
Defines functions npi_handle_response npi_get npi_api npi_config npi_url

#' Construct request URL using BASE_URL
#' @return The value of BASE_URL set internally in \code{R/utils.R}
#' @noRd
npi_url <- function() {

#' Specify configuration for API request
#' User can set their own user agent as a value for the
#' `npi_user_agent` option via options(). See \pkg{npi} for an example.
#' @noRd
npi_config <- function() {
    getOption("npi_user_agent", default = USER_AGENT)

#' Make generic API request and handle the response
#' @param verb A \pkg{httr} request verb such as GET, POST, etc.
#' @param url A URL to which the request will be sent.
#' @param config A list of key-value configuration parameters.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to be passed to `httr::modify_url()`.
#' @return A response object or error
#' @noRd
npi_api <- function(verb, url, config = list(), ...) {
  if (!curl::has_internet()) {
    msg <- "Unable to access Internet. Check network connection and try again."
    rlang::abort("internet_error", message = msg)

  FUN <- get(verb, envir = asNamespace("httr"))
  resp <- FUN(url, ..., config = c(npi_config(), config))

#' Make a GET request to the API
#' @noRd
npi_get <- function(url, ...) {
  npi_api("GET", url, ...)

#' Handle errors returned by the API
#' Inspects the API response object's status and handle problems as follows:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item Status codes of 400 or greater throw a \code{request_failed_error}
#'     \item Responses that do not return json content throw a
#'       \code{http_type_error}
#'     \item Responses containing other errors from the API throw a
#'       \code{request_logic_error}
#'   }
#' @param resp Response object from a REST API request
#' @return An error if present, otherwise the API response
#' @noRd
npi_handle_response <- function(resp) {
  resp_status <- httr::status_code(resp)
  resp_url <- resp$url

  if (resp_status >= 400L) {
    msg <- sprintf(
      "NPPES API request failed [%s]\n<%s>",

      message = msg,
      status = resp_status,
      url = resp_url

  # The API may return other content types during maintenance,
  # and we need the response to be JSON.
  resp_http_type <- httr::http_type(resp)
  if (resp_http_type != "application/json") {
    msg <- paste0("API returned ", resp_http_type, ", not JSON.")
    rlang::abort("http_type_error", message = msg)

  # The API returns structured errors, so let's print them nicely.
  errors <- httr::content(resp)$Errors

  if (!is.null(errors)) {
    pretty_errors <-
        ~ paste0("\nField: ", .x$field, "\n", .x$description)

    msg <- stringr::str_c(pretty_errors, collapse = "\n\nError: ")
      message = msg,
      url = resp_url

frankfarach/npi documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 11:15 p.m.