
Defines functions MultiStockHCR

Documented in MultiStockHCR

#  MultiStock HCR based on the ICES MSY framework HCR.
# Biomass Based HCR.
#  Reference Points: Btrigger, Blim and Fmsy.
#   No formal porposal for any of this, usually :
#           - Btrigger = Bpa
#           - Blim  = ??? Blim?YYY?
#           - Fmsy = F0.1, Fmax....
#  - TAC advice depending on F in relation to BRP of ALL the stocks:
#     1. First for each stock we calculate the single stock  Ftarget depending on 
#       its status in relation to the BRPs.
#           - Ftarget = Fmsy             B >= Btrigger.
#           - Ftarget = Fmsy*B/Btrigger  B <  Btrigger.
#           - Ftarget = 0.               B <  Blim (our proposal)
#     2.Calculate the ratio between Ftarget and Fsq and calculate the maximum:
#           Fadv0[st] = lambda0*Fsq : lambda0 = max(Ftarget/Fsq)
#       (=> there is only one stock for which Fadv0 = Ftarget and for the rest Fadv0 > Ftarget)

#     3.Calculate the ratio between Fupp and Fsq and calculate the minimum:
#            x_st = Fupp[st]/Fadv0[st] for all the stocks st.
#              -  If x_st >= 1 for all the stocks: lambda1 = 1 
#              -  If exist st : x_st < 1 => lambda1 = min(Fupp[st]/Fadv0[st])
#                                           and Fadv1[st] = lambda1*Fadv0 :
#     (=> there is only one stock for which Fadv0 = Ftarget and for the rest Fadv0 > Ftarget)
#     4.Fadv[st] = lambda1*lambda0*Fsq => TAC[st] = C[Fadv[st]]
#     In relation to IcesMSY HCR this new HCR has two additional arguments:
#       * advice.ctrl[['stocksInHCR']] : A vector with the name of the stocks that are taken into account in the calculation of advice.
#       * advice.ctrl[['stknm']][['ref.pts']]: A new row in the matrix with Fupp value.
#  ** NOTE THAT the first part of the functions does not work with iterations it should be adapted 
#        to be compatible with  multiple iterations.
# 08/06/2016 - Created:  Dorleta Garcia.
# 18/06/2016 - Modified: Dorleta Garcia.
# 20/12/2016 - Modified: Dorleta Garcia. Incorporation of Data Limited Stocks into the HCR.
# 03/09/2018 - Modified: Dorleta Garcia. Add new settings to the HCR mean and min.
# 13/12/2018 - Modified: Dorleta Garcia. When using the min  option check that all the Fadv are above the 
#                                        lower range, if not the F-s are moved trying to put them all within
#                                        the ranges, always maintaining the proportionality
#' @rdname annualTAC
#' @aliases MultiStockHCR
MultiStockHCR <- function(stocks, indices, advice, advice.ctrl, year, stknm,...){

   # project the stock 3 years, (current year, TAC year, TAC year + 1 for ssb or biomass constraints).
    nyears      <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['nyears']])
    wts.nyears  <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['wts.nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['wts.nyears']])
    fbar.nyears <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['fbar.nyears']]), 3, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['fbar.nyears']])
    f.rescale   <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['f.rescale']]), TRUE, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['f.rescale']])
   # disc.nyears  <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['disc.nyears']]), wts.nyears, advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['disc.nyears']])

    stk <- stocks[[stknm]]
    stk@harvest[stk@harvest < 0] <- 0.00001
    ageStruct <- ifelse(dim(stk@m)[1] > 1, TRUE, FALSE)
    stocksInHCR    <- advice.ctrl[['stocksInHCR']]
    stocksCat      <- advice.ctrl[['stocksCategory']]
    approach       <- ifelse(is.null(advice.ctrl[['approach']]), 'max', advice.ctrl[['approach']])
    if(stocksCat[stknm] == 1) stk <- stf(stk, nyears = 3, wts.nyears = 3, fbar.nyears = 3, f.rescale = f.rescale) #, disc.nyrs = disc.nyears)

   # if(dim(stk@m)[1] == 1)    harvest(stk) <- stk@catch.n/stk@stock.n 
    ref.pts <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$ref.pts # matrix[6,it]  rows = Bmsy, MSY, alpha_0, alpha_1, alpha_2, beta
    Cadv <- ifelse(advice.ctrl[[stknm]][['AdvCatch']][year+1] == TRUE, 'catch', 'landings')
    iter     <- dim(stk@m)[6]
    yrsnames <- dimnames(stk@m)[[2]]
    yrsnumbs <- as.numeric(yrsnames)

    assyrname <- yrsnames[year]
    assyrnumb <- yrsnumbs[year]

