
Defines functions thredds_collapse_one_day

thredds_collapse_one_day <- function(d) {
  setnames(d, c("Var1", "Var2"), c("row", "col"))
  d[fd::senorge(), on = c("row", "col"), location_code := location_code]
  d[fd::senorge(), on = c("row", "col"), year := year]
  d <- d[!is.na(location_code)]
    on = c(
    location_code_current := municip_code_current
  res <- d[, .(
    value = mean(value, na.rm = T)
  ), keyby = .(location_code_current)]

  skeleton <- fd::norway_locations()[, c("municip_code")]
  skeleton[res, on = "municip_code==location_code_current", value := value]
  setnames(skeleton, "municip_code", "location_code")
  setorder(skeleton, location_code)

  skeleton[, value := zoo::na.locf(value)]


thredds_get_data_internal <- function(nc, dates) {
  res <- vector("list", length = length(dates))
  for (i in seq_along(res)) {
    tg <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "tg", start = c(1, 1, i), count = c(nc$dim$X$len, nc$dim$Y$len, 1))
    d <- reshape2::melt(tg)
    temp <- thredds_collapse_one_day(d)
    setnames(temp, "value", "tg")
    retval <- temp

    if ("tx" %in% names(nc$var)) {
      tx <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "tx", start = c(1, 1, i), count = c(nc$dim$X$len, nc$dim$Y$len, 1))
      d <- reshape2::melt(tx)
      temp <- thredds_collapse_one_day(d)
      retval[temp, on = "location_code", tx := value]
    } else {
      retval[, tx := as.numeric(NA)]

    if ("tn" %in% names(nc$var)) {
      tn <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "tn", start = c(1, 1, i), count = c(nc$dim$X$len, nc$dim$Y$len, 1))
      d <- reshape2::melt(tn)
      temp <- thredds_collapse_one_day(d)
      retval[temp, on = "location_code", tn := value]
    } else {
      retval[, tn := as.numeric(NA)]

    if ("rr" %in% names(nc$var)) {
      rr <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "rr", start = c(1, 1, i), count = c(nc$dim$X$len, nc$dim$Y$len, 1))
      d <- reshape2::melt(rr)
      temp <- thredds_collapse_one_day(d)
      retval[temp, on = "location_code", rr := value]
    } else {
      retval[, rr := as.numeric(NA)]

    res[[i]] <- retval
    res[[i]][, date := dates[i]]

  res <- rbindlist(res)
  # if duplicate rows of data, just take the first
  res[, rownum := 1:.N, by = .(location_code, date)]
  res <- res[rownum == 1]
  res[, rownum := NULL]


thredds_get_data <- function(year = NULL, date = NULL) {
  if (is.null(year) & is.null(date)) {
    stop("year AND date cannot be NULL")
  if (!is.null(year) & !is.null(date)) {
    stop("year AND date cannot both be NOT NULL")

  temp_dir <- fhi::temp_dir()
  if (!is.null(year)) {
    file <- glue::glue("seNorge2018_{year}.nc")
    url <- glue::glue("https://thredds.met.no/thredds/fileServer/senorge/seNorge_2018/Archive/{file}")
  } else {
    date <- stringr::str_remove_all(date, "-")
    file <- glue::glue("seNorge2018_{date}.nc")
    url <- glue::glue("https://thredds.met.no/thredds/fileServer/senorge/seNorge_2018/Latest/{file}")
  temp_file <- fs::path(temp_dir, file)



  nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(temp_file)
  dates <- as.Date("1900-01-01") + ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "time")
  res <- thredds_get_data_internal(nc = nc, dates = dates)

  if (!is.null(year) && year == 2019) {
    file <- "seNorge2018_20190101_20190623.nc"
    url <- glue::glue("https://thredds.met.no/thredds/fileServer/senorge/seNorge_2018/Archive/{file}")
    temp_file2 <- fs::path(temp_dir, file)



    nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(temp_file2)
    dates <- as.Date("1900-01-01") + ncdf4::ncvar_get(nc, "time")
    res2 <- thredds_get_data_internal(nc = nc, dates = dates)

