
Defines functions weight_allom

Documented in weight_allom

#' Attribute weights to equations
#' This function attributes a weight to each equation based on its sampling
#' size, and taxonomic and climatic similarity with the species/site combination
#' considered.
#' Each equation is given a weight by the function [weight_allom()], calculated
#' as the product of the following components:
#' (1) sample-size weight, calculated as:
#' \deqn{1-exp(-n*(log(20)/w95))}
#' where n is the sample size of the equation; the weight given to equations
#' with no sample size information is determined by argument `wna` (0.1 by
#' default).
#' (2) climate weight, based on the similarity between the climatic conditions
#' of the equation site and the target location, using the three-letter system
#' of Koppen's climate scheme. Climate weights associated with each combination
#' of two Koppen climates are provided in `data("koppenMatrix")`. The resulting
#' weight has a value between 1e-6 (different climate groups) and 1 (exactly the
#' same climate classification). When an equation was calibrated with trees from
#' several locations with different Koppen climates, the maximum value out of
#' all pairwise equation-site climate weights is used.
#' (3) taxonomic weight: equal to 1 for same species equations, 0.8 for same
#' genus equations, 0.5 for same family equations and for equations calibrated
#' for the same broad functional or taxonomic group (e.g. shrubs, conifers,
#' angiosperms). All other equations are given a low taxonomic weight of 1e-6:
#' these equations will have a significant relative weight in the final
#' prediction only when no other more specific equation is available.
#' @param genus a character value, containing the genus (e.g. "Quercus") of the
#'   tree.
#' @param coords a numeric vector of length 2 with longitude and latitude.
#' @param species a character vector (same length as genus), containing the
#'   species (e.g. "rubra") of the tree. Default is `NULL`, when no species
#'   identification is available.
#' @param new_eqtable Optional. An equation table created with the
#'   [new_equations()] function.
#' @param wna a numeric vector, this parameter is used in the [weight_allom()]
#'   function to determine the sample-size related weights attributed to
#'   equations without a specified sample size. Default is 0.1.
#' @param w95 a numeric vector, this parameter is used to determine the value at
#'   which the sample-size-related weight reaches 95% of its maximum value
#'   (max=1). Default is 500.
#' @return A named "numeric" vector with one weight for each equation.
#' @seealso [get_biomass()], [new_equations()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- weight_allom(
#'   genus = "Acer",
#'   species = "negundo",
#'   coords = c(-78.2, 38.9)
#' )
#' str(x)
#' head(x)
weight_allom <- function(genus,
                         species = NULL,
                         new_eqtable = NULL,
                         wna = 0.1,
                         w95 = 500) {
  if (!is.null(new_eqtable)) {
    dfequation <- new_eqtable
  } else {
    dfequation <- new_equations()

  ### sample size weight ####
  b <- log(20) / w95
  suppressWarnings(dfequation$wn <-
    (1 - exp(
      -b * as.numeric(dfequation$sample_size)
  dfequation$wn[is.na(dfequation$wn)] <- wna

  ### climate weight ####
  # (1) get koppen climate
  coords_site <- t(as.numeric(coords))
  rcoords_site <- round(coords_site * 2 - 0.5) / 2 + 0.25
  ## extract koppen climate of every location
  koppen_obs <- apply(rcoords_site, 1, function(xk) {
    subset(climatezones, Lon == xk[1] & Lat == xk[2])$Cls
  if (length(koppen_obs) == 0) {
      "The coordinates c(",
      paste(coords, collapse = ","),
      ") are not associated with a Koppen climate zone."
    dfequation$we <- 1e-6
  } else {
    kopmatrix <- subset(allodb::koppenMatrix, zone1 == koppen_obs)
    compare_koppen <- function(kopp) {
      kopp <- tolower(unlist(strsplit(kopp, ", |; |,|;")))
      max(subset(kopmatrix, tolower(zone2) %in% kopp)$we)
    dfequation$we <- vapply(dfequation$koppen, compare_koppen, FUN.VALUE = 0.9)
    ## error message when the koppen climate of the site does not correspond to
    ## any equation
    if (sum(dfequation$we) < 0.2) {
        "The Koppen climate zone corresponding to coordinates (",
        paste(coords, collapse = ", "),
        ") is ",
        " and is not represented in your equation table."