    # Build fwd.ctrl.
   # Find where is the SSB (Age structured) OR Biomass (Aggregated) in relation to reference points
   # Argument!
    # Last SSB (Age structured) OR Biomass (Aggregated) estimate
    Ftg <- Fupp  <- Flow <- Fsq <- Cst <- matrix(NA, length(stocksInHCR), iter)
   rownames(Ftg) <- rownames(Fupp) <- rownames(Flow) <- rownames(Fsq) <- rownames(Cst) <- stocksInHCR
    for(st in stocksInHCR){
      stk0 <- stocks[[st]]
      ref.pts_st <- advice.ctrl[[st]][['ref.pts']]
      if(stocksCat[st] == 1){     
            b.datyr <- ssb(stk0)[,year-1,drop = TRUE] # [it]
            b.datyr <- (stk0@stock.n*stk0@stock.wt)[,year-1,drop = TRUE] # [it]

        b.pos <- apply(matrix(1:iter,1,iter),2, function(i) findInterval(b.datyr[i], ref.pts_st[c('Blim', 'Btrigger'),i]))  # [it]

        Ftg[st,] <- ifelse(b.pos == 0, 0, ifelse(b.pos == 1, ref.pts_st['Fmsy',]*b.datyr/ref.pts_st[ 'Btrigger',], ref.pts_st['Fmsy',]))
        minfbar <- stocks[[st]]@range['minfbar']
        maxfbar <- stocks[[st]]@range['maxfbar']
        Fsq[st,] <- yearMeans(fbar(stocks[[st]])[,(year-3):(year-1)])
        Fupp[st,] <- ref.pts_st['Fupp',]
        Flow[st,] <- ref.pts_st['Flow',]
      if(stocksCat[st] == 3){     
             Brat    <- c(mean(indices[[st]][[1]]@index[,(year-2):(year-1)])/mean(indices[[st]][[1]]@index[,(year-3):(year-5)])) # [it]
             Cst[st,]    <- yearMeans(stocks[[st]]@catch[,(year-3):(year-1)])[drop=T]   # [it]
             tac     <- advice[['TAC']][st, year-1,drop=T]
             alpha   <- advice.ctrl[[st]][["ref.pts"]]["alpha", ]
             beta    <- advice.ctrl[[st]][["ref.pts"]]["beta", ]
             betaUp  <- advice.ctrl[[st]][["ref.pts"]]["betaUp", ]
             tacUpMult <- ifelse(Brat < 1-alpha, 1 - beta*0.5,      ifelse(Brat < 1+alpha, 1 + beta, 1 + betaUp))
             tacMult   <- ifelse(Brat < 1-alpha, 1-beta, ifelse(Brat < 1+alpha, 1, 1 + beta))
             # translate the TAC multiplier to C multiplier.
             CupMult <- tacUpMult*tac/Cst[st,]
             CMult   <- tacMult*tac/Cst[st,]
             # For this stocks we fill the Fsq, Fupp and Ftg in terms of catch, the linearity is assumed in
             # effort catch becasue we don't have any other information.
             Ftg[st,]  <- CMult 
             Fupp[st,] <- CupMult 
             Fsq[st,]  <- 1     
# Apply the conditions of the HCR
    Fsq[Fsq == 0] <- 1e-6
    lambda0 <- apply(Ftg/Fsq,2,approach)
    Fadv0 <- Fadv <- sweep(Fsq,2,lambda0, "*") # [nst,it]
    # The checks inthe secont step depend on the approach
    if((approach %in% c('max', 'mean')) & any(Fadv0 > Fupp)){
      lambda1 <- apply(Fupp/Fadv0,2,min) # The F multiplier.
      Fadv0 <- Fadv <- sweep(Fadv0,2,lambda1,"*")
    # If for some stock, under any option, we are below Flow, we increase F as much as possible within the ranges.
    if(any(Fadv0 < Flow)){#if((approach == 'min') & any(Fadv0 < Flow)){
      lambda2 <- apply(Flow/Fadv0,2,max) #[it]
      upps <- Fupp/Fadv0
      comp1 <- colSums((1/sweep(upps,1,lambda2,"/")) >1) # [it]
      # The correction will be always the minimum of the Fupp/Fadv0 ratios, because for NONE of the stock we can be above.
      pos <- apply(upps,2,which.min) # [it]
      # If comp1 == 0, for this iteration non of the stocks is above Fupp
      # If comp1 == 1, there exist one stock above Fupp
      # If comp1 > 1, there are several stocks above Fupp, so from the corresponding multipliers we need to select the lowest one.
      lambda2 <- ifelse(comp1 == 0, lambda2,  sapply(1:length(comp1),function(x) upps[pos[x],x] ))
      Fadv <- sweep(Fadv0,2,lambda2,"*")
    Fadv_st <- Fadv[stknm,]
    int.yr <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$intermediate.year
    Fadv_st[is.na(Fadv_st)] <- 1e-6
# For 'stknm' calculate the corresponding TAC advice as done in the rest of the HCRs 
    for(i in 1:iter){
      if(stocksCat[stknm] == 1){
        if(is.na(Fadv_st[i]) | Fadv_st[i] == 0){
            advice[['TAC']][stknm,year+1,,,,i] <- 0.1