    res[res2, on = c("location_code", "date"), remove := 1]
    res <- res[is.na(remove)]
    res[, remove := NULL]

    res <- rbind(res2, res)

  setcolorder(res, c("date", "location_code", "tg", "tx", "tn", "rr"))
  res[, forecast := FALSE]

  res[, border := config$border]


thredds_get_forecast_internal <- function(x_loc) {
  if (!x_loc %in% fd::norway_map_municips()$location_code) stop("not valid location")
  pos <- fd::norway_map_municips()[
    location_code == x_loc,
      lon = round(mean(long), 2),
      lat = round(mean(lat), 2)

  a <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://api.met.no/weatherapi/locationforecastlts/1.3/?lat={pos$lat}&lon={pos$lon}"), httr::content_type_xml())
  a <- xml2::read_xml(a$content)
  # xml2::write_xml(a, "/git/test.xml")
  baz <- xml2::xml_find_all(a, ".//maxTemperature")
  res <- vector("list", length = length(baz))
  for (i in seq_along(baz)) {
    parent <- xml2::xml_parent(baz[[i]])
    grandparent <- xml2::xml_parent(parent)
    time_from <- xml2::xml_attr(grandparent, "from")
    time_to <- xml2::xml_attr(grandparent, "to")
    x <- xml2::xml_find_all(parent, ".//minTemperature")
    temp_min <- xml2::xml_attr(x, "value")
    x <- xml2::xml_find_all(parent, ".//maxTemperature")
    temp_max <- xml2::xml_attr(x, "value")
    x <- xml2::xml_find_all(parent, ".//precipitation")
    precip <- xml2::xml_attr(x, "value")

    res[[i]] <- data.frame(
      time_from = as.character(time_from),
      time_to = as.character(time_to),
      tx = as.numeric(temp_max),
      tn = as.numeric(temp_min),
      rr = as.numeric(precip)
  res <- rbindlist(res)
  res <- res[stringr::str_sub(time_from, 12, 13) %in% c("00", "06", "12", "18")]
  res[, date := as.Date(stringr::str_sub(time_from, 1, 10))]
  res[, N := .N, by = date]
  res <- res[N == 4]
  res <- res[, .(
    tg = NA,
    tx = max(tx),
    tn = min(tn),
    rr = sum(rr)
  keyby = .(date)
  res[, forecast := TRUE]
  res[, location_code := x_loc]


thredds_get_forecast <- function() {
  res <- vector("list", length = nrow(fd::norway_locations()))
  pb <- fhi::txt_progress_bar(max = length(res))
  for (i in seq_along(res)) {
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    res[[i]] <- thredds_get_forecast_internal(x_loc = fd::norway_locations()$municip_code[i])
  res <- rbindlist(res)

  res[, border := config$border]


#' update_weather
#' Updates the weather db tables
#' @export
update_weather <- function() {
  field_types <- c(
    "date" = "DATE",
    "location_code" = "TEXT",
    "tg" = "DOUBLE",
    "tx" = "DOUBLE",
    "tn" = "DOUBLE",
    "rr" = "DOUBLE",
    "forecast" = "BOOLEAN",
    "border" = "INTEGER"

  keys <- c(

  weather <- schema$new(
    db_config = config$db_config,
    db_table = glue::glue("weather"),
    db_field_types = field_types,
    db_load_folder = "/xtmp/",
    keys = keys,
    check_fields_match = TRUE


  val <- weather$dplyr_tbl() %>%
    dplyr::filter(forecast == 0) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(last_date = max(date, na.rm = T)) %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%

  download_dates <- NULL
  download_years <- NULL

  if (is.na(val$last_date)) {
    download_years <- 2000:lubridate::year(lubridate::today())
  } else {
    last_date <- lubridate::today() - 1

    if (val$last_date >= last_date) {
      # do nothing
    } else if (val$last_date >= (last_date - 28)) {
      download_dates <- seq.Date(val$last_date, last_date, by = 1)
      download_dates <- as.character(download_dates)
    } else {
      download_years <- lubridate::year(val$last_date):lubridate::year(lubridate::today())

