
Defines functions paramEst nlmeNDiff

Documented in nlmeNDiff paramEst

#' Non-differential Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Model
#' Fit a bivariate generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM) for non-differential sensitivity and specificity using the \code{glmer} function in \code{lme4}. 
#' Lower and upper bounds for Se and Sp can be specified according to the assumptions of the study. 
#' @param data a data frame containing the 2 by 2 data of the diagnostics table of exposure status for every study in a meta-analysis.
#' It contains at least 4 columns in the data named as following: \code{n11} indicates the true positives, \code{n01} the false positives,
#' \code{n00} the true negatives and \code{n10} the false negatives. Each column is a vector of same length,
#' which is the number of meta-analysis study results used in the model.
#' @param lower an optional argument specifying the lower bound assumption of Se and Sp. Default to 0.5 (or the lowest Se/Sp of all studies, whichever is lower), which provides the mild assumption that Se and Sp are better than chance.
#' @param upper an optional argument specifying the upper bound assumption of Se and Sp. Default to 1.
#' @param id a TRUE of FALSE argument indicating if the supplied data has a \code{sid} column that gives same studies
#' the same subject ID. Default to FALSE, which assumes that all studies have different IDs.
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to \link[lme4]{glmer}.
#' @return It returns an object of class \link[lme4]{merMod}.
#' Besides generic class methods, \code{paramEst()} is implemented in \code{BayesSenMC} to get the parameter estimates used in the Bayesian misclassification model functions. 
#' @import lme4
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate rename select %>%
#' @importFrom stats binomial
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(bd_meta)
#' mod <- nlmeNDiff(bd_meta, lower = 0)

nlmeNDiff <- function(data, lower = 0.5, upper = 1, id = FALSE, ...) {
  # to get rid of cran global not defined warning
  N1 <- n11 <- n10 <- N0 <- n01 <- n00 <- a <- b <- Y <- N <- Se <- sid <- NULL
  if (id == FALSE) {
    data$sid <- seq(1, nrow(data))
  dat <- data %>% mutate(N1 = n11 + n10,
                        N0 = n01 + n00) %>%
    rename(a = n11, b = n00) %>%
    select(a, b, N1, N0, sid)
  # Se = 1 represents sensitivity, otherwise specificity
  dat_final <- merge(
    dat %>% mutate(Y = a, N = N1, Se = 1) %>% select(sid, Y, N, Se),
    dat %>% mutate(Y = b, N = N0, Se = 0) %>% select(sid, Y, N, Se), all = TRUE
  # make sure it will not crash with significantly high lower bound value
  if (lower > min(dat_final$Y / dat_final$N)) {
    lower <- min(lower, min(dat_final$Y / dat_final$N))
    message("The lower bound used in this model is changed to ", lower, 
                 " to prevent NaNs; see model specification for more details.")
  dat_final <- cbind(dat_final, as.numeric(dat_final$Se==0))
  names(dat_final)[c(5)] <- c("Sp")

  user_logis <- function(a, b) {
    linkfun <- function(mu) log((mu - a) / (a + b - mu))
    linkinv <- function(eta) a + b / (exp(-1*eta) + 1)
    mu.eta <- function(eta) b * exp(-1*eta) / (exp(-1*eta) + 1)**2
    valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
    link <- paste0("logit(", a, ", ", b, ")")
    structure(list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv,
                   mu.eta = mu.eta, valideta = valideta, name = link),
              class = "link-glm")
  mod <- glmer(cbind(Y, N - Y) ~ ((0 + Se + Sp) | sid) + Se, 
               data = dat_final, family = binomial(link = user_logis(lower, upper)), ...)
  attributes(mod)$type <- "nondiff"
  attributes(mod)$lower <- lower
  attributes(mod)$upper <- upper
  attributes(mod)$size <- nrow(data)


#' Parameter estimates of the GLMM model
#' Get parameter estimates of the GLMM model to plug into modeling functions in \code{BayesSenMC} for Bayesian inference of adjusted odds ratio.
#' @param model a GLMM model built with the \code{nlmeNDiff()} function.
#' @param lower an optional argument matching the lower bound assumption of Se and Sp of the input \code{model}. Default to 0.5 as in \code{nlmeNDiff()}.
#' @param upper an optional argument matching the upper bound assumption of Se and Sp. Default to 1 as in \code{nlmeNDiff}.
#' @return It returns a list of parameter estimates which can be input into the Bayesian model functions in
#' \code{BayesSenMC}. \code{(m.lg.se, s.lg.se)} and \code{(m.lg.sp, s.lg.sp)} are the logit prior distributions for Se and Sp.
#' \code{se} and \code{sp} are the corresponding mean values given the logit prior means. \code{rho} is the correlation estimate between Se and
#' Sp. \code{m.fisher} is the Fisher's mean of the correlation assume a Fisher's distribution.
#' @import lme4
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(bd_meta)
#' mod <- nlmeNDiff(bd_meta, lower = 0) # see \code{nlmeNDiff()} for detailed example.
#' prior_list <- paramEst(mod)

paramEst <- function(model, lower = 0.5, upper = 1) {
  if (is.null(attributes(model)$type) || is.null(attributes(model)$lower) 
      || is.null(attributes(model)$upper)) {
    stop("Model must be generated from the nlmeNdiff() function.")
  lower <- attr(model, "lower")
  upper <- attr(model, "upper")
  size <- attr(model, "size")
  if (attr(model, "type") == "nondiff") {
    s <- summary(model)
    alpha <- s$coefficients[1, 1] + s$coefficients[2, 1]
    beta <- s$coefficients[1, 1]
    s2Se <- s$varcor$sid[1]
    s2Sp <- s$varcor$sid[4]
    SeSp <- s$varcor$sid[2]
      m.lg.se = alpha,
      m.lg.sp = beta,
      s.lg.se = sqrt(s2Se),
      s.lg.sp = sqrt(s2Sp),
      se = (exp(alpha) / (1 + exp(alpha))) * (upper - lower) + lower,
      sp = (exp(beta) / (1 + exp(beta))) * (upper - lower) + lower,
      rho = SeSp/sqrt(s2Se*s2Sp),
      m.z = 0.5*(log(1+SeSp/sqrt(s2Se*s2Sp))-log(1-SeSp/sqrt(s2Se*s2Sp))),
      s.z = 1 / sqrt(size-3)
  else {stop("Model is not generated from nlmeNDiff().")}

formidify/BayesSenMC documentation built on Sept. 2, 2021, 6:36 a.m.