
Defines functions summary_cran_details summary.cran_details filter_pkg_ok filter_pkg_not_ok render_flavors cran_details cran_details_from_crandb cran_details_from_web has_other_issues_details

Documented in cran_details summary_cran_details summary.cran_details

##' @importFrom xml2 xml_find_all xml_text
##' @importFrom tibble tibble
has_other_issues_details <- function(parsed, ...) {
  pkg <- all_packages(parsed)

  res <- lapply(parsed, function(x) {
    other_issues_pth <- xml2::xml_find_all(x, ".//h3/a/following::p[1]//a")
    issue_type <- xml2::xml_text(other_issues_pth)
    issue_url <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(other_issues_pth, "@href"))
      result = "other_issue", check = issue_type,
      flavors = NA_character_,
      message = paste0("See: <", issue_url, ">")

  pkgs <- rep(unlist(pkg), vapply(res, function(x) nrow(x) %||% 0L, integer(1)))
  res <- do.call("rbind", res)
  res <- cbind(package = pkgs, res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
cran_details_from_web <- function(pkg, ...) {
  parsed <- read_cran_web_from_pkg(pkg)
  issue_test <- has_other_issues_details(parsed)

  all_p <- mapply(function(x, pkg_nm) {
    p <- xml2::xml_find_all(x, ".//p")
    p <- strsplit(xml2::xml_text(x), "\n")
    p <- unlist(p)
    p <- p[nzchar(p)]
    p <- gsub(intToUtf8(160), " ", p)
    chk_idx <- grep("^Check:", p)
    vrs_idx <- grep("^Version:", p)
    res_idx <- grep("^Result:", p)
    flv_idx <- grep("^Flavors?:", p)
    if (!identical(length(chk_idx), length(res_idx)) &&
          !identical(length(chk_idx), length(flv_idx))) {
      stop("File an issue on Github indicating the name of your package.")
    msg <- mapply(function(c, v, r, f) {
        version = gsub("^Version: ", "", p[v]),
        result = gsub("^Result: ", "", p[r]),
        check = gsub("^Check: ", "", p[c]),
        flavors = gsub("^Flavors?: ", "", p[f]),
        n_flavors = length(unlist(gregexpr(",", p[f]))) + 1,
        message = paste(gsub("^\\s+", "     ", p[(r + 1):(f - 1)]), collapse = "\n")
    }, chk_idx, vrs_idx, res_idx, flv_idx, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

    r <- do.call("rbind", msg)
    if (!is.null(r)) {
      r <- cbind(package = rep(pkg_nm, nrow(r)), r, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else {
      r <- tibble::add_row(default_cran_details,
        package = pkg_nm,
        version = paste(unique(get_cran_table(parsed[pkg_nm])$version), collapse = ", "),
        result = "OK",
        check = "",
        flavors = "",
        n_flavors = n_cran_flavors(),
        message = ""
  }, parsed, names(parsed), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  res <- do.call("rbind", all_p)

  .iss <- tibble::tibble(
    package = issue_test$package,
    version = rep("", nrow(issue_test)),
    result = issue_test$result,
    check = issue_test$check,
    flavors = issue_test$flavors,
    n_flavors = NA_integer_,
    message = issue_test$message

  res <- rbind(res, .iss)
  tibble::as_tibble(res[order(res$package), ])

##' @importFrom tibble tibble
cran_details_from_crandb <- function(pkg, ...) {
  dt <- get_cran_rds_file("details", ...)
  issues <- get_cran_rds_file("issues", ...)

  col_is_factor <- vapply(dt, is.factor, logical(1))

  for (i in seq_along(col_is_factor)) {
    if (col_is_factor[i]) {
      dt[[i]] <- as.character(dt[[i]])

  dt <- dt[dt[["package"]] %in% pkg, ]
  dt$status <- gsub("WARNING", "WARN", dt$status)
  .res <- default_cran_details

  for (.p in unique(dt$package)) {
    dt_p <- dt[dt$package == .p, ]
    for (.v in unique(dt_p$version)) {
      dt_v <- dt_p[dt_p$version == .v, ]
      for (.c in unique(dt_v$check)) {
        dt_c <- dt_v[dt_v$check == .c, ]
        for (.s in unique(dt_c$status)) {
          dt_s <- dt_c[dt_c$status == .s, ]
          .res <- tibble::add_row(.res,
            package = .p,
            version = .v,
            result = .s %~~% "",
            check = .c,
            flavors = paste(dt_s$flavor, collapse = ", ") %~~% "",
            n_flavors = length(dt_s$flavor),
            message = gsub("\\n", "\n   ", paste("  ", dt_s$output[1]))