  if (!is.null(download_dates)) {
    for (i in download_dates) {
      msg(glue::glue("Downloading weather for {i}"))
      d <- thredds_get_data(date = i)

  if (!is.null(download_years)) {
    for (i in download_years) {
      msg(glue::glue("Downloading weather for {i}"))
      d <- thredds_get_data(year = i)

  if (!is.null(download_dates) | !is.null(download_years)) {
    d <- thredds_get_forecast()

  val <- weather$dplyr_tbl() %>%
    dplyr::summarize(last_date = max(date, na.rm = T)) %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%

    package = "weather",
    date_extraction = val$last_date,
    date_results = val$last_date,
    date_run = lubridate::today()

#' get_weather
#' Gets the weather, population weighted at county and national levels
#' @param impute_missing Do you want missing data imputed?
#' @export
get_weather <- function(impute_missing = FALSE) {
  conn <- get_db_connection()
  use_db(conn, "sykdomspuls")

  if (!DBI::dbExistsTable(conn, "weather")) update_weather()

  temp <- dplyr::tbl(conn, "weather") %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%

  if (impute_missing) {
    fit <- lme4::lmer(tx ~ tg + (1 | location_code), data = temp)
    temp[, tx_pred := stats::predict(fit, newdata = temp)]
    temp[is.na(tx) & !is.na(tx_pred), tx := tx_pred]
    temp[, tx_pred := NULL]

    fit <- lme4::lmer(tn ~ tg + (1 | location_code), data = temp)
    temp[, tn_pred := stats::predict(fit, newdata = temp)]
    temp[is.na(tn) & !is.na(tn_pred), tn := tn_pred]
    temp[, tn_pred := NULL]

    fit <- lme4::lmer(tg ~ tx + tn + (1 | location_code), data = temp)
    temp[, tg_pred := stats::predict(fit, newdata = temp)]
    temp[is.na(tg) & !is.na(tg_pred), tg := tg_pred]
    temp[, tg_pred := NULL]

  temp[, year := data.table::year(date)]
  to_merge <- fd::norway_fixing_merged_municips()[, c(
  temp <- merge(
    by.x = c("location_code", "year", "border"),
    by.y = c("municip_code_original", "year", "border_start"),
    all.x = T

  temp <- temp[, .(
    tg = mean(tg * weighting),
    tx = mean(tx * weighting),
    tn = mean(tn * weighting),
    rr = mean(rr * weighting),
    forecast = max(forecast)
  ), keyby = .(
    location_code = municip_code_current,

  pop <- fd::norway_population()[, .(
    pop = sum(pop)
  ), keyby = .(location_code, year)]

  temp[, year := fhi::isoyear_n(date)]
  temp[pop, on = c("location_code", "year"), pop := pop]
  temp <- temp[!is.na(pop)]

    on = "location_code==municip_code",
    county_code := county_code
  temp_county <- temp[year >= 2006, .(
    tg = sum(tg * pop) / sum(pop),
    tx = sum(tx * pop) / sum(pop),
    tn = sum(tn * pop) / sum(pop),
    rr = sum(rr * pop) / sum(pop),
    forecast = max(forecast)
  ), keyby = .(county_code, date)]
  setnames(temp_county, "county_code", "location_code")

  temp_national <- temp[year >= 2006, .(
    tg = sum(tg * pop) / sum(pop),
    tx = sum(tx * pop) / sum(pop),
    tn = sum(tn * pop) / sum(pop),
    rr = sum(rr * pop) / sum(pop),
    forecast = max(forecast)
  ), keyby = .(date)]
  temp_national[, location_code := "norge"]

  temp[, year := NULL]
  temp[, pop := NULL]
  temp[, county_code := NULL]
  temp <- rbind(temp, temp_county, temp_national)

  temp[, yrwk := fhi::isoyearweek(date)]

  temp[, forecast := as.logical(forecast)]

folkehelseinstituttet/fd documentation built on March 3, 2020, 12:23 p.m.