, ghlHCR, little2011HCR, pidHCR, pidHCRItarg, IcesCat3HCR and IcesCat3HCR_bsafe_hrcap.
#'      \item    Model-Based HCRs: aneHCRE, annualTAC, CFPMSYHCR, F2CatchHCR, FroeseHCR, IcesHCR, MAPHCR, neaMAC_ltmp.  
#' Rules' description:
#'       \item{aneHCRE:} {The HCR used in the bay of biscay anchovy long term management plan.}
#'       \item{aneHCRs:} {The HCRs (escapement biomass) tested for the bay of biscay anchovy with different calendars.
#'                        For details see Sanchez et al. 2019. MEPS 617-618: 245-263.}
#'       \item{annexIVHCR:} {The HCR used by EC and ICES to generate the TAC advice for data poor stocks.}
#'       \item{annualTAC:} {A HCR that generates annual TAC advice. The HCR provides the whole flexibility of fwd.}
#'       \item{CFPMSYHCR:} {HCR adapting the MAP HCR to allow flexibility in the year Fmsy is achieved. 
#'               The user can specify the year in which you aim to reach Fmsy, with a linear transition between
#'               Fsq to Fmsy in the intervening years}
#'       \item{F2CatchHCR:} {This HCR transforms the fishing mortality advice given as input data to catch advice without any other restriction.}
#'       \item{FroeseHCR:} {The HCR defined in the paper by Froese, Branch et al. in Fish and Fisheries 2011.}
#'       \item{ghlHCR:} {The model-free HCR used in the management of greenland-halibut}
#'       \item{IcesHCR:} {The HCR used by ICES to generate TAC advice in the MSY framework.}
#'       \item{IcesCat3HCR:} {HCR that implements the ICES HCR for Category 3 DLS stocks 
#'                            (see ICES CM 2012/ACOM 68: Category 3 - Method 3.2)}
#'       \item{IcesCat3HCR_bsafe_hrcap:} {Alternative approach for IcesCat3HCR with a biomass safeguard and harvest rate caps
#'                           (from ICES WKDLSSLS2019)}
#'       \item{little2011HCR:} {The HCR defined in the paper by Little et al. in ICES Journal of Marine Science 2011.}
#'       \item{MAPHRC:} {The HCR proposed by the EC in the evaluation on multi-annual management plans in 2015.}
#'       \item{MultiStockHRC:} {A HCR that produces TAC advice for several stocks simultaneously. It uses a fishing mortality target and an upper bound to conciliate the TAC advices. In the case of stocks without exploitation rate estimates it uses the catch.}
#'       \item{neaMAC_ltmp:} {The HCR used in the north-east atlantic mackerel long term management plan. It is a particular case of the IcesHCR.}
#'       \item{pidHCR, pidHCRItarg:} {The HCRs defined in the paper by Pomaerede et al. in Aquatic Living Resources 2010.}
#'      }     
#'         The HCRs are documented in detail in the manual of the library.
#' @examples
#' library(FLBEIA)
#' library(FLAssess)          # required to use the IcesHCR. Not available for win64
#' library(FLash)             # required to use the IcesHCR. Not available for win64
#' library(ggplot2)  
#' # Load the data to run FLBEIA in a one stock one fleet example using the HCR used by ICES 
#' # in the MSY framework. 
#'  data(one) 
#' oneAdv$TAC[,ac(2009:2025)] <- NA # Put NA-s in the projection years to check how the 
#'                                  # function fills the advice object.
#' res <- IcesHCR(oneSt, oneAdv, oneAdvC, 19, 'stk1')
#' # The value printed in the screen is the fishing mortality used in the advice.
#' res$TAC[,'2009']    # The resulting management advice.
#' }  

#                          HCRs
#   - annualTAC.
# Dorleta GarcYYYa
# Created: 20/12/2010 13:26:13
# Changed: 20/12/2010 13:26:18

# annualTAC(stocks, covars, advice, hcr.ctrl)   
# year = Assessment year (POSITION).
# The targets and constraints will differ iteration by iteration, thus 'fwd' 
# must be applied iter by iter.
# @export
annualTAC <- function(stocks, advice, advice.ctrl, year, stknm,...){
   # project the stock 3 years, (current year, TAC year, TAC year + 1 for ssb or biomass constraints). 
    nyears      <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['nyears']]) 
    wts.nyears  <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['wts.nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['wts.nyears']]) 
    fbar.nyears <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['fbar.nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['fbar.nyears']]) 
    f.rescale   <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['f.rescale']]), TRUE, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['f.rescale']]) 
   # disc.nyears  <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['disc.nyears']]), wts.nyears, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['disc.nyears']]) 
    stk <- stocks[[stknm]]
    stk@harvest[stk@harvest < 0] <- 0.00001
    # if(dim(stk@m)[1] == 1){
    #   for(sl in c("catch.n","catch.wt","discards.n","discards.wt","landings.n",
    #               "landings.wt","stock.n","stock.wt","m","mat","harvest","harvest.spwn", "m.spwn"))
    #   {
    #     dimnames(slot(stk,sl))[[1]] <- 1
    #   }
    # stk@range[6:7] <- 1
    #    } 
    # stk <- stf(stk, nyears = nyears, wts.nyears = wts.nyears, fbar.nyears = fbar.nyears, f.rescale = TRUE) #, disc.nyrs = disc.nyears)
    ageStruct <- ifelse(dim(stk@m)[1] > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
    if(ageStruct == TRUE)
      stk <- stf(stk, nyears = nyears, wts.nyears = wts.nyears, fbar.nyears = fbar.nyears, f.rescale = f.rescale) #, disc.nyrs = disc.nyears)
      stk <- stfBD(stk, nyears = nyears, wts.nyears = wts.nyears, fbar.nyears = fbar.nyears)
    fwd.ctrl <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$fwd.ctrl
    iter   <- dim(stk@m)[6]
    yrsnames <- dimnames(stk@m)[[2]]
    yrsnumbs <- as.numeric(yrsnames)
    assyrname <- yrsnames[year]
    assyrnumb <- yrsnumbs[year]

