
Defines functions cran_checks_table.crandb cran_checks_table.cran_checks_pkg process_cran_table cran_checks_table.cran_checks_email cran_checks_table

cran_checks_table <- function(parsed, ...) UseMethod("cran_checks_table")

##' @importFrom rvest html_table
##' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
cran_checks_table.cran_checks_email <- function(parsed, ...) {
  res <- lapply(parsed, function(x) {
    tbl <- rvest::html_table(x)
    if (length(tbl) < 1) {
      ## If there is no table on the page, the maintainer has
      ## authored a single package, let's look for it:
      pkg <- all_packages_by_email(x)
      if (length(pkg) > 1) {
          "Please file an issue on GitHub ",
          "indicating the name of your package"
      ## then, we can call the other method to parse the results
      ## of that pacakge
      .res <- cran_checks_table.cran_checks_pkg(read_cran_web_from_pkg(pkg))
    } else {
      .res <- tbl[[1]]
      names(.res) <- tolower(names(.res))
      .res <- tibble::as_tibble(.res)
  do.call("rbind", res)

##' @importFrom stats reshape xtabs
process_cran_table <- function(tbl) {
  ctbl <- stats::xtabs(~package + status, data = tbl)
  ctbl <- as.data.frame(ctbl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ctbl <- ctbl[ctbl$Freq > 0, ]
  ctbl <- stats::reshape(ctbl,
    idvar = c("package"),
    timevar = "status", direction = "wide",
    v.names = "Freq"
  names(ctbl) <- gsub("Freq\\.", "", names(ctbl))
  names(ctbl) <- tolower(names(ctbl))
  ctbl <- tibble::as_tibble(ctbl)

##' @export
cran_checks_table.cran_checks_pkg <- function(parsed, ...) {
  tbl <- get_cran_table(parsed, ...)

##' @export
cran_checks_table.crandb <- function(parsed, ...) {
  tbl <- parsed
  tbl$status <- gsub("WARNING", "WARN", tbl$status)
  tbl$status <- gsub("FAILURE", "FAIL", tbl$status)
fmichonneau/foghorn documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:06 a.m.