  ### taxo weight ####
  ## 'clean' equation taxa column and separate several taxa all character
  ## strings to lower cases to avoid inconsistencies
  dfequation$equation_taxa <- tolower(dfequation$equation_taxa)
  ## remove " sp." from genus in equation taxa
  dfequation$equation_taxa <-
    gsub(" sp//.", "", dfequation$equation_taxa)
  ## split by "/" when there are several species or families
  taxa <-
    data.table::tstrsplit(dfequation$equation_taxa, "/| / | /|/ ")
  taxa <- do.call(cbind, taxa)
  colnames(taxa) <- paste0("taxa", seq_len(ncol(taxa)))
  dfequation <- cbind(dfequation, taxa)
  ## get family of input genus
  genus_obs <- tolower(genus)
  genus_family <-
    subset(allodb::genus_family, tolower(genus) == genus_obs)
  family_obs <- tolower(genus_family$family)

  ## basic weight = 1e-6 (equations used only if no other is available)
  dfequation$wt <- 1e-6

  # same genus
  dfequation$wt[dfequation$taxa1 == genus_obs] <- 0.8
  # same genus, different species
  eqtaxa_g <- data.table::tstrsplit(dfequation$taxa1, " ")[[1]]
  eqtaxa_s <- data.table::tstrsplit(dfequation$taxa1, " ")[[2]]
  dfequation$wt[eqtaxa_g == genus_obs & !is.na(eqtaxa_s)] <- 0.7
  # same species
  dfequation$wt[dfequation$taxa1 == paste(genus_obs, species) |
    (dfequation$taxa2 == paste(genus_obs, species) &
      !is.na(dfequation$taxa2))] <- 1
  # # same family
  dfequation$wt[dfequation$taxa1 == family_obs |
    (!is.na(dfequation$taxa2) &
      dfequation$taxa2 == family_obs) |
    (!is.na(dfequation$taxa3) &
      dfequation$taxa3 == family_obs) |
    (!is.na(dfequation$taxa4) &
      dfequation$taxa4 == family_obs) |
    (!is.na(dfequation$taxa5) &
      dfequation$taxa5 == family_obs) |
    (!is.na(dfequation$taxa6) &
      dfequation$taxa6 == family_obs)] <- 0.5
  # generic equations
  ## conifers / gymnosperms?
  conifers <- allodb::gymno_genus$Genus[allodb::gymno_genus$conifer]
  # yes
  dfequation$wt[genus_obs %in% conifers &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "conifers"] <- 0.3
  # no
  dfequation$wt[!(genus_obs %in% allodb::gymno_genus$Genus) &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "broad-leaved species"] <-
  ## tree or shrub?
  shrub_genus <-
      " sp\\.",
      grep(" sp\\.", allodb::shrub_species, value = TRUE)
  # shrubs (all)
  dfequation$wt[(paste(genus_obs, species) %in% allodb::shrub_species |
    genus_obs %in% shrub_genus) &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "shrubs"] <- 0.3
  # shrubs (angio)
  dfequation$wt[(paste(genus_obs, species) %in% allodb::shrub_species |
    genus_obs %in% shrub_genus) &
    !(genus_obs %in% allodb::gymno_genus$Genus) &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "shrubs (angiosperms)"] <-
  # trees (all)
  dfequation$wt[!paste(genus_obs, species) %in% allodb::shrub_species &
    !genus_obs %in% shrub_genus &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "trees
                (angiosperms/gymnosperms)"] <-
  # trees (angio)
  dfequation$wt[!paste(genus_obs, species) %in% allodb::shrub_species &
    !genus_obs %in% shrub_genus &
    !(genus_obs %in% allodb::gymno_genus$Genus) &
    dfequation$equation_taxa == "trees (angiosperms)"] <-

  ### final weights ####
  # multiplicative weights: if one is zero, the total weight should be zero too
  dfequation$w <- dfequation$wn * dfequation$we * dfequation$wt

  vec_w <- dfequation$w
  names(vec_w) <- dfequation$equation_id
forestgeo/allodb documentation built on Oct. 25, 2021, 9:33 p.m.