    # Refresh the years in fwd!! 
    fwd.ctrl@target$year     <- fwd.ctrl@target$year + assyrnumb
    fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year <- fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year + assyrnumb 
    TACvar <- FALSE
    for(i in 1:iter){
        stki <- iter(stk, i)
        # if in <year 0> quantity = catch => set TAC in <year 0> in val
        if(TACvar == TRUE | any(fwd.ctrl@target[fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year == assyrnumb,'quantity'] == 'catch')){
            k <- which(fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year == assyrnumb & fwd.ctrl@target$quantity == 'catch')
            fwd.ctrl@target[k,c('min','val', 'max')]      <- fwd.ctrl@target[k,c('min','val', 'max')]*advice$TAC[stknm,year,,,,i]
            fwd.ctrl@target[k,'rel.year']                 <- NA
            fwd.ctrl@trgtArray[k,c('min','val', 'max'),]  <- fwd.ctrl@trgtArray[k,c('min','val', 'max'),]*c(advice$TAC[stknm,year,,,,i]) 
            TACvar <- TRUE
     #   if(stknm == 'CMON') browser()
        if(dim(stki@m)[1] > 1){
            # First estimate/extract the SR model and params.
            sr.pars  <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$params # sr parameters if specified.  
            sr.model <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$model  # sr model, mandatory.  
            if(is.null(sr.pars)){                   # if params missing => estimate the parameters using the specified years.
                if(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years)) which(round(quantSums(stocks[[stknm]]@stock.n))!=0)[1]:(year-1)# yr0 missing => use all data years.
                    y.rm <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years['y.rm'])
                    nyrs <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years['num.years'])
                    sr.yrs <- yrsnames[(year-y.rm-nyrs + 1):(year-y.rm)]
                rec <- stki@stock.n[1,sr.yrs]
                ssb <- ssb(stki)[,sr.yrs]
                # if rec.age != 0 adjust rec and ssb.
                rec.age <- as.numeric(dimnames(rec)[[1]])
                if(rec.age != 0){
                    rec <- rec[, -(1:rec.age),]
                    ssb <- ssb[, 1:(dim(ssb)[2] - rec.age),]

                if(sr.model != 'geomean') sr.pars <- try(params(fmle(FLSR(rec = rec, ssb = ssb, model = sr.model))), silent = TRUE) 
                if(class(sr.pars) == 'try-error' | sr.model == 'geomean'){
                    sr.model <- 'geomean'
                    sr.pars <- c(prod(c(rec))^(1/length(c(rec))))
                    sr.pars <- FLPar(a = ifelse(is.na(sr.pars), 0, sr.pars))
                sr1 <- sr.pars
            } else { # sr.pars not null
                if(i == 1){
                   sr1 <- iter(sr.pars,i)
                sr1[] <-  iter(sr.pars,i)[]
            stki <- FLash::fwd(stki, ctrl = fwd.ctrl, sr = list(model =sr.model, params = sr1))
        } else { 
            # Extract the years to calculate the mean historical growth of the stock 
            if(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years))   growth.years <- max(1,(year - 11)):(year-1) 
                y.rm <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years['y.rm'])
                nyrs  <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years['num.years'])
                growth.years <- yrsnames[(year-y.rm-nyrs + 1):(year-y.rm)]
            stki <- fwdBD(stki, fwd.ctrl, growth.years) 
        Cadv <- ifelse(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['AdvCatch']][year+1] == TRUE, 'catch', 'landings')           
        yy <- ifelse(slot(stki, Cadv)[,year+1] == 0, 1e-6, slot(stki, Cadv)[,year+1]) 
        advice[['TAC']][stknm,year+1,,,,i] <- yy            
#        cat('---------------- HCR------------------------\n')
#        cat(c(fbar(stki)[,(year-1):year]), '\n')
#        cat('-------------------------------------------\n')
   #     save(stki, file = 'stki.RData')
flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:36 a.m.