
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.align = "center",
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  echo = FALSE,
  fig.width = 7,
  height = 6

When writing R code, good comments are essential. Code comments are pieces of text that are not executed and serve as notes to describe what the code is doing. Comments serve to guide a reader through perhaps unfamiliar code. In general, code comments allow you to look at code from over six months ago and reason through the code.

Comments are denoted in R by one or more # in a line by itself. Observe the code below:

cat("This is text")
# Load the library and print some text

y <- 1356

### Comments can have multiple #s starting the lines

x <- 5 # A comment with code 

Note that in each line, everything after # is considered a comment. Also note that when knitting to .pdf and .html output, the comments with multiple #s seem to appear different in the output, yet are functionally identical to comments that begin with a single #.

frank113/cmu202 documentation built on July 17, 2020, 9:31 p.m.