

# preparation for the bbm package of the Anchovy data in Ibaibarriaga et al. (2008)


# load libraries



# read real data 1987-2006

bio.dat <- read.table("realdata_87-06_BBM.txt", header=F)
names(bio.dat) <- c("year","h1","h2","c1.per1","ctot.per1","c1.per2","ctot.per2","b1.depm","btot.depm","","")

# compute age 1 biomass proportion for depm and acoustics

bio.dat$p.depm <- bio.dat$b1.depm/bio.dat$btot.depm
bio.dat$ <- bio.dat$$

# number of years

n <- dim(bio.dat)[1]

# remove the NA in the catch series to avoid problems with some functions 

bio.dat$c1.per2[n] <- 0.001/2
bio.dat$ctot.per2[n] <- 0.001

# surveys' timing

f <- 0.375

# create index variables for non missing data

years.p.depm <- (1:n)[!$p.depm)]
years.btot.depm <- (1:n)[!$btot.depm)] <- (1:n)[!$] <- (1:n)[!$]

# years vector

years <- 1987:(1987+n-1)

# number of periods

nper <- 2


# transformation to FLR objects


# catch FLQuant

catch <- FLQuant(dim=c(2, n, 1, nper, 1, 1), dimnames=list(age=1:2, year=years))
catch[1,,,1,,] <- bio.dat$c1.per1
catch[2,,,1,,] <- bio.dat$ctot.per1 - bio.dat$c1.per1
catch[1,,,2,,] <- bio.dat$c1.per2
catch[2,,,2,,] <- bio.dat$ctot.per2 - bio.dat$c1.per2


# indices: 
# one FLIndices for total biomass (indicesB) and 
# another FLIndices for percentage of recruits (indicesP)

flq <- FLQuant(dim=c(1, n, 1, 1, 1, 1), dimnames=list(age='all', year=years))

indicesB <- FLIndices(depm=FLIndex(index=flq), acoustic=FLIndex(index=flq))

indicesB$depm@index[] <- bio.dat$btot.depm
indicesB$depm@range["startf"] <- f
indicesB$depm@range["endf"] <- f

indicesB$acoustic@index[] <- bio.dat$
indicesB$acoustic@range["startf"] <- f
indicesB$acoustic@range["endf"] <- f

indicesP <- FLIndices(depm=FLIndex(index=flq), acoustic=FLIndex(index=flq))

indicesP$depm@index[] <- bio.dat$p.depm
indicesP$depm@range["startf"] <- f
indicesP$depm@range["endf"] <- f

indicesP$acoustic@index[] <- bio.dat$
indicesP$acoustic@range["startf"] <- f
indicesP$acoustic@range["endf"] <- f

# Indices as FLQuants (instead of FLIndices)

indicesB_flqs <- FLQuants(depm=flq, acoustic=flq)
indicesB_flqs$depm[]     <- bio.dat$btot.depm
indicesB_flqs$acoustic[] <- bio.dat$

indicesP_flqs <- FLQuants(depm=flq, acoustic=flq)
indicesP_flqs$depm[]     <- bio.dat$p.depm
indicesP_flqs$acoustic[] <- bio.dat$

# timing of the indices:vector(n) with the names of each survey 
#               (if FLIndex available --> f=mean(range(index)[c('startf','endf')]) )

findicesB <- c(depm=f, acoustic=f)
findicesP <- c(depm=f, acoustic=f)

# control: 

# dummy FLPar indicating which parameters are fixed (0 estimated and 1 fixed)

param.fix <- FLPar(c(rep(0,2), rep(0,2), rep(0,2), 0, rep(0, n), 0, 0),
               paste("R", dimnames(catch)$year,sep="_"),
               "mur","psir"), iter=1)

# named vector with annual biomass change rates

g <- c(rec=0.68, adult=0.68)

# bbmControl object

control <- new( "bbmControl", g=g, param.fix=param.fix)

rm( g, param.fix)

#  Initial values: FLPar

inits <- FLPar(c(rep(1,2), rep(50,2), rep(3,2), 50000, rep(80000, n), 10, 2),
                        paste("R", dimnames(catch)$year,sep="_"),
                        "mur","psir"), iter=1)


# save the RData in an external file in the data folder to be built-in in the package

catch.ane <- catch
indicesB.ane <- indicesB
indicesB_flqs.ane <- indicesB_flqs
findicesB.ane <- findicesB
indicesP.ane <- indicesP
indicesP_flqs.ane <- indicesP_flqs
findicesP.ane <- findicesP
control.ane <- control
inits.ane <- inits

# save( catch.ane, indicesB.ane, indicesB_flqs.ane, indicesP.ane, indicesP_flqs.ane, findicesB.ane, findicesP.ane, control.ane, inits.ane, 
#       file='../data/ane.RData')

save( catch.ane, indicesB.ane, indicesP.ane, control.ane, inits.ane, 

flr/bbm documentation built on Sept. 6, 2022, 8:56 p.m.