
save.session <- function(file, ...) {
  if (startsWith(file, ".")) {
    error("Must not be a hidden file")
  } else if (!is.null(dev.list())) {
    ## Got this line from the sessions package
    warning("Open graphics devices will be neither saved nor restored")

  ## now make the top-level dir folder for all saved
  if (!dir.exists("Saved_R_Sessions")) {
    ## we need to create a top-level folder

  ## make the completed path for the folder with the info and the session itself
  ## @TO_DO: Write a session info function that returns the information
  ##   from that file
  .full.path <- paste("Saved_R_Sessions/", file, sep="")
  if (!dir.exists(.full.path)) {
    ## print("Not found")

  ## next 2 lines from the "sessions" package
  .save.session.search <<- search()
  .save.session.packages <<- .packages()
  ## NOTE: Keep these hidden in case the user has some variable named either
  ## of the above in the environment
  .save.file.path <- paste(.full.path, "/", file,
                           ".RSession", sep = "")

  save(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv, all.names = TRUE), file = .save.file.path, ...)

  ## now we write the info
  .file.name <- paste(.full.path, "/", file,
                      "_info", sep="")
  .out <- sessionInfo()
  save(.out, file = .file.name)

  cat("Successfully saved session! :)", "\n")
  ## instead of print so that we can not have the [1] ... thingy

#' @title Save Current R Session with Custom Name
#' @name save.session
#' @description Given a string \code{name}, the function will save your
#'  current R. The session will be located in ~/Saved_R_Sessions/\code{name}.
#' @param \code{name} A string value naming the session about which you
#'   wish to learn.
#' @param \code{...} Additional arguments passed to \link{save()}[save].
#' @return NULL.
#' @details If no directory exists for either the sessions or a session with
#'   that name, the function will create those folders.
#' @keywords save, load, sessions, shiny, CMU
#' @export
frank113/CMU-Shiny-Server documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:23 p.m.