
##' Create a phylogenetic tree
##' \code{phylo4} is a generic constructor that creates a phylogenetic tree
##' object for use in phylobase methods. Phylobase contains functions for input
##' of phylogenetic trees and data, manipulation of these objects including
##' pruning and subsetting, and plotting. The phylobase package also contains
##' translation functions to forms used in other comparative phylogenetic method
##' packages.
##' The minimum information necessary to create a phylobase tree object is a
##' valid edge matrix. The edge matrix describes the topology of the phylogeny.
##' Each row describes a branch of the phylogeny, with the (descendant) node
##' number in column 2 and its ancestor's node number in column 1. These numbers
##' are used internally and must be unique for each node.
##' The labels designate either nodes or edges. The vector \code{node.label}
##' names internal nodes, and together with \code{tip.label}, name all nodes in
##' the tree. The vector \code{edge.label} names all branches in the tree. All
##' label vectors are optional, and if they are not given, internally-generated
##' labels will be assigned. The labels, whether user-specified or internally
##' generated, must be unique as they are used to join species data with
##' phylogenetic trees.
##' \code{phylobase} also allows to create \code{phylo4} objects using
##' the function \code{phylo4()} from objects of the classes:
##' \code{phylo} (from \code{ape}), and \code{nexml} (from \code{RNeXML}).
##' @name phylo4-methods
##' @docType methods
##' @param x a matrix of edges or an object of class \code{phylo} (see above)
##' @param edge A numeric, two-column matrix with as many rows as branches in
##' the phylogeny.
##' @param edge.length Edge (branch) length. (Optional)
##' @param tip.label A character vector of species names (names of "tip" nodes).
##' (Optional)
##' @param node.label A character vector of internal node names. (Optional)
##' @param edge.label A character vector of edge (branch) names. (Optional)
##' @param order character: tree ordering (allowable values are listed in
##' \code{phylo4_orderings}, currently "unknown", "preorder" (="cladewise" in
##' \code{ape}), and "postorder", with "cladewise" and "pruningwise" also
##' allowed for compatibility with \code{ape})
##' @param check.node.labels if \code{x} is of class \code{phylo}, either "keep"
##' (the default) or "drop" node labels. This argument is useful if the
##' \code{phylo} object has non-unique node labels.
##' @param annote any additional annotation data to be passed to the new object
##' @param \dots optional arguments (none used at present).
##' @note Translation functions are available from many valid tree formats. See
##' \link{coerce-methods}.
##' @author phylobase team
##' @seealso \code{\link{coerce-methods}} for translation
##' functions. The \linkS4class{phylo4} class. See also the
##' \code{\link{phylo4d-methods}} constructor, and
##' \linkS4class{phylo4d} class.
##' @export
##' @aliases phylo4
##' @rdname phylo4-methods
##' @include internal-constructors.R phylo4-class.R oldclasses-class.R
##' @examples
##' # a three species tree:
##' mytree <- phylo4(x=matrix(data=c(4,1, 4,5, 5,2, 5,3, 0,4), ncol=2,
##' byrow=TRUE), tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
##' mytree
##' plot(mytree)
##' # another way to specify the same tree:
##' mytree <- phylo4(x=cbind(c(4, 4, 5, 5, 0), c(1, 5, 2, 3, 4)),
##' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
##' # another way:
##' mytree <- phylo4(x=rbind(c(4, 1), c(4, 5), c(5, 2), c(5, 3), c(0, 4)),
##' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC")) 
##' # with branch lengths:
##' mytree <- phylo4(x=rbind(c(4, 1), c(4, 5), c(5, 2), c(5, 3), c(0, 4)),
##' tip.label=c("speciesA", "speciesB", "speciesC"), edge.length=c(1, .2,
##' .8, .8, NA))
##' plot(mytree)
setGeneric("phylo4", function(x, ...) { standardGeneric("phylo4")} )

## ape orderings should be allowed for so we can import trees from ape
## e.g. during subsetting
##' @rdname phylo4-methods
##' @aliases phylo4_orderings
phylo4_orderings <- c("unknown", "preorder", "postorder",
                      "pruningwise", "cladewise")

##' @rdname phylo4-methods
##' @aliases phylo4,matrix-method
setMethod("phylo4", "matrix",
    function(x, edge.length = NULL, tip.label = NULL, node.label = NULL,
             edge.label = NULL, order="unknown", annote = list()) {

    ## edge
    edge <- x
    mode(edge) <- "integer"

    if(ncol(edge) > 2)
        warning("The edge matrix has more than two columns, ",
                "only the first two columns are considered.")
    edge <- as.matrix(edge[, 1:2])
    colnames(edge) <- c("ancestor", "descendant")

    ## create new phylo4 object and insert edge matrix
    res <- new("phylo4")
    res@edge <- edge

    ## get number of tips and number of nodes
    ## (these accessors work fine now that edge matrix exists)
    ntips <- nTips(res)
    nnodes <- nNodes(res)

    ## edge.length (drop elements if all are NA but keep the vector named)
    edge.length <- .createEdge(value=edge.length, edgeMat=edge, type="lengths",
    if (all(is.na(edge.length))) {
        edge.length <- numeric()
        attributes(edge.length) <- list(names=character(0))

    ## edge.label (drop NA elements)
    edge.label <- .createEdge(value=edge.label, edgeMat=edge, type="labels",
    edge.label <- edge.label[!is.na(edge.label)]

    ## tip.label (leave NA elements; let checkTree complain about it)
    tip.label <- .createLabels(value=tip.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,

    ## node.label (drop NA elements)
    node.label <- .createLabels(node.label, ntips=ntips, nnodes=nnodes,
    node.label <- node.label[!is.na(node.label)]

    ## populate the slots
    res@edge.length <- edge.length
    res@label <- c(tip.label, node.label)
    res@edge.label <- edge.label
    res@order <- order
    res@annote <- annote

    ## checkPhylo4 will return a character string if object is
    ##  bad, otherwise TRUE
    if (is.character(checkval <- checkPhylo4(res))) stop(checkval)

##' @rdname phylo4-methods
##' @aliases phylo4,phylo-method
setMethod("phylo4", c("phylo"), function(x, check.node.labels=c("keep",
  "drop"), annote=list()){

  check.node.labels <- match.arg(check.node.labels)
  if (check.node.labels == "drop") x$node.label <- NULL
  res <- as(x, "phylo4")
  #TODO?: make default annote arg NULL, and only assign if !is.null;
  # then update phylo4d methods accordingly (same thing with metadata?)
  res@annote <- annote


##' @rdname phylo4-methods
##' @aliases nexml,phylo4-method
setMethod("phylo4", c("nexml"), function(x) {
    tr <- RNeXML::get_trees_list(x)
    if (is.null(tr)) {
    else {
        if (length(tr) > 1) {
            warning("Only the first tree has been imported.")
fmichonneau/phylobase documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 2:29 a.m.