  ## remove lines that don't have any issues
  .res$check <- replace(.res$check, .res$check == "*", "")

  issues <- issues[issues[["package"]] %in% pkg, ]
  issues <- tibble::as_tibble(issues)

  .iss <- tibble::tibble(
    package = as.character(issues$package),
    version = as.character(issues$version),
    result = rep("other_issue", nrow(issues)),
    check = as.character(issues$kind),
    flavors = character(nrow(issues)),
    n_flavors = integer(nrow(issues)),
    message = as.character(issues$href)

  res <- rbind(.res, .iss)
  convert_nas(res[order(res$package), ], replace_with = "")

##' Given the names of packages published on CRAN, return the output of
##' checks that return notes, warnings or errors.
##' @title Get details about the CRAN check results for packages
##' @param pkg character vector of the names for the packages on CRAN
##' @template src
##' @template dots
##' @template details
##' @return a \code{tibble} listing the names of the packages that have non- OK
##'     check results, the nature of the result (\code{WARN}, \code{ERROR},
##'     \code{FAIL}, \code{NOTE}, or other issues).
##' @export
##' @importFrom cli style_bold
cran_details <- function(pkg, src = c("website", "crandb"),
                         ...) {
  if (!is.character(pkg)) {
    stop(sQuote("pkg"), " is not a string.", call. = FALSE)

  src <- match.arg(src, c("website", "crandb"))

  if (identical(src, "website")) {
    res <- cran_details_from_web(pkg)
  } else if (identical(src, "crandb")) {
    res <- cran_details_from_crandb(pkg, ...)

  class(res) <- c("cran_details", class(res))
  attr(res, "pkgs") <- pkg

##' @importFrom cli symbol
render_flavors <- function(x) {
  ## transform the comma separated list of platform flavors into
  ## unordered list
  if (!is.na(x)) {
    res <- unlist(strsplit(x, ", "))
    paste("  ", cli::symbol$pointer, res, "\n")
  } else {

## @title Keep packages that have issues
## Only keeps the packages that have issues
## @param res output of cran_details()
## @return a tibble of packages that fail regular CRAN tests and/or that don't
##   have "Additional Issues"
filter_pkg_not_ok <- function(res) {
  res[res[["result"]] != "OK", ]

## @title Keep the packages that have no issues
## Only keep the packages that have no issues.
## @param res output of cran_details()
## @return a  tibble of packages that pass all CRAN tests
filter_pkg_ok <- function(res) {
  not_ok <- filter_pkg_not_ok(res)
  res[!res$package %in% not_ok$package, ]

##' @param object an object created by \code{cran_details}
##' @param show_log Should the messages of the \dQuote{Check Details}
##'     be printed? (logical)
##' @template print_ok
##' @rdname cran_details
##' @export
##' @importFrom cli col_green
##' @importFrom cli symbol
summary.cran_details <- function(object, show_log = TRUE, print_ok = TRUE, ...) {
  res_ok <- filter_pkg_ok(object)

  if (nrow(res_ok) > 0 && print_ok) {

  res_not_ok <- filter_pkg_not_ok(object)

  if (nrow(res_not_ok) < 1) {

    function(package, result, check, flavors, message) {
      cmpt <- foghorn_components[[result]]
      if (show_log) {
        msg <- message
      } else {
        msg <- character(0)
      cat( ## Type of CRAN message
          cmpt$symbol, " ",
          cli::style_bold(paste0(package, " - ", result)),
          ": ", check
        )), "\n",
        ## Flavors concerned
        render_flavors(flavors), "\n",
        ## Optionally the log output
        msg, "\n\n",
        sep = ""
    }, res_not_ok$package, tolower(res_not_ok$result), res_not_ok$check,
    res_not_ok$flavors, res_not_ok$message


##' @export
##' @rdname cran_details
summary_cran_details <- function(pkg, src = c("website", "crandb"),
                                 show_log = TRUE, print_ok = TRUE, ...) {
  res <- cran_details(pkg = pkg, src = src, ...)
  summary(res, show_log = show_log, print_ok = print_ok)
fmichonneau/foghorn documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:06 a.m.