        int.yr <- ifelse(is.null(int.yr), 'Fsq', int.yr)
        if(int.yr == 'Fsq')
            fwd.ctrl <- FLash::fwdControl(data.frame(year = c(0, 1),  val = c(1, Fadv_st[i]), quantity = c( 'f', 'f'), rel.year = c(-1,NA)))
            fwd.ctrl <- FLash::fwdControl(data.frame(year = c(0, 1),  val = c(advice$TAC[stknm,year, drop=TRUE][i], Fadv_st[i]), quantity = c( 'catch', 'f')))

        # Refresh the years in fwd!!
        fwd.ctrl@target$year     <- fwd.ctrl@target$year + assyrnumb
        fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year <- fwd.ctrl@target$rel.year + assyrnumb
        stki <- iter(stk, i)

        # if in <year 0> quantity = catch => set TAC in <year 0> in val
        if(fwd.ctrl@target[fwd.ctrl@target$year == assyrnumb,'quantity'] == 'catch'){
            k <- which(fwd.ctrl@target$year == assyrnumb)
            fwd.ctrl@target[k,'val']     <- advice$TAC[stknm,year,,,,i]
            fwd.ctrl@trgtArray[k, 'val',] <- advice$TAC[stknm,year,,,,i]

     #   if(stknm == 'CMON') browser()

        if(dim(stki@m)[1] > 1){
            # First estimate/extract the SR model and params.
            sr.pars  <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$params # sr parameters if specified.
            sr.model <- advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$model  # sr model, mandatory.
            if(is.null(sr.pars)){                   # if params missing => estimate the parameters using the specified years.
                if(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years)) sr.yrs <- which(round(quantSums(stocks[[stknm]]@stock.n))!=0)[1]:(year-1)# yr0 missing => use all data years, except the assessment year for which rec is unknown
                    y.rm <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years['y.rm'])
                    nyrs <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$sr$years['num.years'])
                    sr.yrs <- yrsnames[(year-y.rm-nyrs + 1):(year-y.rm)]
                rec <- stki@stock.n[1,sr.yrs]
                ssb <- ssb(stki)[,sr.yrs]

                # if rec.age != 0 adjust rec and ssb.
                rec.age <- as.numeric(dimnames(rec)[[1]])
                if(rec.age != 0){
                    rec <- rec[, -(1:rec.age),]
                    ssb <- ssb[, 1:(dim(ssb)[2] - rec.age),]
                if(sr.model != 'geomean') sr.pars <- try(params(fmle(FLSR(rec = rec, ssb = ssb, model = sr.model))), silent = TRUE) 
                if(class(sr.pars) == 'try-error' | sr.model == 'geomean'){
                    sr.model <- 'geomean'
                    sr.pars <- c(prod(c(rec))^(1/length(c(rec))))
                    sr.pars <- FLPar(a = ifelse(is.na(sr.pars), 0, sr.pars))
                sr1 <- sr.pars
            else{ # sr.pars not null
                if(i == 1){
                   sr1 <- iter(sr.pars,i)
                sr1[] <-  iter(sr.pars,i)[]


            stki <- FLash::fwd(stki, ctrl = fwd.ctrl, sr = list(model =sr.model, params = sr1))

            # Extract the years to calculate the mean historical growth of the stock
            if(is.null(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years))   growth.years <- max(1,(year - 11)):(year-1)
                y.rm <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years['y.rm'])
                nyrs  <- as.numeric(advice.ctrl[[stknm]]$growth.years['num.years'])
                growth.years <- yrsnames[(year-y.rm-nyrs + 1):(year-y.rm)]
            stki <- fwdBD(stki, fwd.ctrl, growth.years)
        yy <- ifelse(slot(stki, Cadv)[,year+1] == 0, 1e-6, slot(stki, Cadv)[,year+1])
        yy <- ifelse(is.na(yy), 0.1, yy)
        advice[['TAC']][stknm,year+1,,,,i] <- yy # The TAC is given in terms of CATCH.

#        cat('---------------- HCR------------------------\n')
#        cat(c(fbar(stki)[,(year-1):year]), '\n')
#        cat('-------------------------------------------\n')
   #     save(stki, file = 'stki.RData')
      if(stocksCat[stknm] == 3){
        advice[['TAC']][stknm,year+1,,,,i] <- Cst[st]*Fadv_st

flr/FLBEIA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:36 a.m.